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Topics People Places |
Anukampā ("sympathy") 179 Sutta Links **
Anukampā & Karunā ("sympathy" or "compassion") 224 Sutta Links *
Aṭṭhakavagga ("Chapter of the Eights") 2 Suttas & 1 book ***
Awakening Factors ("awakening factor") 126 Sutta Links ***
(the individual factor words are used in so many different contexts that linking them would be useless)
Āsava ("defilement") 464 Sutta Links **
Final Body 33 Suttas ***
Mind-Made Body 13 Suttas ***
Mindfulness of the Body ("mindfulness of the body" or "observing an aspect of the body") 129 Suttas ***
Brahma Viharas - All ("love" and "compassion" and "rejoicing" and "equanimity") 38 Sutta Links ***
Mettā ("love") 214 Sutta Links ***
Karunā ("compassion" and not anukampā) 53 Suttas ****
Muditā ("rejoicing") 42 Sutta Links ***
Muditā, but not all 4 Brahma Viharas 3 Suttas ****
Upekkhā ("equanimity") 220 Sutta Links **
Cessation of Perception and Feeling ("Cessation of Perception and Feeling" + DN 9) 56 Suttas **
Clinging ("grasping") 296 Sutta Links ***
Concentration ("immersion") 767 Sutta Links ***
Consciousness (includes dependent origination, as meaning "mind", as aggregate, as sense consciousness, as 6th element, infinite consciousness, etc.) 506 Sutta Links ***
Cessation of Consciousness 8 Suttas ****
Dimension of Infinite Consciousness 74 Suttas **
Sense Consciousness ("eye consciousness" or "ear ..." or "nose ..." or "tounge ..." or "body ..." or "mind ...") 87 Sutta links ***
Contentment 78 Sutta Links **
Craving 335 Sutta Links ***
Origin of Suffering117 Suttas ****
Craving OR Origin of Suffering 428 Suttas ***
Craving AND Origin of Suffering 23 Suttas ****
Crossing the Flood ("flood" and "cross") 47 Suttas ***
Crossing to the Far Shore ("far shore" then edited) 50 Suttas & 1 book ****
Deathless ("deathless" or "freedom from death" or "cross over death") 107 Suttas **
Dependent Origination ("dependent origination" or "is a condition for" or "SN 12." or [individual suttas]) 135 Sutta Links **
"Dependent Origination" 25 Suttas * (clearly this phrase misses many, many suttas!)
Desire & Lust or Desire & Greed 83 Suttas ***
Dhamma in brief 44 Suttas ****
Diligent or Diligence 242 Sutta Links ***
Elements ("element" or ("earth" & "water" & "air" & "fire")) 252 Suttas **
4 Elements ("primary element" or ("earth" & "water" & "air" & "fire")) 101 Suttas **
5 Elements 1 Sutta **
6 Elements 12 Suttas ***
18 Elements [also includes "skilled in the elements"] 1 Sutta ***
2 Elements 3 Suttas ***
3 Elements 5 Suttas ***
7 Elements 1 Sutta ***
Fire Element Only 6 Suttas **
Mindfulness of the Elements 3 Suttas ***
Elements of Beauty & Ugliness 2 Suttas **
Many and Diverse Elements 6 Suttas ***
Diversity of Elements 14 Suttas ***
Elements Of Sensuality, Malice & Cruelty; Renunciation, Good Will & Harmlessness 2 Suttas **
Element of Ignorance 2 Suttas **
Elements Of Initiative, Persistence, and Exertion 4 Suttas **
Skill in the Elements 2 Suttas **
Converge Because of an Element 17 Suttas ***
Aggregates as Elements 6 Suttas ***
Elements of Escape 6 Suttas ***
Element Free of Death 4 Suttas ***
Element of Awakening ("element of extinguishment") 11 Suttas ***
Emptiness ("emptiness" or "empty" - with "empty hut", "empty bowl", etc removed) 31 Sutta Links ****
"Emptiness" 17 Sutta Links * (this word misses over 40% of the suttas on the subject)
Ethics 274 Sutta Links ***
Ethics, Concentration, Wisdom ("ethics" and "immersion" and "wisdom") 95 Suttas ***
Fetters 200 Sutta Links ***
Formless States (aka Immaterial States) ("formless states" or "dimension of ..." X 4) 107 Suttas ***
Dimension of Infinite Space 73 Suttas **
Dimension of Infinite Consciousness 74 Suttas **
Dimension of Nothingness 81 Suttas **
Neither Perception nor Non-Perception 93 Suttas ****
Gradual Training 32 Suttas ****
Ethics 274 Sutta Links ***
Guarding the Senses ("guard" and "sense doors" plus [individual suttas]) 61 Suttas **
Mindfulness and Situational Awareness (aka Clear Comprehension) 44 Suttas **
Contentment 78 Sutta Links **
Hinderances 85 Sutta Links **
Jhānas: all of J1-J4 ("first absorption" & "second absorption" & "third absorption" & "fourth absorption") 118 Sutta Links ***
Knowledge and Vision (or "truly knowing and seeing") 112 Sutta Links ***
Āsava ("defilement") 464 Sutta Links **
Graduated Discourse ("step by step, with a talk") 9 Suttas ***
Guarding the Senses ("guard" and "sense doors" plus [individual suttas]) 61 Suttas **
Hinderances 85 Sutta Links **
Immaculate Vision of the Dhamma / Dhamma Eye 'Everything that has a beginning has an end.' 16 Suttas ****
Jhāna ("jhāna" or "absorption" or "absorbed") 292 Sutta Links ***
Jhānas: any of J1-J4 ("first absorption" or "second absorption" or "third absorption" or "fourth absorption") 160 Sutta Links ***
Jhānas: all of J1-J4 ("first absorption" & "second absorption" & "third absorption" & "fourth absorption") 118 Sutta Links ***
Jhānas: all of J1-J4 plus Formless States ("first ... fourth absorption" & "dimension of ..." X 3) 40 Suttas ***
4 Jhānas vs 4 Formless States - Diff of Jhānas: any of J1-J4 vs Formless States
Jhāna Summary ("joy" & "rapture" & "tranquil" & "bliss" & "immersed") 32 Suttas ****
Jhāna Factors
Vitakka ("think" or "thought" and Not "they think:") 979 Sutta Links *
"Placing the Mind" with no mention of Vicara ("placing the mind" and Not "keeping it connected") 4 Suttas ****
Vitakka ("placing the mind" and Not "keeping it connected" and Not "first absorption" and Not "second absorption") 0 Suttas ****
Vicara ("keeping it connected") 110 Suttas **
Vicara ("keeping it connected" and Not "placing the mind" and Not "first absorption" and Not "second absorption") 0 Suttas ****
Vitakka and Vacara are verbal processes 2 Suttas ****
Piti ("rapture") (includes pitī as both a jhāna factor and a 7 Factors of Awakening factor) 229 Sutta Links **
Piti as a Jhāna factor ("raplure" and "first absorption" or "second absorption") 104 Sutta Links **
Sukha ("bliss") (includes "bliss" in other contexts beside the Jhānas) 226 Sutta Links **
Sukha as a Jhāna factor ("bliss" and "first absorption" or "second absorption") 104 Sutta Links **
Ekaggatā ("unification of mind") 14 Suttas ***
Karma ("deed" or "deeds") 338 Sutta Links ***
Knowledge and Vision (or "truly knowing and seeing") 112 Sutta Links ***
Middle Way 13 Suttas ***
Mindfulness ("mindful") 919 Sutta links ***
Mindfulness of the Body ("mindfulness of the body" or "observing an aspect of the body") 129 Suttas ***
Mindfulness of Breathing 38 Sutta Links **
Mindfulness of Postures 4 Suttas ****
Mindfulness and Situational Awareness (aka Clear Comprehension) 44 Suttas **
Mindfulness of the Parts of the Body ("In this body there is head hair") 8 Suttas *
Mindfulness of the Elements 3 Suttas ***
Mindfulness of Vedana ("observing an aspect of feeling") 78 Sutta Links ***
Mindfulness of the Mind ("observing an aspect of the mind") 22 Suttas **
Mindfulness of Dhammas ("observing an aspect of principles") 26 Suttas **
NāmaRūpa ("name and form") 76 Suttas ***
Nibbāna ("extinguishment") 268 Sutta Links ***
Perception ("perception" and not "neither perception nor non-perception" plus "DN 1") 418 Sutta Links ***
"Perception" (includes "neither perception nor non-perception") 510 Sutta Links ***
Neither Perception nor Non-Perception 93 Suttas ****
Renunciation 71 Suttas **
My Self 87 Suttas ***
Not My Self 58 Suttas ***
Vedanā ("feelings" or "feeling is a condition for") 220 Sutta Links **
Way to the Far Shore 6 Suttas & 1 Book ****
Wisdom 695 Sutta Links ***
Wise 261 Suttas ***
Wise or Wisdom 857 Sutta Links ***
Topics People Places |
Anāthapiṇḍika - All (includes both suttas where he appears and suttas given at his monastery) 268 Sutta Links ****
Anāthapiṇḍika ("Anāthapiṇḍika " or "Anāthapiṇḍika." or "Anāthapiṇḍika,") 25 Sutta Links ***
"Anāthapiṇḍikas monastery" 246 Suttas ****
Anuruddha 41 Suttas ****
Ānanda 199 Suttas ****
Citta, the elephant trainer's son 2 Suttas ****
Jīvaka 7 Suttas ****
Kassapa - all people with that name 79 Suttas ****
Mahākassapa 27 Suttas ***
Naked Ascetic Kassapa 5 Suttas ****
Kumāra-Kassapa ("Kassapa the Prince") 4 Suttas ****
Purana Kassapa 13 Suttas ****
Khemā 6 Suttas ****
King Ajātasattu 11 Suttas ****
King Bimbisāra 10 Suttas ****
King Pasenadi 52 Suttas ****
Kondañña 7 Suttas ****
Mahākaccāna 20 Suttas ****
MahāMoggallāna 71 Suttas ****
Mahāpajāpati Gotamī 7 Suttas ****
Queen Mallikā 10 Suttas ****
Rādha 51 Suttas ****
Rāhula 32 Suttas ****
Sāriputta 215 Suttas ****
Vacchagotta 66 Suttas ***
Visākhā, Migāras mother 8 Suttas ****
Wheel Turning Monarch 39 Suttas ***
Topics People Places |
"Anāthapiṇḍikas monastery" 246 Suttas ****
Jīvakas Mango Grove 7 Suttas ****
Kosambi 38 Suttas ****
Land of the Kurus (" Kuru") 15 Suttas ****
The Kuru town named "Kammasadamma" 8 Suttas ****
Nāḷandā 12 Suttas ****
Rajagaha 162 Suttas ****
Sāvatthī 962 Sutta Links ****
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