Clinging ("grasping")

296 Sutta Links ***

DN 1  The Divine Net  Brahmajālasutta
DN 14  The Great Discourse on Traces Left Behind  Mahāpadānasutta
DN 15  The Great Discourse on Causation  Mahānidānasutta
DN 22  The Longer Discourse on Mindfulness Meditation  Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta
DN 33  Reciting in Concert  Saṅgītisutta
DN 34  Up to Ten  Dasuttarasutta
MN 9  Right View  Sammādiṭṭhisutta
MN 10  Mindfulness Meditation  Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta
MN 11  The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar  Cūḷasīhanādasutta
MN 23  The Termite Mound  Vammikasutta
MN 24  Chariots at the Ready  Rathavinītasutta
MN 28  The Longer Simile of the Elephant’s Footprint  Mahāhatthipadopamasutta
MN 32  The Longer Discourse at Gosiṅga  Mahāgosiṅgasutta
MN 35  The Shorter Discourse With Saccaka  Cūḷasaccakasutta
MN 37  The Shorter Discourse on the Ending of Craving  Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhayasutta
MN 38  The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving  Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta
MN 44  The Shorter Elaboration  Cūḷavedallasutta
MN 54  With Potaliya the Householder  Potaliyasutta
MN 60  Unfailing  Apaṇṇakasutta
MN 74  With Dīghanakha  Dīghanakhasutta
MN 75  With Māgaṇḍiya  Māgaṇḍiyasutta
MN 92  With Sela  Selasutta
MN 98  With Vāseṭṭha  Vāseṭṭhasutta
MN 102  The Five and Three  Pañcattayasutta
MN 106  Conducive to the Imperturbable  Āneñjasappāyasutta
MN 109  The Longer Discourse on the Full-Moon Night  Mahāpuṇṇamasutta
MN 112  The Sixfold Purification  Chabbisodhanasutta
MN 115  Many Elements  Bahudhātukasutta
MN 122  The Longer Discourse on Emptiness  Mahāsuññatasutta
MN 130  Messengers of the Gods  Devadūtasutta
MN 138  The Analysis of a Recitation Passage  Uddesavibhaṅgasutta
MN 140  The Analysis of the Elements  Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta
MN 141  The Analysis of the Truths  Saccavibhaṅgasutta
MN 147  The Shorter Advice to Rāhula  Cūḷarāhulovādasutta
MN 148  Six By Six  Chachakkasutta
MN 149  The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Fields  Mahāsaḷāyatanikasutta
MN 151  The Purification of Alms  Piṇḍapātapārisuddhisutta
SN 1.70  The World  Lokasutta
SN 4.16  The Alms Bowls  Pattasutta
SN 11.20  Who Sakka Worships  Saṁghavandanāsutta
SN 12.1  Dependent Origination  Paṭiccasamuppādasutta
SN 12.2  Analysis  Vibhaṅgasutta
SN 12.4  About Vipassī  Vipassīsutta
SN 12.10  Gotama  Gotamasutta
SN 12.12  Phagguna of the Top-Knot  Moḷiyaphaggunasutta
SN 12.13  Ascetics and Brahmins  Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta
SN 12.14  Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd)  Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta
SN 12.15  Kaccānagotta  Kaccānagottasutta
SN 12.16  A Dhamma Speaker  Dhammakathikasutta
SN 12.20  Conditions  Paccayasutta
SN 12.23  Vital Conditions  Upanisasutta
SN 12.24  Followers of Other Religions  Aññatitthiyasutta
SN 12.27  Conditions  Paccayasutta
SN 12.28  A Mendicant  Bhikkhusutta
SN 12.29  Ascetics and Brahmins  Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta
SN 12.30  Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd)  Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta
SN 12.31  What Has Come to Be  Bhūtasutta
SN 12.32  With Kaḷāra the Aristocrat  Kaḷārasutta
SN 12.33  Grounds for Knowledge  Ñāṇavatthusutta
SN 12.35  Ignorance is a Condition  Avijjāpaccayasutta
SN 12.36  Ignorance is a Condition (2nd)  Dutiyaavijjāpaccayasutta
SN 12.39  Intention (2nd)  Dutiyacetanāsutta
SN 12.43  Suffering  Dukkhasutta
SN 12.44  The World  Lokasutta
SN 12.45  At Ñātika  Ñātikasutta
SN 12.49  A Noble Disciple  Ariyasāvakasutta
SN 12.50  A Noble Disciple (2nd)  Dutiyaariyasāvakasutta
SN 12.51  An Inquiry  Parivīmaṁsanasutta
SN 12.52  Grasping  Upādānasutta
SN 12.53  Fetters  Saṁyojanasutta
SN 12.54  Fetters (2nd)  Dutiyasaṁyojanasutta
SN 12.55  A Great Tree  Mahārukkhasutta
SN 12.56  A Great Tree (2nd)  Dutiyamahārukkhasutta
SN 12.57  A Sapling  Taruṇarukkhasutta
SN 12.60  Sources  Nidānasutta
SN 12.65  The City  Nagarasutta
SN 12.67  Bundles of Reeds  Naḷakalāpīsutta
SN 12.68  At Kosambī  Kosambisutta
SN 12.69  Surge  Upayantisutta
SN 12.70  The Wanderer Susīma  Susimaparibbājakasutta
SN 12.72-81  A Set of Ten on Rebirth, Etc.  Jātisuttādidasaka
SN 12.85    
SN 15.13  Thirty Mendicants  Tiṁsamattasutta
SN 17.10  With Verses  Sagāthakasutta
SN 18.22  Rid of Conceit  Apagatasutta
SN 21.5  With Sujāta  Sujātasutta
SN 22.3  With Hāliddikāni  Hāliddikānisutta
SN 22.4  Hāliddikāni (2nd)  Dutiyahāliddikānisutta
SN 22.5  Development of Immersion  Samādhisutta
SN 22.7  Anxiety Because of Grasping  Upādāparitassanāsutta
SN 22.8  Anxiety Because of Grasping (2nd)  Dutiyaupādāparitassanāsutta
SN 22.22  The Burden  Bhārasutta
SN 22.26  Gratification  Assādasutta
SN 22.27  Gratification (2nd)  Dutiyaassādasutta
SN 22.28  Gratification (3rd)  Tatiyaassādasutta
SN 22.45  Impermanence  Aniccasutta
SN 22.46  Impermanence (2nd)  Dutiyaaniccasutta
SN 22.47  Ways of Regarding  Samanupassanāsutta
SN 22.48  Aggregates  Khandhasutta
SN 22.56  Perspectives  Upādānaparipavattasutta
SN 22.57  Seven Cases  Sattaṭṭhānasutta
SN 22.58  The Fully Awakened Buddha  Sammāsambuddhasutta
SN 22.59  The Characteristic of Not-Self  Anattalakkhaṇasutta
SN 22.63  When You Grasp  Upādiyamānasutta
SN 22.72  With Surādha  Surādhasutta
SN 22.79  Itchy  Khajjanīyasutta
SN 22.80  Beggars  Piṇḍolyasutta
SN 22.82  A Full Moon Night  Puṇṇamasutta
SN 22.83  With Ānanda  Ānandasutta
SN 22.85  With Yamaka  Yamakasutta
SN 22.89  With Khemaka  Khemakasutta
SN 22.90  With Channa  Channasutta
SN 22.92  Rāhula (2nd)  Dutiyarāhulasutta
SN 22.100  A Leash (2nd)  Dutiyagaddulabaddhasutta
SN 22.101  The Adze  Vāsijaṭasutta
SN 22.103  Sides  Antasutta
SN 22.104  Suffering  Dukkhasutta
SN 22.105  Substantial Reality  Sakkāyasutta
SN 22.107  Ascetics (1st)  Samaṇasutta
SN 22.108  Ascetics (2nd)  Dutiyasamaṇasutta
SN 22.109  A Stream-Enterer  Sotāpannasutta
SN 22.110  A Perfected One  Arahantasutta
SN 22.112  Giving Up Desire (2nd)  Dutiyachandappahānasutta
SN 22.115  A Dhamma speaker  Dhammakathikasutta
SN 22.116  A Dhamma speaker (2nd)  Dutiyadhammakathikasutta
SN 22.121  Things Prone To Being Grasped  Upādāniyasutta
SN 22.122  An Ethical Mendicant  Sīlavantasutta
SN 22.123  Learned  Sutavantasutta
SN 22.125  With Kappa (2nd)  Dutiyakappasutta
SN 22.150  In Oneself  Ajjhattasutta
SN 22.151  This Is Mine  Etaṁmamasutta
SN 22.152  This Is My Self  Soattāsutta
SN 22.153  It Might Not Be Mine  Nocamesiyāsutta
SN 22.154  Wrong View  Micchādiṭṭhisutta
SN 22.155  Substantialist View  Sakkāyadiṭṭhisutta
SN 22.156  View of Self  Attānudiṭṭhisutta
SN 22.157  Insistence  Abhinivesasutta
SN 22.158  Insistence (2nd)  Dutiyaabhinivesasutta
SN 23.3  The Conduit To Rebirth  Bhavanettisutta
SN 23.5  Ascetics and Brahmins  Samaṇasutta
SN 23.6  Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd)  Dutiyasamaṇasutta
SN 23.7  A Stream-Enterer  Sotāpannasutta
SN 23.8  A Perfected One  Arahantasutta
SN 23.10  Desire and Greed (2nd)  Dutiyachandarāgasutta
SN 24.1  Winds  Vātasutta
SN 24.2  This Is Mine  Etaṁmamasutta
SN 24.3  This Is My Self  Soattāsutta
SN 24.4  It Might Not Be Mine  Nocamesiyāsutta
SN 24.5  There’s No Meaning in Giving  Natthidinnasutta
SN 24.6  Acting  Karotosutta
SN 24.7  Cause  Hetusutta
SN 24.8  The Extensive View  Mahādiṭṭhisutta
SN 24.9  The Cosmos is Eternal  Sassatadiṭṭhisutta
SN 24.10  The Cosmos Is Not Eternal  Asassatadiṭṭhisutta
SN 24.11  The Cosmos is Finite  Antavāsutta
SN 24.12  The Cosmos is Infinite  Anantavāsutta
SN 24.13  The Soul and the Body Are Identical  Taṁjīvaṁtaṁsarīraṁsutta
SN 24.14  The Soul and the Body Are Different Things  Aññaṁjīvaṁaññaṁsarīraṁsutta
SN 24.15  A Realized One Still Exists  Hotitathāgatosutta
SN 24.16  A Realized One No Longer Exists  Nahotitathāgatosutta
SN 24.17  A Realized One Both Still Exists and No Longer Exists  Hoticanacahotitathāgatosutta
SN 24.18  A Realized One Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists  Nevahotinanahotitathāgatosutta
SN 24.19  Winds  Vātasutta
SN 24.36  Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists  Nevahotinanahotisutta
SN 24.37  The Self Has Form  Rūpīattāsutta
SN 24.38  The Self Is Formless  Arūpīattāsutta
SN 24.45  Winds  Navātasutta
SN 24.70  The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering  Adukkhamasukhīsutta
SN 24.71  Winds  Navātasutta
SN 24.96  The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering  Adukkhamasukhīsutta
SN 35.28  Burning  Ādittasutta
SN 35.30  The Practice Fit for Uprooting  Samugghātasāruppasutta
SN 35.31  The Practice Conducive to Uprooting (1st)  Paṭhamasamugghātasappāyasutta
SN 35.60  The Complete Understanding of All Grasping  Sabbupādānapariññāsutta
SN 35.61  The Depletion of All Fuel (1st)  Paṭhamasabbupādānapariyādānasutta
SN 35.75  Sick (2nd)  Dutiyagilānasutta
SN 35.90  Turbulence (1st)  Paṭhamaejāsutta
SN 35.91  Turbulence (2nd)  Dutiyaejāsutta
SN 35.103  About Uddaka  Udakasutta
SN 35.105  Because of Grasping  Upādāyasutta
SN 35.106  The Origin of Suffering  Dukkhasamudayasutta
SN 35.107  The Origin of the World  Lokasamudayasutta
SN 35.108  I’m Better  Seyyohamasmisutta
SN 35.110  Things Prone to Being Grasped  Upādāniyasutta
SN 35.113  Listening In  Upassutisutta
SN 35.118  The Question of Sakka  Sakkapañhasutta
SN 35.119  The Question of Pañcasikha  Pañcasikhasutta
SN 35.121  Advice to Rāhula  Rāhulovādasutta
SN 35.123  Things Prone to Being Grasped  Upādāniyadhammasutta
SN 35.124  At Vesālī  Vesālīsutta
SN 35.131  Nakula’s Father  Nakulapitusutta
SN 35.155  A Dhamma Speaker  Dhammakathikapucchasutta
SN 35.234  With Udāyī  Udāyīsutta
SN 35.238  The Simile of the Vipers  Āsīvisopamasutta
SN 35.245  The Simile of the Parrot Tree  Kiṁsukopamasutta
SN 38.6  Ultimate Solace  Paramassāsappattasutta
SN 38.12  A Question About Grasping  Upādānapañhāsutta
SN 38.15  A Question About Substantial Reality  Sakkāyapañhāsutta
SN 44.6  With Sāriputta and Koṭṭhita (4th)  Catutthasāriputtakoṭṭhikasutta
SN 45.34  Going to the Far Shore  Pāraṅgamasutta
SN 45.48  Extinguishment by Not Grasping  Anupādāparinibbānasutta
SN 45.159  A Guest House  Āgantukasutta
SN 45.173  Grasping  Upādānasutta
SN 45.178  Grasping Aggregates  Upādānakkhandhasutta
SN 46.17  Going to the Far Shore  Pāraṅgamasutta
SN 46.30  With Udāyī  Udāyisutta
SN 47.11  A Great Man  Mahāpurisasutta
SN 47.95-104  Higher Fetters, Etc.  Oghavagga
SN 48.4  A Perfected One (1st)  Paṭhamaarahantasutta
SN 48.5  A Perfected One (2nd)  Dutiyaarahantasutta
SN 48.27  A Perfected One  Arahantasutta
SN 48.33  A Perfected One  Arahantasutta
SN 48.115-124  Floods, etc.  Oghavagga
SN 48.169-178  Another Series on Floods, Etc.  Punaoghavagga
SN 49.45-54  Floods, Etc.  Oghavagga
SN 50.99-108  Another Series on Floods, Etc.  Punaoghavagga
SN 51.77-86  Floods, Etc.  Oghavagga
SN 53.45-54  Floods, etc.  Oghavagga
SN 54.8  The Simile of the Lamp  Padīpopamasutta
SN 55.28  Dangers and Threats (1st)  Paṭhamabhayaverūpasantasutta
SN 56.11  Rolling Forth the Wheel of Dhamma  Dhammacakkappavattanasutta
SN 56.13  Aggregates  Khandhasutta
AN 1.591-592    “One thing, mendicants, when developed and cultivated leads
AN 2.138    “There are these two things. What two? Cleaning your own min
AN 3.36  Messengers of the Gods  Devadūtasutta
AN 3.57  With Vacchagotta  Vacchagottasutta
AN 3.61  Sectarian Tenets  Titthāyatanasutta
AN 3.67  Topics of Discussion  Kathāvatthusutta
AN 3.92  Urgent  Accāyikasutta
AN 3.130  With Anuruddha (2nd)  Dutiyaanuruddhasutta
AN 4.9  The Arising of Craving  Taṇhuppādasutta
AN 4.41  Ways of Developing Immersion Further  Samādhibhāvanāsutta
AN 4.90  Aggregates  Khandhasutta
AN 4.167  Moggallāna’s Practice  Mahāmoggallānasutta
AN 4.168  Sāriputta’s Practice  Sāriputtasutta
AN 4.175  With Upavāṇa  Upavāṇasutta
AN 4.254  Insight  Abhiññāsutta
AN 5.30  With Nāgita  Nāgitasutta
AN 5.179  A Layperson  Gihisutta
AN 6.23  Dangers  Bhayasutta
AN 6.45  Debt  Iṇasutta
AN 6.55  With Soṇa  Soṇasutta
AN 6.63  Penetrative  Nibbedhikasutta
AN 7.54  The Undeclared Points  Abyākatasutta
AN 7.55  Places People Are Reborn  Purisagatisutta
AN 7.61  Nodding Off  Pacalāyamānasutta
AN 7.71  Committed to Development  Bhāvanāsutta
AN 7.72  The Simile of the Bonfire  Aggikkhandhopamasutta
AN 8.2  Wisdom  Paññāsutta
AN 9.66  Grasping Aggregates  Upādānakkhandhasutta
AN 10.27  The Great Questions (1st)  Paṭhamamahāpañhāsutta
AN 10.29  Kosala (1st)  Paṭhamakosalasutta
AN 10.60  With Girimānanda  Girimānandasutta
AN 10.92  Dangers  Bhayasutta
AN 10.117  With Saṅgārava  Saṅgāravasutta
AN 10.118  The Near Shore  Orimatīrasutta
AN 10.169  With Saṅgārava  Saṅgāravasutta
AN 10.170  The Near Shore  Orimasutta
Dhp 20    
Dhp 89    
Dhp 352    
Dhp 414    
Ud 1.1  Upon Awakening (1st)  Paṭhamabodhisutta
Ud 1.2  Upon Awakening (2nd)  Dutiyabodhisutta
Ud 1.3  Upon Awakening (3rd)  Tatiyabodhisutta
Ud 1.10  With Bāhiya  Bāhiyasutta
Ud 3.2  With Nanda  Nandasutta
Ud 3.10  The World  Lokasutta
Ud 7.1  Bhaddiya the Dwarf (1st)  Paṭhamalakuṇḍakabhaddiyasutta
Iti 15  The Fetter of Craving  Taṇhāsaṁyojanasutta
Iti 81  Esteem  Sakkārasutta
Iti 94  Examination  Upaparikkhasutta
Iti 105  The Arising of Craving  Taṇhuppādasutta
Snp 1.9  With Hemavata  Hemavatasutta
Snp 2.12  Vaṅgīsa and His Mentor Nigrodhakappa  Nigrodhakappa (vaṅgīsa) sutta
Snp 2.13  The Right Way to Wander  Sammāparibbājanīyasutta
Snp 3.4  With Bhāradvāja of Sundarikā on the Sacrificial Cake  Pūraḷāsa (sundarikabhāradvāja) sutta
Snp 3.6  With Sabhiya  Sabhiyasutta
Snp 3.7  With Sela  Selasutta
Snp 3.9  With Vāseṭṭha  Vāseṭṭhasutta
Snp 3.12  3.12 Contemplating Pairs  Dvayatānupassanāsutta
Snp 4.4  Eight on the Pure  Suddhaṭṭhakasutta
Snp 4.14  Speedy  Tuvaṭakasutta
Thag 6.7  Kātiyāna  Kātiyānattheragāthā
Thag 6.8  Migajāla  Migajālattheragāthā
Thag 7.5  Sarabhaṅga  Sarabhaṅgattheragāthā
Thag 13.1  Soṇakoḷivisa  Soṇakoḷivisattheragāthā
Thag 15.1  Koṇḍañña Who Understood  Aññāsikoṇḍaññattheragāthā
Thag 16.1  Adhimutta (2nd)  Adhimuttattheragāthā
Thag 16.6  Sela  Selattheragāthā
Thag 16.7  Kāḷigodhāputtabhaddiya  Kāḷigodhāputtabhaddiyattheragāthā
Thag 16.8  Aṅgulimāla  Aṅgulimālattheragāthā
Thag 17.2  Sāriputta  Sāriputtattheragāthā
Thag 18.1  Mahākassapa  Mahākassapattheragāthā
Thag 21.1  Vaṅgīsa  Vaṅgīsattheragāthā
Thig 5.8  Soṇā  Soṇātherīgāthā

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Leigh Brasington / EmailAddr / Revised 15 Feb 25