DN 1 | The Divine Net | Brahmajālasutta |
DN 14 | The Great Discourse on Traces Left Behind | Mahāpadānasutta |
DN 15 | The Great Discourse on Causation | Mahānidānasutta |
DN 22 | The Longer Discourse on Mindfulness Meditation | Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta |
DN 33 | Reciting in Concert | Saṅgītisutta |
DN 34 | Up to Ten | Dasuttarasutta |
MN 9 | Right View | Sammādiṭṭhisutta |
MN 10 | Mindfulness Meditation | Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta |
MN 11 | The Shorter Discourse on the Lions Roar | Cūḷasīhanādasutta |
MN 23 | The Termite Mound | Vammikasutta |
MN 24 | Chariots at the Ready | Rathavinītasutta |
MN 28 | The Longer Simile of the Elephants Footprint | Mahāhatthipadopamasutta |
MN 32 | The Longer Discourse at Gosiṅga | Mahāgosiṅgasutta |
MN 35 | The Shorter Discourse With Saccaka | Cūḷasaccakasutta |
MN 37 | The Shorter Discourse on the Ending of Craving | Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
MN 38 | The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving | Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
MN 44 | The Shorter Elaboration | Cūḷavedallasutta |
MN 54 | With Potaliya the Householder | Potaliyasutta |
MN 60 | Unfailing | Apaṇṇakasutta |
MN 74 | With Dīghanakha | Dīghanakhasutta |
MN 75 | With Māgaṇḍiya | Māgaṇḍiyasutta |
MN 92 | With Sela | Selasutta |
MN 98 | With Vāseṭṭha | Vāseṭṭhasutta |
MN 102 | The Five and Three | Pañcattayasutta |
MN 106 | Conducive to the Imperturbable | Āneñjasappāyasutta |
MN 109 | The Longer Discourse on the Full-Moon Night | Mahāpuṇṇamasutta |
MN 112 | The Sixfold Purification | Chabbisodhanasutta |
MN 115 | Many Elements | Bahudhātukasutta |
MN 122 | The Longer Discourse on Emptiness | Mahāsuññatasutta |
MN 130 | Messengers of the Gods | Devadūtasutta |
MN 138 | The Analysis of a Recitation Passage | Uddesavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 140 | The Analysis of the Elements | Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta |
MN 141 | The Analysis of the Truths | Saccavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 147 | The Shorter Advice to Rāhula | Cūḷarāhulovādasutta |
MN 148 | Six By Six | Chachakkasutta |
MN 149 | The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Fields | Mahāsaḷāyatanikasutta |
MN 151 | The Purification of Alms | Piṇḍapātapārisuddhisutta |
SN 1.70 | The World | Lokasutta |
SN 4.16 | The Alms Bowls | Pattasutta |
SN 11.20 | Who Sakka Worships | Saṁghavandanāsutta |
SN 12.1 | Dependent Origination | Paṭiccasamuppādasutta |
SN 12.2 | Analysis | Vibhaṅgasutta |
SN 12.4 | About Vipassī | Vipassīsutta |
SN 12.10 | Gotama | Gotamasutta |
SN 12.12 | Phagguna of the Top-Knot | Moḷiyaphaggunasutta |
SN 12.13 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.14 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.15 | Kaccānagotta | Kaccānagottasutta |
SN 12.16 | A Dhamma Speaker | Dhammakathikasutta |
SN 12.20 | Conditions | Paccayasutta |
SN 12.23 | Vital Conditions | Upanisasutta |
SN 12.24 | Followers of Other Religions | Aññatitthiyasutta |
SN 12.27 | Conditions | Paccayasutta |
SN 12.28 | A Mendicant | Bhikkhusutta |
SN 12.29 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.30 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.31 | What Has Come to Be | Bhūtasutta |
SN 12.32 | With Kaḷāra the Aristocrat | Kaḷārasutta |
SN 12.33 | Grounds for Knowledge | Ñāṇavatthusutta |
SN 12.35 | Ignorance is a Condition | Avijjāpaccayasutta |
SN 12.36 | Ignorance is a Condition (2nd) | Dutiyaavijjāpaccayasutta |
SN 12.39 | Intention (2nd) | Dutiyacetanāsutta |
SN 12.43 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 12.44 | The World | Lokasutta |
SN 12.45 | At Ñātika | Ñātikasutta |
SN 12.49 | A Noble Disciple | Ariyasāvakasutta |
SN 12.50 | A Noble Disciple (2nd) | Dutiyaariyasāvakasutta |
SN 12.51 | An Inquiry | Parivīmaṁsanasutta |
SN 12.52 | Grasping | Upādānasutta |
SN 12.53 | Fetters | Saṁyojanasutta |
SN 12.54 | Fetters (2nd) | Dutiyasaṁyojanasutta |
SN 12.55 | A Great Tree | Mahārukkhasutta |
SN 12.56 | A Great Tree (2nd) | Dutiyamahārukkhasutta |
SN 12.57 | A Sapling | Taruṇarukkhasutta |
SN 12.60 | Sources | Nidānasutta |
SN 12.65 | The City | Nagarasutta |
SN 12.67 | Bundles of Reeds | Naḷakalāpīsutta |
SN 12.68 | At Kosambī | Kosambisutta |
SN 12.69 | Surge | Upayantisutta |
SN 12.70 | The Wanderer Susīma | Susimaparibbājakasutta |
SN 12.72-81 | A Set of Ten on Rebirth, Etc. | Jātisuttādidasaka |
SN 12.85 | ||
SN 15.13 | Thirty Mendicants | Tiṁsamattasutta |
SN 17.10 | With Verses | Sagāthakasutta |
SN 18.22 | Rid of Conceit | Apagatasutta |
SN 21.5 | With Sujāta | Sujātasutta |
SN 22.3 | With Hāliddikāni | Hāliddikānisutta |
SN 22.4 | Hāliddikāni (2nd) | Dutiyahāliddikānisutta |
SN 22.5 | Development of Immersion | Samādhisutta |
SN 22.7 | Anxiety Because of Grasping | Upādāparitassanāsutta |
SN 22.8 | Anxiety Because of Grasping (2nd) | Dutiyaupādāparitassanāsutta |
SN 22.22 | The Burden | Bhārasutta |
SN 22.26 | Gratification | Assādasutta |
SN 22.27 | Gratification (2nd) | Dutiyaassādasutta |
SN 22.28 | Gratification (3rd) | Tatiyaassādasutta |
SN 22.45 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.46 | Impermanence (2nd) | Dutiyaaniccasutta |
SN 22.47 | Ways of Regarding | Samanupassanāsutta |
SN 22.48 | Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 22.56 | Perspectives | Upādānaparipavattasutta |
SN 22.57 | Seven Cases | Sattaṭṭhānasutta |
SN 22.58 | The Fully Awakened Buddha | Sammāsambuddhasutta |
SN 22.59 | The Characteristic of Not-Self | Anattalakkhaṇasutta |
SN 22.63 | When You Grasp | Upādiyamānasutta |
SN 22.72 | With Surādha | Surādhasutta |
SN 22.79 | Itchy | Khajjanīyasutta |
SN 22.80 | Beggars | Piṇḍolyasutta |
SN 22.82 | A Full Moon Night | Puṇṇamasutta |
SN 22.83 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 22.85 | With Yamaka | Yamakasutta |
SN 22.89 | With Khemaka | Khemakasutta |
SN 22.90 | With Channa | Channasutta |
SN 22.92 | Rāhula (2nd) | Dutiyarāhulasutta |
SN 22.100 | A Leash (2nd) | Dutiyagaddulabaddhasutta |
SN 22.101 | The Adze | Vāsijaṭasutta |
SN 22.103 | Sides | Antasutta |
SN 22.104 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.105 | Substantial Reality | Sakkāyasutta |
SN 22.107 | Ascetics (1st) | Samaṇasutta |
SN 22.108 | Ascetics (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇasutta |
SN 22.109 | A Stream-Enterer | Sotāpannasutta |
SN 22.110 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 22.112 | Giving Up Desire (2nd) | Dutiyachandappahānasutta |
SN 22.115 | A Dhamma speaker | Dhammakathikasutta |
SN 22.116 | A Dhamma speaker (2nd) | Dutiyadhammakathikasutta |
SN 22.121 | Things Prone To Being Grasped | Upādāniyasutta |
SN 22.122 | An Ethical Mendicant | Sīlavantasutta |
SN 22.123 | Learned | Sutavantasutta |
SN 22.125 | With Kappa (2nd) | Dutiyakappasutta |
SN 22.150 | In Oneself | Ajjhattasutta |
SN 22.151 | This Is Mine | Etaṁmamasutta |
SN 22.152 | This Is My Self | Soattāsutta |
SN 22.153 | It Might Not Be Mine | Nocamesiyāsutta |
SN 22.154 | Wrong View | Micchādiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.155 | Substantialist View | Sakkāyadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.156 | View of Self | Attānudiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.157 | Insistence | Abhinivesasutta |
SN 22.158 | Insistence (2nd) | Dutiyaabhinivesasutta |
SN 23.3 | The Conduit To Rebirth | Bhavanettisutta |
SN 23.5 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇasutta |
SN 23.6 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇasutta |
SN 23.7 | A Stream-Enterer | Sotāpannasutta |
SN 23.8 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 23.10 | Desire and Greed (2nd) | Dutiyachandarāgasutta |
SN 24.1 | Winds | Vātasutta |
SN 24.2 | This Is Mine | Etaṁmamasutta |
SN 24.3 | This Is My Self | Soattāsutta |
SN 24.4 | It Might Not Be Mine | Nocamesiyāsutta |
SN 24.5 | Theres No Meaning in Giving | Natthidinnasutta |
SN 24.6 | Acting | Karotosutta |
SN 24.7 | Cause | Hetusutta |
SN 24.8 | The Extensive View | Mahādiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.9 | The Cosmos is Eternal | Sassatadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.10 | The Cosmos Is Not Eternal | Asassatadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.11 | The Cosmos is Finite | Antavāsutta |
SN 24.12 | The Cosmos is Infinite | Anantavāsutta |
SN 24.13 | The Soul and the Body Are Identical | Taṁjīvaṁtaṁsarīraṁsutta |
SN 24.14 | The Soul and the Body Are Different Things | Aññaṁjīvaṁaññaṁsarīraṁsutta |
SN 24.15 | A Realized One Still Exists | Hotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.16 | A Realized One No Longer Exists | Nahotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.17 | A Realized One Both Still Exists and No Longer Exists | Hoticanacahotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.18 | A Realized One Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists | Nevahotinanahotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.19 | Winds | Vātasutta |
SN 24.36 | Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists | Nevahotinanahotisutta |
SN 24.37 | The Self Has Form | Rūpīattāsutta |
SN 24.38 | The Self Is Formless | Arūpīattāsutta |
SN 24.45 | Winds | Navātasutta |
SN 24.70 | The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering | Adukkhamasukhīsutta |
SN 24.71 | Winds | Navātasutta |
SN 24.96 | The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering | Adukkhamasukhīsutta |
SN 35.28 | Burning | Ādittasutta |
SN 35.30 | The Practice Fit for Uprooting | Samugghātasāruppasutta |
SN 35.31 | The Practice Conducive to Uprooting (1st) | Paṭhamasamugghātasappāyasutta |
SN 35.60 | The Complete Understanding of All Grasping | Sabbupādānapariññāsutta |
SN 35.61 | The Depletion of All Fuel (1st) | Paṭhamasabbupādānapariyādānasutta |
SN 35.75 | Sick (2nd) | Dutiyagilānasutta |
SN 35.90 | Turbulence (1st) | Paṭhamaejāsutta |
SN 35.91 | Turbulence (2nd) | Dutiyaejāsutta |
SN 35.103 | About Uddaka | Udakasutta |
SN 35.105 | Because of Grasping | Upādāyasutta |
SN 35.106 | The Origin of Suffering | Dukkhasamudayasutta |
SN 35.107 | The Origin of the World | Lokasamudayasutta |
SN 35.108 | Im Better | Seyyohamasmisutta |
SN 35.110 | Things Prone to Being Grasped | Upādāniyasutta |
SN 35.113 | Listening In | Upassutisutta |
SN 35.118 | The Question of Sakka | Sakkapañhasutta |
SN 35.119 | The Question of Pañcasikha | Pañcasikhasutta |
SN 35.121 | Advice to Rāhula | Rāhulovādasutta |
SN 35.123 | Things Prone to Being Grasped | Upādāniyadhammasutta |
SN 35.124 | At Vesālī | Vesālīsutta |
SN 35.131 | Nakulas Father | Nakulapitusutta |
SN 35.155 | A Dhamma Speaker | Dhammakathikapucchasutta |
SN 35.234 | With Udāyī | Udāyīsutta |
SN 35.238 | The Simile of the Vipers | Āsīvisopamasutta |
SN 35.245 | The Simile of the Parrot Tree | Kiṁsukopamasutta |
SN 38.6 | Ultimate Solace | Paramassāsappattasutta |
SN 38.12 | A Question About Grasping | Upādānapañhāsutta |
SN 38.15 | A Question About Substantial Reality | Sakkāyapañhāsutta |
SN 44.6 | With Sāriputta and Koṭṭhita (4th) | Catutthasāriputtakoṭṭhikasutta |
SN 45.34 | Going to the Far Shore | Pāraṅgamasutta |
SN 45.48 | Extinguishment by Not Grasping | Anupādāparinibbānasutta |
SN 45.159 | A Guest House | Āgantukasutta |
SN 45.173 | Grasping | Upādānasutta |
SN 45.178 | Grasping Aggregates | Upādānakkhandhasutta |
SN 46.17 | Going to the Far Shore | Pāraṅgamasutta |
SN 46.30 | With Udāyī | Udāyisutta |
SN 47.11 | A Great Man | Mahāpurisasutta |
SN 47.95-104 | Higher Fetters, Etc. | Oghavagga |
SN 48.4 | A Perfected One (1st) | Paṭhamaarahantasutta |
SN 48.5 | A Perfected One (2nd) | Dutiyaarahantasutta |
SN 48.27 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 48.33 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 48.115-124 | Floods, etc. | Oghavagga |
SN 48.169-178 | Another Series on Floods, Etc. | Punaoghavagga |
SN 49.45-54 | Floods, Etc. | Oghavagga |
SN 50.99-108 | Another Series on Floods, Etc. | Punaoghavagga |
SN 51.77-86 | Floods, Etc. | Oghavagga |
SN 53.45-54 | Floods, etc. | Oghavagga |
SN 54.8 | The Simile of the Lamp | Padīpopamasutta |
SN 55.28 | Dangers and Threats (1st) | Paṭhamabhayaverūpasantasutta |
SN 56.11 | Rolling Forth the Wheel of Dhamma | Dhammacakkappavattanasutta |
SN 56.13 | Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
AN 1.591-592 | One thing, mendicants, when developed and cultivated leads | |
AN 2.138 | There are these two things. What two? Cleaning your own min | |
AN 3.36 | Messengers of the Gods | Devadūtasutta |
AN 3.57 | With Vacchagotta | Vacchagottasutta |
AN 3.61 | Sectarian Tenets | Titthāyatanasutta |
AN 3.67 | Topics of Discussion | Kathāvatthusutta |
AN 3.92 | Urgent | Accāyikasutta |
AN 3.130 | With Anuruddha (2nd) | Dutiyaanuruddhasutta |
AN 4.9 | The Arising of Craving | Taṇhuppādasutta |
AN 4.41 | Ways of Developing Immersion Further | Samādhibhāvanāsutta |
AN 4.90 | Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
AN 4.167 | Moggallānas Practice | Mahāmoggallānasutta |
AN 4.168 | Sāriputtas Practice | Sāriputtasutta |
AN 4.175 | With Upavāṇa | Upavāṇasutta |
AN 4.254 | Insight | Abhiññāsutta |
AN 5.30 | With Nāgita | Nāgitasutta |
AN 5.179 | A Layperson | Gihisutta |
AN 6.23 | Dangers | Bhayasutta |
AN 6.45 | Debt | Iṇasutta |
AN 6.55 | With Soṇa | Soṇasutta |
AN 6.63 | Penetrative | Nibbedhikasutta |
AN 7.54 | The Undeclared Points | Abyākatasutta |
AN 7.55 | Places People Are Reborn | Purisagatisutta |
AN 7.61 | Nodding Off | Pacalāyamānasutta |
AN 7.71 | Committed to Development | Bhāvanāsutta |
AN 7.72 | The Simile of the Bonfire | Aggikkhandhopamasutta |
AN 8.2 | Wisdom | Paññāsutta |
AN 9.66 | Grasping Aggregates | Upādānakkhandhasutta |
AN 10.27 | The Great Questions (1st) | Paṭhamamahāpañhāsutta |
AN 10.29 | Kosala (1st) | Paṭhamakosalasutta |
AN 10.60 | With Girimānanda | Girimānandasutta |
AN 10.92 | Dangers | Bhayasutta |
AN 10.117 | With Saṅgārava | Saṅgāravasutta |
AN 10.118 | The Near Shore | Orimatīrasutta |
AN 10.169 | With Saṅgārava | Saṅgāravasutta |
AN 10.170 | The Near Shore | Orimasutta |
Dhp 20 | ||
Dhp 89 | ||
Dhp 352 | ||
Dhp 414 | ||
Ud 1.1 | Upon Awakening (1st) | Paṭhamabodhisutta |
Ud 1.2 | Upon Awakening (2nd) | Dutiyabodhisutta |
Ud 1.3 | Upon Awakening (3rd) | Tatiyabodhisutta |
Ud 1.10 | With Bāhiya | Bāhiyasutta |
Ud 3.2 | With Nanda | Nandasutta |
Ud 3.10 | The World | Lokasutta |
Ud 7.1 | Bhaddiya the Dwarf (1st) | Paṭhamalakuṇḍakabhaddiyasutta |
Iti 15 | The Fetter of Craving | Taṇhāsaṁyojanasutta |
Iti 81 | Esteem | Sakkārasutta |
Iti 94 | Examination | Upaparikkhasutta |
Iti 105 | The Arising of Craving | Taṇhuppādasutta |
Snp 1.9 | With Hemavata | Hemavatasutta |
Snp 2.12 | Vaṅgīsa and His Mentor Nigrodhakappa | Nigrodhakappa (vaṅgīsa) sutta |
Snp 2.13 | The Right Way to Wander | Sammāparibbājanīyasutta |
Snp 3.4 | With Bhāradvāja of Sundarikā on the Sacrificial Cake | Pūraḷāsa (sundarikabhāradvāja) sutta |
Snp 3.6 | With Sabhiya | Sabhiyasutta |
Snp 3.7 | With Sela | Selasutta |
Snp 3.9 | With Vāseṭṭha | Vāseṭṭhasutta |
Snp 3.12 | 3.12 Contemplating Pairs | Dvayatānupassanāsutta |
Snp 4.4 | Eight on the Pure | Suddhaṭṭhakasutta |
Snp 4.14 | Speedy | Tuvaṭakasutta |
Thag 6.7 | Kātiyāna | Kātiyānattheragāthā |
Thag 6.8 | Migajāla | Migajālattheragāthā |
Thag 7.5 | Sarabhaṅga | Sarabhaṅgattheragāthā |
Thag 13.1 | Soṇakoḷivisa | Soṇakoḷivisattheragāthā |
Thag 15.1 | Koṇḍañña Who Understood | Aññāsikoṇḍaññattheragāthā |
Thag 16.1 | Adhimutta (2nd) | Adhimuttattheragāthā |
Thag 16.6 | Sela | Selattheragāthā |
Thag 16.7 | Kāḷigodhāputtabhaddiya | Kāḷigodhāputtabhaddiyattheragāthā |
Thag 16.8 | Aṅgulimāla | Aṅgulimālattheragāthā |
Thag 17.2 | Sāriputta | Sāriputtattheragāthā |
Thag 18.1 | Mahākassapa | Mahākassapattheragāthā |
Thag 21.1 | Vaṅgīsa | Vaṅgīsattheragāthā |
Thig 5.8 | Soṇā | Soṇātherīgāthā |
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