Anukampā & Karunā ("sympathy" or "compassion")

224 Sutta Links *

(This index is known to be incomplete)

DN 1  The Divine Net  Brahmajālasutta
DN 2  The Fruits of the Ascetic Life  Sāmaññaphalasutta
DN 8  The Lion’s Roar to the Naked Ascetic Kassapa  Mahāsīhanādasutta
DN 10  With Subha  Subhasutta
DN 13  Experts in the Three Vedas  Tevijjasutta
DN 14  The Great Discourse on Traces Left Behind  Mahāpadānasutta
DN 16  The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment  Mahāparinibbānasutta
DN 17  King Mahāsudassana  Mahāsudassanasutta
DN 18  With Janavasabha  Janavasabhasutta
DN 19  The Great Steward  Mahāgovindasutta
DN 20  The Great Congregation  Mahāsamayasutta
DN 23  With Pāyāsi  Pāyāsisutta
DN 25  The Lion’s Roar at the Monastery of Lady Udumbarikā  Udumbarikasutta
DN 26  The Wheel-Turning Monarch  Cakkavattisutta
DN 29  An Impressive Discourse  Pāsādikasutta
DN 30  The Marks of a Great Man  Lakkhaṇasutta
DN 31  Advice to Sigālaka  Siṅgālasutta
DN 32  The Āṭānāṭiya Protection  Āṭānāṭiyasutta
DN 33  Reciting in Concert  Saṅgītisutta
DN 34  Up to Ten  Dasuttarasutta
MN 3  Heirs in the Teaching  Dhammadāyādasutta
MN 4  Fear and Dread  Bhayabheravasutta
MN 7  The Simile of the Cloth  Vatthasutta
MN 8  Self-Effacement  Sallekhasutta
MN 12  The Longer Discourse on the Lion’s Roar  Mahāsīhanādasutta
MN 19  Two Kinds of Thought  Dvedhāvitakkasutta
MN 21  The Simile of the Saw  Kakacūpamasutta
MN 26  The Noble Quest  Pāsarāsisutta
MN 27  The Shorter Simile of the Elephant’s Footprint  Cūḷahatthipadopamasutta
MN 31  The Shorter Discourse at Gosiṅga  Cūḷagosiṅgasutta
MN 36  The Longer Discourse With Saccaka  Mahāsaccakasutta
MN 38  The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving  Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta
MN 39  The Longer Discourse at Assapura  Mahāassapurasutta
MN 40  The Shorter Discourse at Assapura  Cūḷaassapurasutta
MN 41  The People of Sālā  Sāleyyakasutta
MN 43  The Great Elaboration  Mahāvedallasutta
MN 49  On the Invitation of Brahmā  Brahmanimantanikasutta
MN 50  The Rebuke of Māra  Māratajjanīyasutta
MN 51  With Kandaraka  Kandarakasutta
MN 52  The Wealthy Citizen  Aṭṭhakanāgarasutta
MN 54  With Potaliya the Householder  Potaliyasutta
MN 55  With Jīvaka  Jīvakasutta
MN 58  With Prince Abhaya  Abhayarājakumārasutta
MN 62  The Longer Advice to Rāhula  Mahārāhulovādasutta
MN 83  About King Maghadeva  Maghadevasutta
MN 85  With Prince Bodhi  Bodhirājakumārasutta
MN 86  With Aṅgulimāla  Aṅgulimālasutta
MN 88  The Imported Cloth  Bāhitikasutta
MN 94  With Ghoṭamukha  Ghoṭamukhasutta
MN 97  With Dhanañjāni  Dhanañjānisutta
MN 99  With Subha  Subhasutta
MN 101  At Devadaha  Devadahasutta
MN 103  Is This What You Think Of Me?  Kintisutta
MN 106  Conducive to the Imperturbable  Āneñjasappāyasutta
MN 107  With Moggallāna the Accountant  Gaṇakamoggallānasutta
MN 112  The Sixfold Purification  Chabbisodhanasutta
MN 114  What Should and Should Not Be Cultivated  Sevitabbāsevitabbasutta
MN 118  Mindfulness of Breathing  Ānāpānassatisutta
MN 122  The Longer Discourse on Emptiness  Mahāsuññatasutta
MN 127  With Anuruddha  Anuruddhasutta
MN 128  Corruptions  Upakkilesasutta
MN 135  The Shorter Analysis of Deeds  Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasutta
MN 137  The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields  Saḷāyatanavibhaṅgasutta
MN 142  The Analysis of Religious Donations  Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅgasutta
MN 143  Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika  Anāthapiṇḍikovādasutta
MN 152  The Development of the Faculties  Indriyabhāvanāsutta
SN 1.35  Disdain  Ujjhānasaññisutta
SN 2.9  The Moon  Candimasutta
SN 2.10  The Sun  Sūriyasutta
SN 3.13  A Bucket of Rice  Doṇapākasutta
SN 4.5  Māra’s Snares (2nd)  Dutiyamārapāsasutta
SN 4.13  A Splinter  Sakalikasutta
SN 4.14  Appropriate  Patirūpasutta
SN 6.1  The Appeal of Brahmā  Brahmāyācanasutta
SN 7.14  A well-to-do brahmin  Mahāsālasutta
SN 7.21  With Saṅgārava  Saṅgāravasutta
SN 8.4  With Ānanda  Ānandasutta
SN 9.1  Seclusion  Vivekasutta
SN 9.2  Getting Up  Upaṭṭhānasutta
SN 9.5  With Ānanda  Ānandasutta
SN 9.7  With Nāgadatta  Nāgadattasutta
SN 9.8  The Mistress of the House  Kulagharaṇīsutta
SN 9.9  A Vajji  Vajjiputtasutta
SN 9.11  Unskillful Thoughts  Akusalavitakkasutta
SN 9.13  Undisciplined Faculties  Pākatindriyasutta
SN 9.14  The Thief of Scent  Gandhatthenasutta
SN 10.2  With a Spirit Named Sakka  Sakkanāmasutta
SN 16.3  Like the Moon  Candūpamāsutta
SN 16.5  Old Age  Jiṇṇasutta
SN 16.11  Robes  Cīvarasutta
SN 21.2  With Upatissa  Upatissasutta
SN 22.85  With Yamaka  Yamakasutta
SN 22.87  With Vakkali  Vakkalisutta
SN 22.88  With Assaji  Assajisutta
SN 22.90  With Channa  Channasutta
SN 35.74  Sick (1st)  Paṭhamagilānasutta
SN 35.75  Sick (2nd)  Dutiyagilānasutta
SN 35.146  The Cessation of Action  Kammanirodhasutta
SN 41.7  With Godatta  Godattasutta
SN 42.7  The Simile of the Field  Khettūpamasutta
SN 42.8  A Horn Blower  Saṅkhadhamasutta
SN 42.9  Families  Kulasutta
SN 42.13  With Pāṭaliya  Pāṭaliyasutta
SN 43.1  Mindfulness of the Body  Kāyagatāsatisutta
SN 43.11  The Path  Maggaṅgasutta
SN 43.12  The Unconditioned  Asaṅkhatasutta
SN 43.44  The Haven  Parāyanasutta
SN 46.54  Full of Love  Mettāsahagatasutta
SN 46.63  Compassion  Karuṇāsutta
SN 47.10  The Nuns’ Quarters  Bhikkhunupassayasutta
SN 47.18  With Brahmā  Brahmasutta
SN 47.19  At Sedaka  Sedakasutta
SN 47.29  With Sirivaḍḍha  Sirivaḍḍhasutta
SN 47.43  The Path  Maggasutta
SN 47.48  Friends  Mittasutta
SN 51.10  At the Cāpāla Shrine  Cetiyasutta
SN 55.3  With Dīghāvu  Dīghāvuupāsakasutta
SN 55.16  Friends and Colleagues (1st)  Paṭhamamittāmaccasutta
SN 55.17  Friends and Colleagues (2nd)  Dutiyamittāmaccasutta
SN 55.26  Anāthapiṇḍika (1st)  Paṭhamaanāthapiṇḍikasutta
SN 55.27  With Anāthapiṇḍika (2nd)  Dutiyaanāthapiṇḍikasutta
SN 56.26  Friends  Mittasutta
AN 1.170    “One person, mendicants, arises in the world for the welfare
AN 1.395-401    “If, mendicants, a mendicant develops the second … third … o
AN 1.495-574    They develop the faculty of faith together with the first ab
AN 2.30    “Mendicants, I see two reasons to frequent remote lodgings i
AN 2.36    So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sā
AN 2.150    “There are these two kinds of sympathy. What two? Sympathy i
AN 2.280    “For two reasons the Realized One laid down training rules f
AN 2.281-309    “For two reasons the Realized One laid down for his disciple
AN 3.26  Associates  Sevitabbasutta
AN 3.63  At Venāgapura  Venāgapurasutta
AN 3.64  With Sarabha  Sarabhasutta
AN 3.65  With the Kālāmas of Kesamutta  Kesamuttisutta
AN 3.66  With Sāḷha and His Friend  Sāḷhasutta
AN 3.70  Sabbath  Uposathasutta
AN 3.75  Support  Nivesakasutta
AN 4.8  Self-assured  Vesārajjasutta
AN 4.125  Love (1st)  Paṭhamamettāsutta
AN 4.126  Love (2nd)  Dutiyamettāsutta
AN 4.159  Nun  Bhikkhunīsutta
AN 4.160  The Training of a Holy One  Sugatavinayasutta
AN 4.185  Truths of the Brahmins  Brāhmaṇasaccasutta
AN 4.190  Sabbath  Uposathasutta
AN 4.198  Fervent Mortification of Oneself  Attantapasutta
AN 5.7  Sensual Pleasures  Kāmasutta
AN 5.33  With Uggaha  Uggahasutta
AN 5.38  Faith  Saddhasutta
AN 5.44  Agreeable  Manāpadāyīsutta
AN 5.73  One Who Lives by the Teaching (1st)  Paṭhamadhammavihārīsutta
AN 5.74  One Who Lives by the Teaching (2nd)  Dutiyadhammavihārīsutta
AN 5.75  Warriors (1st)  Paṭhamayodhājīvasutta
AN 5.143  At Sārandada  Sārandadasutta
AN 5.161  Getting Rid of Resentment (1st)  Paṭhamaāghātapaṭivinayasutta
AN 5.162  Getting Rid of Resentment (2nd)  Dutiyaāghātapaṭivinayasutta
AN 5.166  Cessation  Nirodhasutta
AN 5.192  With the Brahmin Doṇa  Doṇabrāhmaṇasutta
AN 5.200  Elements of Escape  Nissāraṇīyasutta
AN 5.235  A Compassionate Mendicant  Anukampasutta
AN 6.13  Elements of Escape  Nissāraṇīyasutta
AN 6.16  Nakula’s Father  Nakulapitusutta
AN 6.54  About Dhammika  Dhammikasutta
AN 6.56  With Phagguna  Phaggunasutta
AN 7.37  A Friend (2nd)  Dutiyamittasutta
AN 7.57  General Sīha  Sīhasenāpatisutta
AN 7.74  About Araka  Arakasutta
AN 8.1  The Benefits of Love  Mettāsutta
AN 8.41  The Sabbath With Eight Factors, In Brief  Saṁkhittūposathasutta
AN 8.42  The Sabbath With Eight Factors, In Detail  Vitthatūposathasutta
AN 8.43  With Visākhā on the Sabbath  Visākhāsutta
AN 8.45  With Bojjhā on the Sabbath  Bojjhasutta
AN 8.46  Anuruddha and the Agreeable Deities  Anuruddhasutta
AN 8.47  With Visākhā on the Lovable Gods  Dutiyavisākhāsutta
AN 8.48  With Nakula’s Mother on the Lovable Gods  Nakulamātāsutta
AN 8.63  A Teaching in Brief  Saṁkhittasutta
AN 8.70  Earthquakes  Bhūmicālasutta
AN 9.18  The Sabbath with Nine Factors  Navaṅguposathasutta
AN 9.40  The Simile of the Bull Elephant in the Forest  Nāgasutta
AN 10.60  With Girimānanda  Girimānandasutta
AN 10.99  With Upāli  Upālisutta
AN 10.176  With Cunda  Cundasutta
AN 10.211  Heaven and Hell (1st)  Paṭhamanirayasaggasutta
AN 10.212  Heaven and Hell (2nd)  Dutiyanirayasaggasutta
AN 10.216  Creepy Creatures  Saṁsappanīyasutta
AN 10.217  Intentional (1st)  Paṭhamasañcetanikasutta
AN 10.219  The Body Born of Deeds  Karajakāyasutta
AN 11.13  With Nandiya  Nandiyasutta
AN 11.16  The Wealthy Citizen  Aṭṭhakanāgarasutta
AN 11.982  Untitled Discourse on Greed  ~
Ud 1.10  With Bāhiya  Bāhiyasutta
Ud 3.3  With Yasoja  Yasojasutta
Ud 6.1  Surrendering the Life Force  Āyusaṅkhārossajjanasutta
Ud 8.6  The Layfolk of Pāṭali Village  Pāṭaligāmiyasutta
Iti 27  The Meditation on Love  Mettābhāvanāsutta
Iti 39  Teaching  Desanāsutta
Iti 75  A Rainless Cloud  Avuṭṭhikasutta
Iti 83  Five Warning Signs  Pañcapubbanimittasutta
Iti 84  For the Welfare of the People  Bahujanahitasutta
Iti 100  The Holy Offering of the Teaching  Brāhmaṇadhammayāgasutta
Snp 1.3  The Horned Rhino  Khaggavisāṇasutta
Snp 2.14  With Dhammika  Dhammikasutta
Snp 3.11  About Nālaka  Nālakasutta
Snp 5.6  The Questions of Dhotaka  Dhotakamāṇavapucchā
Thag 1.109  Saṅgharakkhita  Saṁgharakkhitattheragāthā
Thag 2.28  Bharata  Bharatattheragāthā
Thag 3.7  Vāraṇa  Vāraṇattheragāthā
Thag 3.8  Vassika  Vassikattheragāthā
Thag 5.4  Sumana (1st)  Sumanattheragāthā
Thag 7.3  Bhadda  Bhaddattheragāthā
Thag 7.5  Sarabhaṅga  Sarabhaṅgattheragāthā
Thag 10.4  Cūḷapanthaka  Cūḷapanthakattheragāthā
Thag 12.2  Sunīta  Sunītattheragāthā
Thag 14.1  Revata of the Acacia Wood  Khadiravaniyarevatattheragāthā
Thag 16.1  Adhimutta (2nd)  Adhimuttattheragāthā
Thag 16.8  Aṅgulimāla  Aṅgulimālattheragāthā
Thag 17.1  Phussa  Phussattheragāthā
Thag 17.3  Ānanda  Ānandattheragāthā
Thag 19.1  Tālapuṭa  Tālapuṭattheragāthā
Thag 21.1  Vaṅgīsa  Vaṅgīsattheragāthā
Thig 5.12  Candā  Candātherīgāthā
Thig 6.2  Vāseṭṭhī  Vāseṭṭhītherīgāthā
Thig 6.4  Sujātā  Sujātātherīgāthā
Thig 6.5  Anopamā  Anopamātherīgāthā
Thig 9.1  Vaḍḍha’s Mother  Vaḍḍhamātutherīgāthā

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Leigh Brasington / EmailAddr / Revised 02 Feb 25