A more accurate translation would be "care" rather than "sympathy"
This index was created by taking the Anukampā & Karunā ("sympathy" & "compassion") index and removing all Karunā ("compassion" and not anukampā) links. Then the "sympathy" links and other relevant links from the Sujato Database were manually added. All suttas that contains both Karunā and Anukampā may not be included in this list. Suttas that contain "compassion" but neither Karunā or Anukampā are in this list. Most links will lead to a sutta that contains Anukampā, but please check the Pāḷi carefully. (This link may be helpful for doing that: http://leighb.com/paliinsuttas.htm)
DN 1 | The Divine Net | Brahmajalasutta |
DN 2 | The Fruits of the Ascetic Life | Samaññaphalasutta |
DN 8 | The Lions Roar to the Naked Ascetic Kassapa | Mahasihanadasutta |
DN 10 | With Subha | Subhasutta |
DN 14 | The Great Discourse on Traces Left Behind | Mahāpadānasutta |
DN 16 | The Great Discourse on the Buddhas Extinguishment | Mahaparinibbanasutta |
DN 18 | With Janavasabha | Janavasabhasutta |
DN 19 | The Great Steward | Mahāgovindasutta |
DN 23 | With Payasi | Payasisutta |
DN 25 | The Lions Roar at the Monastery of Lady Udumbarikā | Udumbarikasutta |
DN 29 | An Impressive Discourse | Pasadikasutta |
DN 30 | The Marks of a Great Man | Lakkhanasutta |
DN 31 | Advice to Sigalaka | Singalasutta |
DN 32 | The Atanatiya Protection | Atanatiyasutta |
DN 33 | Reciting in Concert | Saṅgītisutta |
MN 3 | Heirs in the Teaching | Dhammadayadasutta |
MN 4 | Fear and Dread | Bhayabheravasutta |
MN 8 | Self-Effacement | Sallekhasutta |
MN 12 | The Longer Discourse on the Lions Roar | Mahasihanadasutta |
MN 19 | Two Kinds of Thought | Dvedhavitakkasutta |
MN 21 | The Simile of the Saw | Kakacupamasutta |
MN 26 | The Noble Quest | Pāsarāsisutta |
MN 27 | The Shorter Simile of the Elephants Footprint | Culahatthipadopamasutta |
MN 31 | The Shorter Discourse at Gosinga | Culagosingasutta |
MN 36 | The Longer Discourse With Saccaka | Mahasaccakasutta |
MN 38 | The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving | Mahatanhasankhayasutta |
MN 39 | The Longer Discourse at Assapura | Mahaassapurasutta |
MN 41 | The People of Sala | Saleyyakasutta |
MN 49 | On the Invitation of Brahma | Brahmanimantanikasutta |
MN 51 | With Kandaraka | Kandarakasutta |
MN 54 | With Potaliya the Householder | Potaliyasutta |
MN 58 | With Prince Abhaya | Abhayarajakumarasutta |
MN 85 | With Prince Bodhi | Bodhirājakumārasutta |
MN 88 | The Imported Cloth | Bahitikasutta |
MN 94 | With Ghotamukha | Ghotamukhasutta |
MN 97 | With Dhanañjāni | Dhanañjānisutta |
MN 99 | With Subha | Subhasutta |
MN 101 | At Devadaha | Devadahasutta |
MN 103 | Is This What You Think Of Me? | Kintisutta |
MN 106 | Conducive to the Imperturbable | Aneñjasappayasutta |
MN 107 | With Moggallana the Accountant | Ganakamoggallanasutta |
MN 112 | The Sixfold Purification | Chabbisodhanasutta |
MN 114 | What Should and Should Not Be Cultivated | Sevitabbasevitabbasutta |
MN 122 | The Longer Discourse on Emptiness | Mahasuññatasutta |
MN 128 | Corruptions | Upakkilesasutta |
MN 135 | The Shorter Analysis of Deeds | Culakammavibhangasutta |
MN 137 | The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields | Salayatanavibhangasutta |
MN 142 | The Analysis of Religious Donations | Dakkhinavibhangasutta |
MN 143 | Advice to Anathapindika | Anathapindikovadasutta |
MN 152 | The Development of the Faculties | Indriyabhavanasutta |
SN 1.35 | Disdain | Ujjhanasaññisutta |
SN 2.9 | The Moon | Candimasutta |
SN 2.10 | The Sun | Suriyasutta |
SN 3.13 | A Bucket of Rice | Donapakasutta |
SN 4.5 | Maras Snares (2nd) | Dutiyamarapasasutta |
SN 4.13 | A Splinter | Sakalikasutta |
SN 4.14 | Appropriate | Patirupasutta |
SN 7.14 | A well-to-do brahmin | Mahasalasutta |
SN 7.21 | With Sangarava | Sangaravasutta |
SN 8.4 | With Ananda | Anandasutta |
SN 9.1 | Seclusion | Vivekasutta |
SN 9.2 | Getting Up | Upatthanasutta |
SN 9.5 | With Ananda | Anandasutta |
SN 9.7 | With Nagadatta | Nagadattasutta |
SN 9.8 | The Mistress of the House | Kulagharanisutta |
SN 9.9 | A Vajji | Vajjiputtasutta |
SN 9.11 | Unskillful Thoughts | Akusalavitakkasutta |
SN 9.13 | Undisciplined Faculties | Pakatindriyasutta |
SN 9.14 | The Thief of Scent | Gandhatthenasutta |
SN 10.2 | With a Spirit Named Sakka | Sakkanamasutta |
SN 16.3 | Like the Moon | Candūpamāsutta |
SN 16.5 | Old Age | Jinnasutta |
SN 16.11 | Robes | Civarasutta |
SN 21.2 | With Upatissa | Upatissasutta |
SN 22.85 | With Yamaka | Yamakasutta |
SN 22.87 | With Vakkali | Vakkalisutta |
SN 22.88 | With Assaji | Assajisutta |
SN 22.90 | With Channa | Channasutta |
SN 35.74 | Sick (1st) | Pathamagilanasutta |
SN 35.75 | Sick (2nd) | Dutiyagilanasutta |
SN 35.146 | The Cessation of Action | Kammanirodhasutta |
SN 42.7 | The Simile of the Field | Khettupamasutta |
SN 42.9 | Families | Kulasutta |
SN 43.1 | Mindfulness of the Body | Kayagatasatisutta |
SN 43.11 | The Path | Maggangasutta |
SN 43.12 | The Unconditioned | Asankhatasutta |
SN 43.44 | The Haven | Parayanasutta |
SN 47.10 | The Nuns Quarters | Bhikkhunupassayasutta |
SN 47.18 | With Brahma | Brahmasutta |
SN 47.29 | With Sirivaddha | Sirivaddhasutta |
SN 47.43 | The Path | Maggasutta |
SN 47.48 | Friends | Mittasutta |
SN 51.10 | At the Capala Shrine | Cetiyasutta |
SN 55.3 | With Dighavu | Dighavuupasakasutta |
SN 55.16 | Friends and Colleagues (1st) | Paṭhamamittāmaccasutta |
SN 55.17 | Friends and Colleagues (2nd) | Dutiyamittāmaccasutta |
SN 55.26 | Anathapindika (1st) | Pathamaanathapindikasutta |
SN 55.27 | With Anathapindika (2nd) | Dutiyaanathapindikasutta |
SN 56.26 | Friends | Mittasutta |
AN 1.170 | One person, mendicants, arises in the world for the welfare | |
AN 2.30 | Mendicants, I see two reasons to frequent remote lodgings i | |
AN 2.36 | So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sa | |
AN 2.150 | There are these two kinds of sympathy. What two? Sympathy i | |
AN 2.280 | For two reasons the Realized One laid down training rules f | |
AN 2.281-309 | For two reasons the Realized One laid down for his disciple | |
AN 3.26 | Associates | Sevitabbasutta |
AN 3.64 | With Sarabha | Sarabhasutta |
AN 3.70 | Sabbath | Uposathasutta |
AN 3.75 | Support | Nivesakasutta |
AN 4.8 | Self-assured | Vesarajjasutta |
AN 4.159 | Nun | Bhikkhunisutta |
AN 4.160 | The Training of a Holy One | Sugatavinayasutta |
AN 4.185 | Truths of the Brahmins | Brahmanasaccasutta |
AN 4.198 | Fervent Mortification of Oneself | Attantapasutta |
AN 5.7 | Sensual Pleasures | Kamasutta |
AN 5.33 | With Uggaha | Uggahasutta |
AN 5.38 | Faith | Saddhasutta |
AN 5.44 | Agreeable | Manapadayisutta |
AN 5.73 | One Who Lives by the Teaching (1st) | Pathamadhammaviharisutta |
AN 5.74 | One Who Lives by the Teaching (2nd) | Dutiyadhammaviharisutta |
AN 5.75 | Warriors (1st) | Pathamayodhajivasutta |
AN 5.143 | At Sarandada | Sarandadasutta |
AN 5.162 | Getting Rid of Resentment (2nd) | Dutiyaāghātapaṭivinayasutta |
AN 5.200 | Elements of Escape | Nissaraniyasutta |
AN 5.235 | A Compassionate Mendicant | Anukampasutta |
AN 6.16 | Nakulas Father | Nakulapitusutta |
AN 6.56 | With Phagguna | Phaggunasutta |
AN 7.37 | A Friend (2nd) | Dutiyamittasutta |
AN 7.57 | General Siha | Sihasenapatisutta |
AN 7.74 | About Araka | Arakasutta |
AN 8.1 | The Benefits of Love | Mettasutta |
AN 8.41 | The Sabbath With Eight Factors, In Brief | Saṁkhittuposathasutta |
AN 8.42 | The Sabbath With Eight Factors, In Detail | Vitthatuposathasutta |
AN 8.43 | With Visakha on the Sabbath | Visakhasutta |
AN 8.45 | With Bojjha on the Sabbath | Bojjhasutta |
AN 8.46 | Anuruddha and the Agreeable Deities | Anuruddhasutta |
AN 8.47 | With Visakha on the Lovable Gods | Dutiyavisakhasutta |
AN 8.48 | With Nakulas Mother on the Lovable Gods | Nakulamatasutta |
AN 8.70 | Earthquakes | Bhumicalasutta |
AN 9.18 | The Sabbath with Nine Factors | Navanguposathasutta |
AN 9.40 | The Simile of the Bull Elephant in the Forest | Nagasutta |
AN 10.60 | With Girimananda | Girimanandasutta |
AN 10.99 | With Upali | Upalisutta |
AN 10.176 | With Cunda | Cundasutta |
AN 10.211 | Heaven and Hell (1st) | Pathamanirayasaggasutta |
AN 10.212 | Heaven and Hell (2nd) | Dutiyanirayasaggasutta |
AN 10.216 | Creepy Creatures | Saṁsappaniyasutta |
AN 10.217 | Intentional (1st) | Pathamasañcetanikasutta |
AN 11.13 | With Nandiya | Nandiyasutta |
Ud 1.10 | With Bahiya | Bahiyasutta |
Ud 3.3 | With Yasoja | Yasojasutta |
Ud 6.1 | Surrendering the Life Force | Ayusankharossajjanasutta |
Ud 8.6 | The Layfolk of Patali Village | Pataligamiyasutta |
Iti 27 | The Meditation on Love | Mettabhavanasutta |
Iti 39 | Teaching | Desanasutta |
Iti 75 | A Rainless Cloud | Avutthikasutta |
Iti 83 | Five Warning Signs | Pañcapubbanimittasutta |
Iti 84 | For the Welfare of the People | Bahujanahitasutta |
Iti 100 | The Holy Offering of the Teaching | Brahmanadhammayagasutta |
Snp 3.2 | Striving | Padhanasutta |
Thag 1.109 | Sangharakkhita | Saṁgharakkhitattheragatha |
Thag 2.28 | Bharata | Bharatattheragatha |
Thag 3.7 | Varana | Varanattheragatha |
Thag 3.8 | Vassika | Vassikattheragatha |
Thag 5.4 | Sumana (1st) | Sumanattheragatha |
Thag 7.3 | Bhadda | Bhaddattheragatha |
Thag 7.5 | Sarabhanga | Sarabhangattheragatha |
Thag 10.4 | Culapanthaka | Culapanthakattheragatha |
Thag 12.2 | Sunita | Sunitattheragatha |
Thag 14.1 | Revata of the Acacia Wood | Khadiravaniyarevatattheragatha |
Thag 16.1 | Adhimutta (2nd) | Adhimuttattheragatha |
Thag 16.8 | Aṅgulimāla | Aṅgulimālattheragāthā |
Thag 17.3 | Ananda | Anandattheragatha |
Thag 21.1 | Vangisa | Vangisattheragatha |
Thig 5.12 | Canda | Candatherigatha |
Thig 6.2 | Vasetthi | Vasetthitherigatha |
Thig 6.4 | Sujata | Sujatatherigatha |
Thig 6.5 | Anopama | Anopamatherigatha |
Thig 9.1 | Vaddhas Mother | Vaddhamatutherigatha |
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