Teaching Buddha Teaching Buddha

Windows Databases of Suttas

The Sutta Pitaka, the second division of the Tipitaka, consists of over 5,000 suttas, or discourses, delivered by the Buddha and his close disciples during the Buddha's forty-five year teaching career, as well as many additional verses by other members of the Sangha.

I have created 2 database of suttas from material found on the internet:

  1. The original database contains over 2000 sutta translations from various translators as found on the Access to Insight and SuttaCentral websites. Some suttas are included more than once with versions from multiple translators.
  2. The new database contains 5012 suttas, all translated by Bhikkhu Sujato, from material on the SuttaCentral website.
In order to access either of these databases, you need to download the Unicode Document Processor and install it by running the downloaded program (you can accept all the defaults). After the Unicode Document Processor has been installed, then you can install either or both of these databases:

Download the Original Database and install it by running the downloaded program. The installer will place an icon on your desktop for easy access. Download Sujato's Sutta Database and install it by running the downloaded program. The installer will place an icon on your desktop for easy access.

These databases were created to facilitate easy searching of all these suttas for key words. To see how this works do the following:

The resulting subset contains only those suttas where the words "empty" and/or "emptiness" occur.
Press the F3 key to find the words "empty" and "emptiness".
To return to the full database, Click the Search - Revert menu item - or - Click the Revert Toolbar Button.

I have also created four Pali-English Dictionaries and an English-Pali Dictionary that work in conjunction with UDP and these Sutta Databases. Click here for download and installation instructions.

Update History
Original DatabaseNew Database
  • 21 May '19   Added MN 71, 73, 76, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 88 & 89 translated by I.B. Horner
  • 26 May '18   Added MN 23, 25, 37, 40, 42, 48, 50, 62 & 69 translated by I.B. Horner
  • 09 Dec '17   Added MN 55 translated by I.B. Horner
  • 08 May '17   Added MN 5, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 translated by I.B. Horner
  • 26 Mar '17   Added MN 3 translated by Bhikkhu Dhammadaso
  • 18 Mar '17   Added 64 SN 46 suttas trans by F. L. Woodward
  • 10 Sep '15   Added 13 Snp suttas trans by Vens. Khantipalo & Sujato - Snp is now complete
  • 02 Jul '15   Added MN 81 & MN 120
  • 03 Apr '15   Added MN 68 translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 07 Jan '15   All numerical footnotes linked; broken links fixed
  • 06 Jan '15   Most footnotes now are links (all working in DN,MN,Khp,Ud,Snp,Thera,Theri)
  • 28 Dec '14   Added MN 3, 51, 56, 139, 142 by various translators
  • 26 Dec '14   Added DN 14, 18, 19, 23-30, 33, 34 trans. T W Rhys Davids - DN is now complete
  • 11 Sep '14   Added DN 11 complete and modernized by Leigh Brasington
  • 16 May '14   Added DN 11, 12 & 17 trans. T W Rhys Davids & MN 22 trans. Nyanaponika Thera
  • 09 Dec '13   Added more Ud suttas trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhu - The Udana is now complete
  • 04 Dec '13   Added Ud 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 3.6 & 3.9 trans. by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • 28 Nov '13   Added 806 SN suttas from SuttaCentral translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 24 Nov '13   Additional translations of MN 29, 41, 52, 54, 57, 60, 63 & 70 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 24 Nov '13   Additional translations of MN 75, 82, 95, 108, 117, 118 & 135 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 24 Nov '13   Additional translations of MN 140, 146, 147, 148 & 149 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 23 Nov '13   Added MN 6, MN 31, MN 32, MN 46, MN 47, MN 64, MN 65, MN 77, MN 103 & MN 104
  • 23 Nov '13   Additional translations of MN 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, & 19 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 23 Nov '13   Additional translations of MN 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 36 & MN 38 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 19 Nov '13   Added DN 5, DN 6, DN 7, DN 8 & DN 10 (DN I is now complete)
  • 14 Nov '13   Added DN 3, DN 5 & DN 21 plus an additional translation of DN 31
  • 13 Nov '13   Additional translations of DN 16, DN 20 & DN 32 by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu
  • 12 Nov '13   Additional translations of DN 2, DN 15 & SN 12.15 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 24 May '13   Additional translation of Snp 4.11 by Andrew Olendzki
  • 21 May '13   Additional translations: Snp 4.15, 5.6, 5.13 & 5.14; fixed formating of MN 131
  • 05 Sep '12   Added four AN 4 and four AN 7 suttas
  • 12 Jul '12   SN 35 sutta numbers now match Bhikkhu Bodhi's Wisdom Pub. sutta numbers
  • 11 Jul '12   Added SN 2.26
  • 23 Apr '12   Added MN 30 & MN 35, plus MN 136 & SN 46.53 trans. by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • 17 Apr '12   Added SN 48.12
  • 11 Mar '12   Added suttas from AN 8 trans. by Nyanaponika Thera & Bhikkhu
  • 08 Mar '12   Added suttas from AN 7 trans. by Nyanaponika Thera & Bhikkhu
  • 07 Mar '12   Added MN 130
  • 06 Mar '12   Added suttas from AN 6 trans. by Nyanaponika Thera & Bhikkhu
  • 03 Mar '12   Added suttas from AN 5 trans. by Nyanaponika Thera & Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 26 Feb '12   Added 2 SN suttas and 5 AN suttas
  • 10 Feb '12   Added suttas from AN 4 trans. by Nyanaponika Thera & Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 09 Feb '12   Added suttas from AN 1, AN 2 & AN 3 trans. by Nyanaponika Thera & Bhikkhu Bodhi
  • 08 Feb '12   Added MN 29, SN 21.1 & AN 5.29
  • 27 Jan '12   Added MN 68 plus 24 AN suttas (trans. Nyanaponika Thera)
  • 02 Jan '12   Added MN 41 (trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhu), 5 SN and 3 AN suttas
  • 15 Oct '11   Added MN 38 (trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
  • 06 Oct '11   Added SN 21.6, SN 41.5, AN 5.95, Ud 7.5; minor comma & link cleanup
  • 25 Aug '11   Added MN 113
  • 11 Aug '11   Changed Sutta Nipata references from Sn [Roman] to Snp [Arabic]
  • 09 Jun '11   Added 6 AN suttas
  • 08 Jun '11   Fixed some formatting errors in Snp
  • 06 Apr '11   Added 2 AN suttas and updated the AN index
  • 05 Apr '11   Added an index for the Udana
  • 01 Apr '11   Added SN 14.11, AN 3.76, AN 3.77, AN 8.28
  • 07 Feb '11   Added 4 AN suttas
  • 27 Dec '10   Added 43 SN suttas (translated by Maurice O'Connell Walshe)
  • 22 Dec '10   Added Sutta-Nbr/Vol-Page Cross Reference Jump Tables for DN, MN, SN & AN
  • 06 Aug '10   Added DN 1 (translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi)
  • 31 Mar '10   Added SN 54.9
  • 08 Feb '10   Added MN 93, SN 15.13, AN 2.18, 2.46, 6.51
  • 24 Oct '09   Added SN 21.1 & SN 40.1
  • 24 Aug '09   Added DN 13 & AN 10.72
  • 14 Jun '09   Added 2 AN suttas; Corrected internal links to SN suttas
  • 28 Feb '09   Added complete version of MN 36
  • 20 Jan '09   Corrected links back to Access to Insight web site
  • 18 May '08   Added 2 SN suttas
  • 04 May '08   Added MN 60 & 97
  • 11 Nov '07   Added 12 SN, 35 AN & 1 Theragatha suttas
  • 10 Nov '07   Added 13 SN & 5 AN suttas
  • 08 Nov '07   Added 12 SN, 4 AN, 10 Theragatha & 2 Therigatha suttas
  • 03 Nov '07   Added 17 SN suttas; converted key fields from Roman #s to Arabic for SN & AN
  • 31 Oct '07   Added 16 SN suttas
  • 28 Oct '07   Added 9 AN suttas; changed name of database to sutta.ude
  • 12 Sep '07   Added MN 49
  • 14 Feb '07   Added MN 74 & 111
  • 09 Aug '06   Added MN 43, 62 & 147
  • 20 Jan '06   Added MN 27, 59 & 70
  • 27 Nov '05   Added MN 101, 122 & 39 (trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
  • 19 Oct '05   Added MN 13, 14, 33, 34 & 52
  • 14 Nov '04   Added 11 AN suttas
  • 11 Jul '04   Added 19 AN suttas
  • 22 May '04   Added MN 22 (trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
  • 22 May '04   Added AN IX.14, 15, 16 and AN X.6, 7, 20, 29, 70
  • 19 Mar '04   Added MN 26
  • 19 Dec '03   Added SN XXXV.80, AN IV.179 & 9 more verses from the Theragatha
  • 17 Sep '03   Added MN 28 & 90
  • 22 Jun '03   Added MN 66, 78 & 86 (trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
  • 09 Jun '03   Added MN 54 and 137
  • 02 Jun '03   Added MN 53 and 4 AN suttas
  • 18 May '03   Added DN 9 (trans. Thanissaro Bhikkhu) and MN 143
  • 04 Jan '03   Added MN 39
  • 28 Dec '02   Added DN 9 (adapted by Leigh Brasington) and MN 38
  • 24 Dec '02   Added DN 26 and 7 AN suttas
  • 17 Nov '02   Added 44 AN suttas, Ud III.7, Ud III.8, Ud V.2
  • 16 Nov '02   Added DN 32; MN 4, 106, 146; 61 SN suttas
  • 20 May '02   Limited support added for non-Windows systems and non-UDP databases
  • 01 Apr '02   Added MN 22 & 86 (adapted by Leigh Brasington);   Added Theragatha, Therigatha;   rearranged Itivuttaka to 1 sutta per record
  • 28 Jan '02   Added 300+ suttas from the Khuddaka Nikaya
  • 23 Jan '02   Added 9 MN suttas
  • 22 Jan '02   Initial Release of 300+ suttas from DN, MN, SN and AN
  • 22 Jun '24   Loaded 5012 suttas from DN, MN, SN, AN, Dhp, Ud, Iti, Snp, Thag & Thig
  • 22 May '24   Initial Release of 34 suttas from DN

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