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Sutta Indexes

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     979 Vitakka ("think" or "thought" and Not "they think:") 979 Sutta Links *
     962 Sāvatthī 962 Sutta Links ****
     919 Mindfulness ("mindful") 919 Sutta links ***
     857 Wise or Wisdom 857 Sutta Links ***
     767 Concentration ("immersion") 767 Sutta Links ***
     695 Wisdom 695 Sutta Links ***
     510 "Perception" (includes "neither perception nor non-perception") 510 Sutta Links ***
     506 Consciousness (includes dependent origination, as meaning "mind", as aggregate, as sense consciousness, as 6th element, infinite consciousness, etc.) 506 Sutta Links ***
     464 Āsava ("defilement") 464 Sutta Links **
     428 Craving OR Origin of Suffering 428 Suttas ***
     418 Perception ("perception" and not "neither perception nor non-perception" plus "DN 1") 418 Sutta Links ***
     338 Karma ("deed" or "deeds") 338 Sutta Links ***
     335 Craving 335 Sutta Links ***
     296 Clinging ("grasping") 296 Sutta Links ***
     292 Jhāna ("jhāna" or "absorption" or "absorbed") 292 Sutta Links ***
     274 Ethics 274 Sutta Links ***
     268 Nibbāna ("extinguishment") 268 Sutta Links ***
     268 Anāthapiṇḍika - All (includes both suttas where he appears and suttas given at his monastery) 268 Sutta Links ****
     261 Wise 261 Suttas ***
     252 Elements ("element" or ("earth" & "water" & "air" & "fire")) 252 Suttas **
     246 "Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery" 246 Suttas ****
     242 Diligent or Diligence 242 Sutta Links ***
     238 Aggregates 238 Sutta Links **
      (the individual aggregate words are used in so many different contexts that linking them would be useless)
     229 Piti ("rapture") (includes pitī as both a jhāna factor and a 7 Factors of Awakening factor) 229 Sutta Links **
     226 Sukha ("bliss") (includes "bliss" in other contexts beside the Jhānas) 226 Sutta Links **
     224 Anukampā & Karunā ("sympathy" or "compassion") 224 Sutta Links *
     220 Upekkhā ("equanimity") 220 Sutta Links **
     220 Vedanā ("feelings" or "feeling is a condition for") 220 Sutta Links **
     215 Sāriputta 215 Suttas ****
     214 Mettā ("love") 214 Sutta Links ***
     200 Fetters 200 Sutta Links ***
     199 Ānanda 199 Suttas ****
     179 Anukampā ("sympathy") 179 Sutta Links **
     162 Rajagaha 162 Suttas ****
     160 Jhānas: any of J1-J4 ("first absorption" or "second absorption" or "third absorption" or "fourth absorption") 160 Sutta Links ***
     135 Dependent Origination ("dependent origination" or "is a condition for" or "SN 12." or [individual suttas]) 135 Sutta Links **
     129 Mindfulness of the Body ("mindfulness of the body" or "observing an aspect of the body") 129 Suttas ***
     126 Awakening Factors ("awakening factor") 126 Sutta Links ***
      (the individual factor words are used in so many different contexts that linking them would be useless)
     118 Jhānas: all of J1-J4 ("first absorption" & "second absorption" & "third absorption" & "fourth absorption") 118 Sutta Links ***
     117 Origin of Suffering117 Suttas ****
     112 Knowledge and Vision (or "truly knowing and seeing") 112 Sutta Links ***
     110 Vicara ("keeping it connected") 110 Suttas **
     107 Deathless ("deathless" or "freedom from death" or "cross over death") 107 Suttas **
     107 Formless States (aka Immaterial States) ("formless states" or "dimension of ..." X 4) 107 Suttas ***
     104 Piti as a Jhāna factor ("raplure" and "first absorption" or "second absorption") 104 Sutta Links **
     104 Sukha as a Jhāna factor ("bliss" and "first absorption" or "second absorption") 104 Sutta Links **
     101 4 Elements ("primary element" or ("earth" & "water" & "air" & "fire")) 101 Suttas **
      95 Ethics, Concentration, Wisdom ("ethics" and "immersion" and "wisdom") 95 Suttas ***
      93 Neither Perception nor Non-Perception 93 Suttas ****
      87 Sense Consciousness ("eye consciousness" or "ear ..." or "nose ..." or "tounge ..." or "body ..." or "mind ...") 87 Sutta links ***
      87 My Self 87 Suttas ***
      85 Hinderances 85 Sutta Links **
      83 Desire & Lust or Desire & Greed 83 Suttas ***
      81 Dimension of Nothingness 81 Suttas **
      79 Kassapa - all people with that name 79 Suttas ****
      78 Contentment 78 Sutta Links **
      78 Mindfulness of Vedana ("observing an aspect of feeling") 78 Sutta Links ***
      76 NāmaRūpa ("name and form") 76 Suttas ***
      74 Dimension of Infinite Consciousness 74 Suttas **
      73 Dimension of Infinite Space 73 Suttas **
      71 Renunciation 71 Suttas **
      71 MahāMoggallāna 71 Suttas ****
      66 Vacchagotta 66 Suttas ***
      61 Guarding the Senses ("guard" and "sense doors" plus [individual suttas]) 61 Suttas **
      60 Upādānakkhandhā - clinging aggregate ("grasping aggregate") 60 Suttas ***
      58 Not My Self 58 Suttas ***
      56 Cessation of Perception and Feeling ("Cessation of Perception and Feeling" + DN 9) 56 Suttas **
      53 Karunā ("compassion" and not anukampā) 53 Suttas ****
      52 King Pasenadi 52 Suttas ****
      51 Rādha 51 Suttas ****
      50 Crossing to the Far Shore ("far shore" then edited) 50 Suttas & 1 book ****
      47 Crossing the Flood ("flood" and "cross") 47 Suttas ***
      44 Dhamma in brief 44 Suttas ****
      44 Mindfulness and Situational Awareness (aka Clear Comprehension) 44 Suttas **
      42 Muditā ("rejoicing") 42 Sutta Links ***
      41 Anuruddha 41 Suttas ****
      40 Jhānas: all of J1-J4 plus Formless States ("first ... fourth absorption" & "dimension of ..." X 3) 40 Suttas ***
      39 Wheel Turning Monarch 39 Suttas ***
      38 Brahma Viharas - All ("love" and "compassion" and "rejoicing" and "equanimity") 38 Sutta Links ***
      38 Mindfulness of Breathing 38 Sutta Links **
      38 Kosambi 38 Suttas ****
      33 Final Body 33 Suttas ***
      32 Gradual Training 32 Suttas ****
      32 Jhāna Summary ("joy" & "rapture" & "tranquil" & "bliss" & "immersed") 32 Suttas ****
      32 Rāhula 32 Suttas ****
      31 Emptiness ("emptiness" or "empty" - with "empty hut", "empty bowl", etc removed) 31 Sutta Links ****
      27 Mahākassapa 27 Suttas ***
      26 Mindfulness of Dhammas ("observing an aspect of principles") 26 Suttas **
      25 "Dependent Origination" 25 Suttas * (clearly this phrase misses many, many suttas!)
      25 Anāthapiṇḍika ("Anāthapiṇḍika " or "Anāthapiṇḍika." or "Anāthapiṇḍika,") 25 Sutta Links ***
      23 Craving AND Origin of Suffering 23 Suttas ****
      22 Mindfulness of the Mind ("observing an aspect of the mind") 22 Suttas **
      20 Mahākaccāna 20 Suttas ****
      17 Converge Because of an Element 17 Suttas ***
      17 "Emptiness" 17 Sutta Links * (this word misses over 40% of the suttas on the subject)
      16 Immaculate Vision of the Dhamma / Dhamma Eye 'Everything that has a beginning has an end.' 16 Suttas ****
      15 Land of the Kurus (" Kuru") 15 Suttas ****
      14 Diversity of Elements 14 Suttas ***
      14 Ekaggatā ("unification of mind") 14 Suttas ***
      13 Mind-Made Body 13 Suttas ***
      13 Middle Way 13 Suttas ***
      13 Purana Kassapa 13 Suttas ****
      12 6 Elements 12 Suttas ***
      12 Nāḷandā 12 Suttas ****
      11 Element of Awakening ("element of extinguishment") 11 Suttas ***
      11 King Ajātasattu 11 Suttas ****
      10 King Bimbisāra 10 Suttas ****
      10 Queen Mallikā 10 Suttas ****
       9 Graduated Discourse ("step by step, with a talk") 9 Suttas ***
       8 Cessation of Consciousness 8 Suttas ****
       8 Mindfulness of the Parts of the Body ("In this body there is head hair") 8 Suttas *
       8 Visākhā, Migāra’s mother 8 Suttas ****
       8 The Kuru town named "Kammasadamma" 8 Suttas ****
       7 Jīvaka 7 Suttas ****
       7 Kondañña 7 Suttas ****
       7 Mahāpajāpati Gotamī 7 Suttas ****
       7 Jīvaka’s Mango Grove 7 Suttas ****
       6 Fire Element Only 6 Suttas **
       6 Many and Diverse Elements 6 Suttas ***
       6 Aggregates as Elements 6 Suttas ***
       6 Elements of Escape 6 Suttas ***
       6 Way to the Far Shore 6 Suttas & 1 Book ****
       6 Khemā 6 Suttas ****
       6 Ambapālī’s Mango Grove 6 Suttas ****
       5 3 Elements 5 Suttas ***
       5 Naked Ascetic Kassapa 5 Suttas ****
       4 Atammayatā ("determined" and not "and determined" and manually checking) 4 Suttas **
       4 Elements Of Initiative, Persistence, and Exertion 4 Suttas **
       4 Element Free of Death 4 Suttas ***
       4 "Placing the Mind" with no mention of Vicara ("placing the mind" and Not "keeping it connected") 4 Suttas ****
       4 Mindfulness of Postures 4 Suttas ****
       4 Kumāra-Kassapa ("Kassapa the Prince") 4 Suttas ****
       3 Muditā, but not all 4 Brahma Viharas 3 Suttas ****
       3 2 Elements 3 Suttas ***
       3 Mindfulness of the Elements 3 Suttas ***
       2 Aṭṭhakavagga ("Chapter of the Eights") 2 Suttas & 1 book ***
       2 Elements of Beauty & Ugliness 2 Suttas **
       2 Elements Of Sensuality, Malice & Cruelty; Renunciation, Good Will & Harmlessness 2 Suttas **
       2 Element of Ignorance 2 Suttas **
       2 Skill in the Elements 2 Suttas **
       2 Vitakka and Vacara are verbal processes 2 Suttas ****
       2 Ambapālī 2 Suttas ****
       2 Citta, the elephant trainer's son 2 Suttas ****
       1 5 Elements 1 Sutta **
       1 18 Elements [also includes "skilled in the elements"] 1 Sutta ***
       1 7 Elements 1 Sutta ***
       0 Vitakka ("placing the mind" and Not "keeping it connected" and Not "first absorption" and Not "second absorption") 0 Suttas ****
       0 Vicara ("keeping it connected" and Not "placing the mind" and Not "first absorption" and Not "second absorption") 0 Suttas ****

    To compare 2 lists of suttas, use DiffChecker. Click on the 1st link above and select the entire file and Copy, go to DiffChecker and Paste into the "Original text" box. Then return to this page and click on the 2nd link above and again select the entire file and Copy. Return to DiffChecker and Paste into the "Changed text" box. Click the green "Find difference" button. To see a sample of what the output looks, like you can click here to see the output from using the two Emptiness indexes above.

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