506 Sutta Links ***
DN 1 | The Divine Net | Brahmajālasutta |
DN 2 | The Fruits of the Ascetic Life | Sāmaññaphalasutta |
DN 9 | With Poṭṭhapāda | Poṭṭhapādasutta |
DN 10 | With Subha | Subhasutta |
DN 11 | With Kevaḍḍha | Kevaṭṭasutta |
DN 14 | The Great Discourse on Traces Left Behind | Mahāpadānasutta |
DN 15 | The Great Discourse on Causation | Mahānidānasutta |
DN 16 | The Great Discourse on the Buddhas Extinguishment | Mahāparinibbānasutta |
DN 22 | The Longer Discourse on Mindfulness Meditation | Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta |
DN 23 | With Pāyāsi | Pāyāsisutta |
DN 28 | Inspiring Confidence | Sampasādanīyasutta |
DN 33 | Reciting in Concert | Saṅgītisutta |
DN 34 | Up to Ten | Dasuttarasutta |
MN 1 | The Root of All Things | Mūlapariyāyasutta |
MN 8 | Self-Effacement | Sallekhasutta |
MN 9 | Right View | Sammādiṭṭhisutta |
MN 10 | Mindfulness Meditation | Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta |
MN 11 | The Shorter Discourse on the Lions Roar | Cūḷasīhanādasutta |
MN 18 | The Honey-Cake | Madhupiṇḍikasutta |
MN 22 | The Simile of the Cobra | Alagaddūpamasutta |
MN 23 | The Termite Mound | Vammikasutta |
MN 25 | Sowing | Nivāpasutta |
MN 26 | The Noble Quest | Pāsarāsisutta |
MN 28 | The Longer Simile of the Elephants Footprint | Mahāhatthipadopamasutta |
MN 30 | The Shorter Simile of the Heartwood | Cūḷasāropamasutta |
MN 31 | The Shorter Discourse at Gosiṅga | Cūḷagosiṅgasutta |
MN 35 | The Shorter Discourse With Saccaka | Cūḷasaccakasutta |
MN 38 | The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving | Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
MN 41 | The People of Sālā | Sāleyyakasutta |
MN 43 | The Great Elaboration | Mahāvedallasutta |
MN 44 | The Shorter Elaboration | Cūḷavedallasutta |
MN 49 | On the Invitation of Brahmā | Brahmanimantanikasutta |
MN 52 | The Wealthy Citizen | Aṭṭhakanāgarasutta |
MN 59 | The Many Kinds of Feeling | Bahuvedanīyasutta |
MN 62 | The Longer Advice to Rāhula | Mahārāhulovādasutta |
MN 64 | The Longer Discourse With Māluṅkya | Mahāmālukyasutta |
MN 66 | The Simile of the Quail | Laṭukikopamasutta |
MN 72 | With Vacchagotta on Fire | Aggivacchasutta |
MN 75 | With Māgaṇḍiya | Māgaṇḍiyasutta |
MN 77 | The Longer Discourse with Sakuludāyī | Mahāsakuludāyisutta |
MN 102 | The Five and Three | Pañcattayasutta |
MN 106 | Conducive to the Imperturbable | Āneñjasappāyasutta |
MN 109 | The Longer Discourse on the Full-Moon Night | Mahāpuṇṇamasutta |
MN 111 | One by One | Anupadasutta |
MN 112 | The Sixfold Purification | Chabbisodhanasutta |
MN 113 | A True Person | Sappurisasutta |
MN 115 | Many Elements | Bahudhātukasutta |
MN 120 | Rebirth by Choice | Saṅkhārupapattisutta |
MN 121 | The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness | Cūḷasuññatasutta |
MN 122 | The Longer Discourse on Emptiness | Mahāsuññatasutta |
MN 131 | One Fine Night | Bhaddekarattasutta |
MN 133 | Mahākaccāna and One Fine Night | Mahākaccānabhaddekarattasutta |
MN 137 | The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields | Saḷāyatanavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 138 | The Analysis of a Recitation Passage | Uddesavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 140 | The Analysis of the Elements | Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta |
MN 141 | The Analysis of the Truths | Saccavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 143 | Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika | Anāthapiṇḍikovādasutta |
MN 144 | Advice to Channa | Channovādasutta |
MN 146 | Advice from Nandaka | Nandakovādasutta |
MN 147 | The Shorter Advice to Rāhula | Cūḷarāhulovādasutta |
MN 148 | Six By Six | Chachakkasutta |
MN 149 | The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Fields | Mahāsaḷāyatanikasutta |
SN 1.2 | Liberation | Nimokkhasutta |
SN 4.16 | The Alms Bowls | Pattasutta |
SN 4.19 | A Farmer | Kassakasutta |
SN 4.23 | With Godhika | Godhikasutta |
SN 6.15 | Final Extinguishment | Parinibbānasutta |
SN 10.5 | With Sānu | Sānusutta |
SN 12.1 | Dependent Origination | Paṭiccasamuppādasutta |
SN 12.2 | Analysis | Vibhaṅgasutta |
SN 12.3 | Practice | Paṭipadāsutta |
SN 12.4 | About Vipassī | Vipassīsutta |
SN 12.10 | Gotama | Gotamasutta |
SN 12.11 | Fuel | Āhārasutta |
SN 12.12 | Phagguna of the Top-Knot | Moḷiyaphaggunasutta |
SN 12.13 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.14 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.15 | Kaccānagotta | Kaccānagottasutta |
SN 12.16 | A Dhamma Speaker | Dhammakathikasutta |
SN 12.17 | With Kassapa, the Naked Ascetic | Acelakassapasutta |
SN 12.18 | With Timbaruka | Timbarukasutta |
SN 12.20 | Conditions | Paccayasutta |
SN 12.21 | The Ten Powers | Dasabalasutta |
SN 12.22 | The Ten Powers (2nd) | Dutiyadasabalasutta |
SN 12.23 | Vital Conditions | Upanisasutta |
SN 12.27 | Conditions | Paccayasutta |
SN 12.28 | A Mendicant | Bhikkhusutta |
SN 12.29 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.30 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.33 | Grounds for Knowledge | Ñāṇavatthusutta |
SN 12.35 | Ignorance is a Condition | Avijjāpaccayasutta |
SN 12.36 | Ignorance is a Condition (2nd) | Dutiyaavijjāpaccayasutta |
SN 12.37 | Not Yours | Natumhasutta |
SN 12.38 | Intention | Cetanāsutta |
SN 12.39 | Intention (2nd) | Dutiyacetanāsutta |
SN 12.40 | Intention (3rd) | Tatiyacetanāsutta |
SN 12.41 | Dangers and Threats | Pañcaverabhayasutta |
SN 12.43 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 12.44 | The World | Lokasutta |
SN 12.45 | At Ñātika | Ñātikasutta |
SN 12.46 | A Certain Brahmin | Aññatarabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.47 | Jānussoṇi | Jāṇussoṇisutta |
SN 12.48 | A Cosmologist | Lokāyatikasutta |
SN 12.49 | A Noble Disciple | Ariyasāvakasutta |
SN 12.50 | A Noble Disciple (2nd) | Dutiyaariyasāvakasutta |
SN 12.51 | An Inquiry | Parivīmaṁsanasutta |
SN 12.59 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 12.61 | Unlearned | Assutavāsutta |
SN 12.62 | Unlearned (2nd) | Dutiyaassutavāsutta |
SN 12.63 | A Childs Flesh | Puttamaṁsasutta |
SN 12.64 | If There Is Desire | Atthirāgasutta |
SN 12.65 | The City | Nagarasutta |
SN 12.67 | Bundles of Reeds | Naḷakalāpīsutta |
SN 12.68 | At Kosambī | Kosambisutta |
SN 12.69 | Surge | Upayantisutta |
SN 12.70 | The Wanderer Susīma | Susimaparibbājakasutta |
SN 12.72-81 | A Set of Ten on Rebirth, Etc. | Jātisuttādidasaka |
SN 12.91 | ||
SN 14.1 | Diversity of Elements | Dhātunānattasutta |
SN 14.11 | Seven Elements | Sattadhātusutta |
SN 16.9 | Absorptions and Insights | Jhānābhiññasutta |
SN 18.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 18.9 | Elements | Dhātusutta |
SN 18.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 18.12-20 | The Nine Discourses on Sights, Etc. | Rūpādisuttanavaka |
SN 18.21 | Tendency | Anusayasutta |
SN 18.22 | Rid of Conceit | Apagatasutta |
SN 22.1 | Nakulas Father | Nakulapitusutta |
SN 22.2 | At Devadaha | Devadahasutta |
SN 22.3 | With Hāliddikāni | Hāliddikānisutta |
SN 22.4 | Hāliddikāni (2nd) | Dutiyahāliddikānisutta |
SN 22.5 | Development of Immersion | Samādhisutta |
SN 22.6 | Retreat | Paṭisallāṇasutta |
SN 22.7 | Anxiety Because of Grasping | Upādāparitassanāsutta |
SN 22.8 | Anxiety Because of Grasping (2nd) | Dutiyaupādāparitassanāsutta |
SN 22.9 | Impermanence in the Three Times | Kālattayaaniccasutta |
SN 22.10 | Suffering in the Three Times | Kālattayadukkhasutta |
SN 22.11 | Not-Self in the Three Times | Kālattayaanattasutta |
SN 22.12 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.13 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.14 | Not-Self | Anattasutta |
SN 22.15 | That Which is Impermanent | Yadaniccasutta |
SN 22.16 | That Which is Suffering | Yaṁdukkhasutta |
SN 22.17 | That Which is Not-Self | Yadanattāsutta |
SN 22.18 | Impermanence With Its Cause | Sahetuaniccasutta |
SN 22.19 | Suffering With Its Cause | Sahetudukkhasutta |
SN 22.20 | Not-Self With Its Cause | Sahetuanattasutta |
SN 22.21 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 22.22 | The Burden | Bhārasutta |
SN 22.23 | Complete Understanding | Pariññasutta |
SN 22.24 | Directly Knowing | Abhijānasutta |
SN 22.25 | Desire and Greed | Chandarāgasutta |
SN 22.26 | Gratification | Assādasutta |
SN 22.27 | Gratification (2nd) | Dutiyaassādasutta |
SN 22.28 | Gratification (3rd) | Tatiyaassādasutta |
SN 22.29 | Taking Pleasure | Abhinandanasutta |
SN 22.30 | Arising | Uppādasutta |
SN 22.31 | The Root of Misery | Aghamūlasutta |
SN 22.32 | The Breakable | Pabhaṅgusutta |
SN 22.33 | Its Not Yours | Natumhākasutta |
SN 22.34 | Its Not Yours (2nd) | Dutiyanatumhākasutta |
SN 22.35 | A Mendicant | Aññatarabhikkhusutta |
SN 22.36 | A Mendicant (2nd) | Dutiyaaññatarabhikkhusutta |
SN 22.37 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 22.38 | With Ānanda (2nd) | Dutiyaānandasutta |
SN 22.39 | In Line With the Teachings | Anudhammasutta |
SN 22.40 | In Line with the Teachings (2nd) | Dutiyaanudhammasutta |
SN 22.41 | In Line with the Teachings (3rd) | Tatiyaanudhammasutta |
SN 22.42 | In Line with the Teachings (4th) | Catutthaanudhammasutta |
SN 22.43 | Be Your Own Island | Attadīpasutta |
SN 22.44 | Practice | Paṭipadāsutta |
SN 22.45 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.46 | Impermanence (2nd) | Dutiyaaniccasutta |
SN 22.47 | Ways of Regarding | Samanupassanāsutta |
SN 22.48 | Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 22.49 | With Soṇa | Soṇasutta |
SN 22.50 | With Soṇa (2nd) | Dutiyasoṇasutta |
SN 22.51 | The End of Relishing | Nandikkhayasutta |
SN 22.52 | The End of Relishing (2nd) | Dutiyanandikkhayasutta |
SN 22.53 | Involvement | Upayasutta |
SN 22.54 | A Seed | Bījasutta |
SN 22.55 | An Inspired Saying | Udānasutta |
SN 22.56 | Perspectives | Upādānaparipavattasutta |
SN 22.57 | Seven Cases | Sattaṭṭhānasutta |
SN 22.58 | The Fully Awakened Buddha | Sammāsambuddhasutta |
SN 22.59 | The Characteristic of Not-Self | Anattalakkhaṇasutta |
SN 22.60 | With Mahāli | Mahālisutta |
SN 22.61 | Burning | Ādittasutta |
SN 22.62 | The Scope of Language | Niruttipathasutta |
SN 22.63 | When You Grasp | Upādiyamānasutta |
SN 22.64 | Conceiving | Maññamānasutta |
SN 22.65 | When You Take Pleasure | Abhinandamānasutta |
SN 22.66 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.67 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.68 | Not-Self | Anattasutta |
SN 22.69 | Not Belonging to Self | Anattaniyasutta |
SN 22.70 | Definitely Arousing | Rajanīyasaṇṭhitasutta |
SN 22.71 | With Rādha | Rādhasutta |
SN 22.72 | With Surādha | Surādhasutta |
SN 22.73 | Gratification | Assādasutta |
SN 22.74 | Origin | Samudayasutta |
SN 22.75 | Origin (2nd) | Dutiyasamudayasutta |
SN 22.76 | The Perfected Ones | Arahantasutta |
SN 22.77 | The Perfected Ones (2nd) | Dutiyaarahantasutta |
SN 22.78 | The Lion | Sīhasutta |
SN 22.79 | Itchy | Khajjanīyasutta |
SN 22.80 | Beggars | Piṇḍolyasutta |
SN 22.81 | At Pārileyya | Pālileyyasutta |
SN 22.82 | A Full Moon Night | Puṇṇamasutta |
SN 22.83 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 22.84 | With Tissa | Tissasutta |
SN 22.85 | With Yamaka | Yamakasutta |
SN 22.86 | With Anurādha | Anurādhasutta |
SN 22.87 | With Vakkali | Vakkalisutta |
SN 22.88 | With Assaji | Assajisutta |
SN 22.89 | With Khemaka | Khemakasutta |
SN 22.90 | With Channa | Channasutta |
SN 22.91 | Rāhula | Rāhulasutta |
SN 22.92 | Rāhula (2nd) | Dutiyarāhulasutta |
SN 22.93 | A River | Nadīsutta |
SN 22.94 | Flowers | Pupphasutta |
SN 22.95 | A Lump of Foam | Pheṇapiṇḍūpamasutta |
SN 22.96 | A Lump of Cow Dung | Gomayapiṇḍasutta |
SN 22.97 | A Fingernail | Nakhasikhāsutta |
SN 22.98 | Plain Version | Suddhikasutta |
SN 22.99 | A Leash | Gaddulabaddhasutta |
SN 22.100 | A Leash (2nd) | Dutiyagaddulabaddhasutta |
SN 22.101 | The Adze | Vāsijaṭasutta |
SN 22.102 | The Perception of Impermanence | Aniccasaññāsutta |
SN 22.103 | Sides | Antasutta |
SN 22.104 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.105 | Substantial Reality | Sakkāyasutta |
SN 22.106 | Should Be Completely Understood | Pariññeyyasutta |
SN 22.107 | Ascetics (1st) | Samaṇasutta |
SN 22.108 | Ascetics (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇasutta |
SN 22.109 | A Stream-Enterer | Sotāpannasutta |
SN 22.110 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 22.111 | Giving Up Desire | Chandappahānasutta |
SN 22.112 | Giving Up Desire (2nd) | Dutiyachandappahānasutta |
SN 22.113 | Ignorance | Avijjāsutta |
SN 22.114 | Knowledge | Vijjāsutta |
SN 22.115 | A Dhamma speaker | Dhammakathikasutta |
SN 22.116 | A Dhamma speaker (2nd) | Dutiyadhammakathikasutta |
SN 22.117 | Shackles | Bandhanasutta |
SN 22.118 | Questioning | Paripucchitasutta |
SN 22.119 | Questioning (2nd) | Dutiyaparipucchitasutta |
SN 22.120 | Things Prone To Being Fettered | Saṁyojaniyasutta |
SN 22.121 | Things Prone To Being Grasped | Upādāniyasutta |
SN 22.122 | An Ethical Mendicant | Sīlavantasutta |
SN 22.123 | Learned | Sutavantasutta |
SN 22.124 | With Kappa | Kappasutta |
SN 22.125 | With Kappa (2nd) | Dutiyakappasutta |
SN 22.126 | Liable To Originate | Samudayadhammasutta |
SN 22.127 | Liable To Originate (2nd) | Dutiyasamudayadhammasutta |
SN 22.128 | Liable To Originate (3rd) | Tatiyasamudayadhammasutta |
SN 22.129 | Gratification | Assādasutta |
SN 22.130 | Gratification (2nd) | Dutiyaassādasutta |
SN 22.131 | Origin | Samudayasutta |
SN 22.132 | Origin (2nd) | Dutiyasamudayasutta |
SN 22.133 | With Koṭṭhita | Koṭṭhikasutta |
SN 22.134 | With Koṭṭhita (2nd) | Dutiyakoṭṭhikasutta |
SN 22.135 | With Koṭṭhita (3rd) | Tatiyakoṭṭhikasutta |
SN 22.136 | Burning Chaff | Kukkuḷasutta |
SN 22.137 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.138 | Impermanence (2nd) | Dutiyaaniccasutta |
SN 22.139 | Impermanence (3rd) | Tatiyaaniccasutta |
SN 22.146 | Full of Disillusionment | Nibbidābahulasutta |
SN 22.147 | Observing Impermanence | Aniccānupassīsutta |
SN 22.148 | Observing Suffering | Dukkhānupassīsutta |
SN 22.149 | Observing Not-Self | Anattānupassīsutta |
SN 22.150 | In Oneself | Ajjhattasutta |
SN 22.151 | This Is Mine | Etaṁmamasutta |
SN 22.152 | This Is My Self | Soattāsutta |
SN 22.153 | It Might Not Be Mine | Nocamesiyāsutta |
SN 22.154 | Wrong View | Micchādiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.155 | Substantialist View | Sakkāyadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.156 | View of Self | Attānudiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.157 | Insistence | Abhinivesasutta |
SN 22.158 | Insistence (2nd) | Dutiyaabhinivesasutta |
SN 22.159 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 23.1 | About Māra | Mārasutta |
SN 23.2 | Sentient Beings | Sattasutta |
SN 23.3 | The Conduit To Rebirth | Bhavanettisutta |
SN 23.4 | Should Be Completely Understood | Pariññeyyasutta |
SN 23.5 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇasutta |
SN 23.6 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇasutta |
SN 23.7 | A Stream-Enterer | Sotāpannasutta |
SN 23.8 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 23.9 | Desire and Greed | Chandarāgasutta |
SN 23.10 | Desire and Greed (2nd) | Dutiyachandarāgasutta |
SN 23.11 | About Māra | Mārasutta |
SN 23.12 | Susceptible to Māra | Māradhammasutta |
SN 23.13 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 23.14 | Liable to Impermanence | Aniccadhammasutta |
SN 23.15 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 23.16 | Liable to Suffering | Dukkhadhammasutta |
SN 23.17 | Not-Self | Anattasutta |
SN 23.18 | Naturally Not-Self | Anattadhammasutta |
SN 23.19 | Liable To End | Khayadhammasutta |
SN 23.20 | Liable To Vanish | Vayadhammasutta |
SN 23.21 | Liable To Originate | Samudayadhammasutta |
SN 23.22 | Liable To Cease | Nirodhadhammasutta |
SN 23.23-33 | Eleven Discourses on Māra, Etc. | Mārādisuttaekādasaka |
SN 23.34 | Liable To Cease | Nirodhadhammasutta |
SN 23.35 | When Venerable Rādha was seated to one side, the Buddha sai | |
SN 23.46 | Liable To Cease | Nirodhadhammasutta |
SN 24.1 | Winds | Vātasutta |
SN 24.2 | This Is Mine | Etaṁmamasutta |
SN 24.3 | This Is My Self | Soattāsutta |
SN 24.4 | It Might Not Be Mine | Nocamesiyāsutta |
SN 24.5 | Theres No Meaning in Giving | Natthidinnasutta |
SN 24.6 | Acting | Karotosutta |
SN 24.7 | Cause | Hetusutta |
SN 24.8 | The Extensive View | Mahādiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.9 | The Cosmos is Eternal | Sassatadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.19 | Winds | Vātasutta |
SN 24.36 | Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists | Nevahotinanahotisutta |
SN 24.45 | Winds | Navātasutta |
SN 24.70 | The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering | Adukkhamasukhīsutta |
SN 24.71 | Winds | Navātasutta |
SN 24.96 | The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering | Adukkhamasukhīsutta |
SN 25.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 25.9 | Elements | Pathavīdhātusutta |
SN 25.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 26.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 26.9 | Elements | Dhātusutta |
SN 26.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 27.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 27.9 | Elements | Dhātusutta |
SN 27.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 28.6 | The Dimension of Infinite Consciousness | Viññāṇañcāyatanasutta |
SN 28.7 | The Dimension of Nothingness | Ākiñcaññāyatanasutta |
SN 33.5 | Not Knowing Consciousness | Viññāṇaaññāṇasutta |
SN 33.6-10 | Five Discourses on Not Seeing Form, Etc. | Rūpaadassanādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.15 | ||
SN 33.20 | ||
SN 33.55 | Not Directly Experiencing Consciousness | Viññāṇaappaccakkhakammasutta |
SN 35.24 | Giving Up | Pahānasutta |
SN 35.25 | Giving Up By Direct Knowledge and Complete Understanding | Abhiññāpariññāpahānasutta |
SN 35.26 | Without Completely Understanding (1st) | Paṭhamaaparijānanasutta |
SN 35.27 | Without Completely Understanding (2nd) | Dutiyaaparijānanasutta |
SN 35.28 | Burning | Ādittasutta |
SN 35.29 | Oppressed | Addhabhūtasutta |
SN 35.30 | The Practice Fit for Uprooting | Samugghātasāruppasutta |
SN 35.31 | The Practice Conducive to Uprooting (1st) | Paṭhamasamugghātasappāyasutta |
SN 35.32 | The Practice Conducive to Uprooting (2nd) | Dutiyasamugghātasappāyasutta |
SN 35.33 | Mendicants, all is liable to be reborn. And what is the all | |
SN 35.43 | Mendicants, all is impermanent. And what is the all that is | |
SN 35.52 | Disturbed | Upassaṭṭhasutta |
SN 35.53 | Giving Up Ignorance | Avijjāpahānasutta |
SN 35.60 | The Complete Understanding of All Grasping | Sabbupādānapariññāsutta |
SN 35.61 | The Depletion of All Fuel (1st) | Paṭhamasabbupādānapariyādānasutta |
SN 35.62 | The Depletion of All Fuel (2nd) | Dutiyasabbupādānapariyādānasutta |
SN 35.65 | Samiddhis Question About Māra | Paṭhamasamiddhimārapañhāsutta |
SN 35.68 | Samiddhis Question About the World | Samiddhilokapañhāsutta |
SN 35.75 | Sick (2nd) | Dutiyagilānasutta |
SN 35.76 | With Rādha on Impermanence | Rādhaaniccasutta |
SN 35.79 | Giving Up Ignorance (1st) | Paṭhamaavijjāpahānasutta |
SN 35.80 | Giving Up Ignorance (2nd) | Dutiyaavijjāpahānasutta |
SN 35.81 | Several Mendicants | Sambahulabhikkhusutta |
SN 35.82 | A Question On the World | Lokapañhāsutta |
SN 35.84 | Liable to Wear Out | Palokadhammasutta |
SN 35.85 | The World is Empty | Suññatalokasutta |
SN 35.86 | A Teaching In Brief | Saṁkhittadhammasutta |
SN 35.87 | With Channa | Channasutta |
SN 35.89 | With Bāhiya | Bāhiyasutta |
SN 35.90 | Turbulence (1st) | Paṭhamaejāsutta |
SN 35.91 | Turbulence (2nd) | Dutiyaejāsutta |
SN 35.93 | A Duality (2nd) | Dutiyadvayasutta |
SN 35.99 | Immersion | Samādhisutta |
SN 35.100 | Retreat | Paṭisallānasutta |
SN 35.101 | Its Not Yours (1st) | Paṭhamanatumhākasutta |
SN 35.102 | Its Not Yours (2nd) | Dutiyanatumhākasutta |
SN 35.106 | The Origin of Suffering | Dukkhasamudayasutta |
SN 35.107 | The Origin of the World | Lokasamudayasutta |
SN 35.113 | Listening In | Upassutisutta |
SN 35.118 | The Question of Sakka | Sakkapañhasutta |
SN 35.119 | The Question of Pañcasikha | Pañcasikhasutta |
SN 35.121 | Advice to Rāhula | Rāhulovādasutta |
SN 35.124 | At Vesālī | Vesālīsutta |
SN 35.129 | With Ghosita | Ghositasutta |
SN 35.130 | With Hāliddikāni | Hāliddikānisutta |
SN 35.131 | Nakulas Father | Nakulapitusutta |
SN 35.147 | The Impermanent as Conducive to Extinguishment | Aniccanibbānasappāyasutta |
SN 35.148 | The Suffering as Conducive to Extinguishment | Dukkhanibbānasappāyasutta |
SN 35.149 | Not-Self as Conducive to Extinguishment | Anattanibbānasappāyasutta |
SN 35.150 | A Practice Conducive to Extinguishment | Nibbānasappāyapaṭipadāsutta |
SN 35.152 | Whats the Purpose of the Spiritual Life? | Kimatthiyabrahmacariyasutta |
SN 35.160 | On Immersion at Jīvakas Mango Grove | Jīvakambavanasamādhisutta |
SN 35.161 | On Retreat at Jīvakas Mango Grove | Jīvakambavanapaṭisallānasutta |
SN 35.162 | With Koṭṭhita on Impermanence | Koṭṭhikaaniccasutta |
SN 35.163 | With Koṭṭhita on Suffering | Koṭṭhikadukkhasutta |
SN 35.164 | With Koṭṭhita on Not-Self | Koṭṭhikaanattasutta |
SN 35.165 | Giving Up Wrong View | Micchādiṭṭhipahānasutta |
SN 35.166 | Giving Up Substantialist View | Sakkāyadiṭṭhipahānasutta |
SN 35.167 | Giving Up View of Self | Attānudiṭṭhipahānasutta |
SN 35.234 | With Udāyī | Udāyīsutta |
SN 35.235 | The Exposition on Burning | Ādittapariyāyasutta |
SN 35.238 | The Simile of the Vipers | Āsīvisopamasutta |
SN 35.244 | Entailing Suffering | Dukkhadhammasutta |
SN 35.245 | The Simile of the Parrot Tree | Kiṁsukopamasutta |
SN 35.246 | The Simile of the Harp | Vīṇopamasutta |
SN 36.11 | In Private | Rahogatasutta |
SN 36.15 | With Ānanda (1st) | Paṭhamaānandasutta |
SN 36.19 | With Pañcakaṅga | Pañcakaṅgasutta |
SN 38.15 | A Question About Substantial Reality | Sakkāyapañhāsutta |
SN 40.6 | A Question About the Dimension of Infinite Consciousness | Viññāṇañcāyatanapañhāsutta |
SN 40.7 | A Question About the Dimension of Nothingness | Ākiñcaññāyatanapañhāsutta |
SN 40.9 | A Question About the Signless | Animittapañhāsutta |
SN 41.2 | Isidatta (1st) | Paṭhamaisidattasutta |
SN 41.3 | With Isidatta (2nd) | Dutiyaisidattasutta |
SN 41.7 | With Godatta | Godattasutta |
SN 44.1 | With Khemā | Khemāsutta |
SN 44.2 | With Anurādha | Anurādhasutta |
SN 44.3 | With Sāriputta and Koṭṭhita (1st) | Paṭhamasāriputtakoṭṭhikasutta |
SN 44.4 | With Sāriputta and Koṭṭhita (2nd) | Dutiyasāriputtakoṭṭhikasutta |
SN 44.5 | With Sāriputta and Koṭṭhita (3rd) | Tatiyasāriputtakoṭṭhikasutta |
SN 44.6 | With Sāriputta and Koṭṭhita (4th) | Catutthasāriputtakoṭṭhikasutta |
SN 44.8 | With Vacchagotta | Vacchagottasutta |
SN 45.159 | A Guest House | Āgantukasutta |
SN 45.178 | Grasping Aggregates | Upādānakkhandhasutta |
SN 46.30 | With Udāyī | Udāyisutta |
SN 46.54 | Full of Love | Mettāsahagatasutta |
SN 54.8 | The Simile of the Lamp | Padīpopamasutta |
SN 55.28 | Dangers and Threats (1st) | Paṭhamabhayaverūpasantasutta |
SN 56.13 | Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
AN 1.199 | ||
AN 1.447-454 | Having physical form, they see forms not perceiving form i | |
AN 1.455-464 | They develop the meditation on universal earth the meditat | |
AN 2.85 | Bad, unskillful qualities, mendicants, arise with conscious | |
AN 3.61 | Sectarian Tenets | Titthāyatanasutta |
AN 3.76 | Continued Existence (1st) | Paṭhamabhavasutta |
AN 3.77 | Continued Existence (2nd) | Dutiyabhavasutta |
AN 3.90 | Three Trainings (2nd) | Dutiyasikkhattayasutta |
AN 3.116 | Imperturbable | Āneñjasutta |
AN 3.133 | A Warrior | Yodhājīvasutta |
AN 4.41 | Ways of Developing Immersion Further | Samādhibhāvanāsutta |
AN 4.90 | Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
AN 4.124 | Difference (2nd) | Dutiyanānākaraṇasutta |
AN 4.126 | Love (2nd) | Dutiyamettāsutta |
AN 4.181 | A Warrior | Yodhājīvasutta |
AN 4.190 | Sabbath | Uposathasutta |
AN 4.196 | With Sāḷha | Sāḷhasutta |
AN 4.200 | Love and Hate | Pemasutta |
AN 6.13 | Elements of Escape | Nissāraṇīyasutta |
AN 6.61 | In the Middle | Majjhesutta |
AN 7.44 | Planes of Consciousness | Sattaviññāṇaṭṭhitisutta |
AN 7.96-614 | Observing Suffering in the Eye, Etc. | ~ |
AN 8.2 | Wisdom | Paññāsutta |
AN 8.66 | Liberations | Vimokkhasutta |
AN 8.120 | Untitled Discourse on Greed (3rd) | ~ |
AN 9.24 | Abodes of Sentient Beings | Sattāvāsasutta |
AN 9.31 | Progressive Cessations | Anupubbanirodhasutta |
AN 9.32 | Progressive Meditations | Anupubbavihārasutta |
AN 9.33 | The Nine Progressive Meditative Attainments | Anupubbavihārasamāpattisutta |
AN 9.34 | Extinguishment is Bliss | Nibbānasukhasutta |
AN 9.35 | The Simile of the Cow | Gāvīupamāsutta |
AN 9.36 | Depending on Absorption | Jhānasutta |
AN 9.37 | By Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
AN 9.38 | Brahmin Cosmologists | Lokāyatikasutta |
AN 9.39 | The War Between the Gods and the Titans | Devāsurasaṅgāmasutta |
AN 9.40 | The Simile of the Bull Elephant in the Forest | Nāgasutta |
AN 9.41 | With the Householder Tapussa | Tapussasutta |
AN 9.42 | Cramped | Sambādhasutta |
AN 9.43 | A Direct Witness | Kāyasakkhīsutta |
AN 9.66 | Grasping Aggregates | Upādānakkhandhasutta |
AN 9.94 | Untitled Discourse on Greed (2nd) | ~ |
AN 10.6 | Immersion | Samādhisutta |
AN 10.7 | Sāriputta | Sāriputtasutta |
AN 10.25 | Meditation on Universals | Kasiṇasutta |
AN 10.26 | With Kāḷī | Kāḷīsutta |
AN 10.27 | The Great Questions (1st) | Paṭhamamahāpañhāsutta |
AN 10.29 | Kosala (1st) | Paṭhamakosalasutta |
AN 10.60 | With Girimānanda | Girimānandasutta |
AN 10.81 | With Bāhuna | Vāhanasutta |
AN 10.85 | A Boaster | Katthīsutta |
AN 10.92 | Dangers | Bhayasutta |
AN 10.99 | With Upāli | Upālisutta |
AN 11.7 | Percipient | Saññāsutta |
AN 11.8 | Focus | Manasikārasutta |
AN 11.9 | With Sandha | Saddhasutta |
AN 11.16 | The Wealthy Citizen | Aṭṭhakanāgarasutta |
AN 11.18 | Immersion (1st) | Paṭhamasamādhisutta |
AN 11.19 | Immersion (2nd) | Dutiyasamādhisutta |
AN 11.20 | Immersion (3rd) | Tatiyasamādhisutta |
AN 11.21 | Immersion (4th) | Catutthasamādhisutta |
AN 11.118-165 | Untitled Discourses on Eye Consciousness, Etc. | ~ |
AN 11.982 | Untitled Discourse on Greed | ~ |
Dhp 41 | ||
Ud 1.1 | Upon Awakening (1st) | Paṭhamabodhisutta |
Ud 1.2 | Upon Awakening (2nd) | Dutiyabodhisutta |
Ud 1.3 | Upon Awakening (3rd) | Tatiyabodhisutta |
Ud 4.7 | With Sāriputta | Sāriputtasutta |
Ud 8.1 | About Extinguishment (1st) | Paṭhamanibbānapaṭisaṁyuttasutta |
Ud 8.9 | With Dabba (1st) | Paṭhamadabbasutta |
Iti 77 | Fragile | Bhidurasutta |
Iti 94 | Examination | Upaparikkhasutta |
Snp 3.12 | 3.12 Contemplating Pairs | Dvayatānupassanāsutta |
Snp 5.2 | The Questions of Ajita | Ajitamāṇavapucchā |
Snp 5.5 | The Questions of Mettagū | Mettagūmāṇavapucchā |
Snp 5.7 | The Questions of Upasīva | Upasīvamāṇavapucchā |
Snp 5.14 | The Questions of Udaya | Udayamāṇavapucchā |
Snp 5.15 | The Question of Posāla | Posālamāṇavapucchā |
Thag 1.68 | Ekudāniya | Ekudāniyattheragāthā |
Thag 6.8 | Migajāla | Migajālattheragāthā |
Thig 16.1 | Sumedhā | Sumedhātherīgāthā |
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