Wheel Turning Monarch

39 Suttas ***

DN 3  With Ambaṭṭha  Ambaṭṭhasutta
DN 14  The Great Discourse on Traces Left Behind  Mahāpadānasutta
DN 16  The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment  Mahāparinibbānasutta
DN 17  King Mahāsudassana  Mahāsudassanasutta
DN 26  The Wheel-Turning Monarch  Cakkavattisutta
DN 30  The Marks of a Great Man  Lakkhaṇasutta
MN 91  With Brahmāyu  Brahmāyusutta
MN 92  With Sela  Selasutta
MN 115  Many Elements  Bahudhātukasutta
MN 129  The Foolish and the Astute  Bālapaṇḍitasutta
SN 8.7  The Invitation to Admonish  Pavāraṇāsutta
SN 22.102  The Perception of Impermanence  Aniccasaññāsutta
SN 41.10  Seeing the Sick  Gilānadassanasutta
SN 45.141-145  A Roof Peak  Kūṭādisutta
SN 46.42  A Wheel-Turning Monarch  Cakkavattisutta
SN 55.1  A Wheel-Turning Monarch  Cakkavattirājasutta
AN 1.278    “It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for two whee
AN 1.280    “It is impossible, mendicants, it cannot happen for a woman
AN 2.52    “Two people, mendicants, arise in the world for the welfare
AN 2.53    “Two people, mendicants, arise in the world who are incredib
AN 2.54    “There are two people, mendicants, whose death is regretted
AN 2.55    “Mendicants, these two are worthy of a monument. What two? T
AN 3.14  The Wheel-Turning Monarch  Cakkavattisutta
AN 4.130  Incredible Things About the Wheel-Turning Monarch  Cakkavattiacchariyasutta
AN 4.247  Worthy of a Monument  Thūpārahasutta
AN 5.131  Wielding Power (1st)  Paṭhamacakkānuvattanasutta
AN 5.132  Wielding Power (2nd)  Dutiyacakkānuvattanasutta
AN 5.133  A Principled King  Dhammarājāsutta
AN 6.53  Diligence  Appamādasutta
AN 7.62  Don’t Fear Good Deeds  Mettasutta
AN 7.66  The Seven Suns  Sattasūriyasutta
AN 10.15  Diligence  Appamādasutta
Iti 22  The Benefits of Love  Mettasutta
Snp 3.7  With Sela  Selasutta
Thag 16.6  Sela  Selattheragāthā

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