DN 9 | With Poṭṭhapāda | Poṭṭhapādasutta |
DN 10 | With Subha | Subhasutta |
DN 14 | The Great Discourse on Traces Left Behind | Mahāpadānasutta |
DN 16 | The Great Discourse on the Buddhas Extinguishment | Mahāparinibbānasutta |
DN 17 | King Mahāsudassana | Mahāsudassanasutta |
DN 21 | Sakkas Questions | Sakkapañhasutta |
DN 27 | What Came First | Aggaññasutta |
DN 30 | The Marks of a Great Man | Lakkhaṇasutta |
MN 2 | All the Defilements | Sabbāsavasutta |
MN 3 | Heirs in the Teaching | Dhammadāyādasutta |
MN 4 | Fear and Dread | Bhayabheravasutta |
MN 5 | Unblemished | Anaṅgaṇasutta |
MN 6 | One Might Wish | Ākaṅkheyyasutta |
MN 7 | The Simile of the Cloth | Vatthasutta |
MN 8 | Self-Effacement | Sallekhasutta |
MN 9 | Right View | Sammādiṭṭhisutta |
MN 11 | The Shorter Discourse on the Lions Roar | Cūḷasīhanādasutta |
MN 13 | The Longer Discourse on the Mass of Suffering | Mahādukkhakkhandhasutta |
MN 16 | Emotional Barrenness | Cetokhilasutta |
MN 17 | Jungle Thickets | Vanapatthasutta |
MN 19 | Two Kinds of Thought | Dvedhāvitakkasutta |
MN 20 | How to Stop Thinking | Vitakkasaṇṭhānasutta |
MN 21 | The Simile of the Saw | Kakacūpamasutta |
MN 22 | The Simile of the Cobra | Alagaddūpamasutta |
MN 23 | The Termite Mound | Vammikasutta |
MN 24 | Chariots at the Ready | Rathavinītasutta |
MN 25 | Sowing | Nivāpasutta |
MN 26 | The Noble Quest | Pāsarāsisutta |
MN 27 | The Shorter Simile of the Elephants Footprint | Cūḷahatthipadopamasutta |
MN 28 | The Longer Simile of the Elephants Footprint | Mahāhatthipadopamasutta |
MN 30 | The Shorter Simile of the Heartwood | Cūḷasāropamasutta |
MN 33 | The Longer Discourse on the Cowherd | Mahāgopālakasutta |
MN 37 | The Shorter Discourse on the Ending of Craving | Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
MN 38 | The Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving | Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
MN 42 | The People of Verañjā | Verañjakasutta |
MN 43 | The Great Elaboration | Mahāvedallasutta |
MN 45 | The Shorter Discourse on Taking Up Practices | Cūḷadhammasamādānasutta |
MN 46 | The Great Discourse on Taking Up Practices | Mahādhammasamādānasutta |
MN 47 | The Inquirer | Vīmaṁsakasutta |
MN 49 | On the Invitation of Brahmā | Brahmanimantanikasutta |
MN 59 | The Many Kinds of Feeling | Bahuvedanīyasutta |
MN 62 | The Longer Advice to Rāhula | Mahārāhulovādasutta |
MN 63 | The Shorter Discourse With Māluṅkyaputta | Cūḷamālukyasutta |
MN 64 | The Longer Discourse With Māluṅkya | Mahāmālukyasutta |
MN 65 | With Bhaddāli | Bhaddālisutta |
MN 72 | With Vacchagotta on Fire | Aggivacchasutta |
MN 78 | With Uggāhamāna Samaṇamaṇḍikāputta | Samaṇamuṇḍikasutta |
MN 80 | With Vekhanasa | Vekhanasasutta |
MN 82 | With Raṭṭhapāla | Raṭṭhapālasutta |
MN 86 | With Aṅgulimāla | Aṅgulimālasutta |
MN 87 | Born From the Beloved | Piyajātikasutta |
MN 88 | The Imported Cloth | Bāhitikasutta |
MN 93 | With Assalāyana | Assalāyanasutta |
MN 96 | With Esukārī | Esukārīsutta |
MN 99 | With Subha | Subhasutta |
MN 102 | The Five and Three | Pañcattayasutta |
MN 107 | With Moggallāna the Accountant | Gaṇakamoggallānasutta |
MN 109 | The Longer Discourse on the Full-Moon Night | Mahāpuṇṇamasutta |
MN 110 | The Shorter Discourse on the Full-Moon Night | Cūḷapuṇṇamasutta |
MN 111 | One by One | Anupadasutta |
MN 112 | The Sixfold Purification | Chabbisodhanasutta |
MN 113 | A True Person | Sappurisasutta |
MN 114 | What Should and Should Not Be Cultivated | Sevitabbāsevitabbasutta |
MN 115 | Many Elements | Bahudhātukasutta |
MN 117 | The Great Forty | Mahācattārīsakasutta |
MN 118 | Mindfulness of Breathing | Ānāpānassatisutta |
MN 119 | Mindfulness of the Body | Kāyagatāsatisutta |
MN 120 | Rebirth by Choice | Saṅkhārupapattisutta |
MN 121 | The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness | Cūḷasuññatasutta |
MN 123 | Incredible and Amazing | Acchariyaabbhutasutta |
MN 127 | With Anuruddha | Anuruddhasutta |
MN 129 | The Foolish and the Astute | Bālapaṇḍitasutta |
MN 130 | Messengers of the Gods | Devadūtasutta |
MN 131 | One Fine Night | Bhaddekarattasutta |
MN 132 | Ānanda and One Fine Night | Ānandabhaddekarattasutta |
MN 134 | Lomasakaṅgiya and One Fine Night | Lomasakaṅgiyabhaddekarattasutta |
MN 135 | The Shorter Analysis of Deeds | Cūḷakammavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 137 | The Analysis of the Six Sense Fields | Saḷāyatanavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 138 | The Analysis of a Recitation Passage | Uddesavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 139 | The Analysis of Non-Conflict | Araṇavibhaṅgasutta |
MN 140 | The Analysis of the Elements | Dhātuvibhaṅgasutta |
MN 143 | Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika | Anāthapiṇḍikovādasutta |
MN 145 | Advice to Puṇṇa | Puṇṇovādasutta |
MN 146 | Advice from Nandaka | Nandakovādasutta |
MN 147 | The Shorter Advice to Rāhula | Cūḷarāhulovādasutta |
MN 148 | Six By Six | Chachakkasutta |
MN 149 | The Great Discourse on the Six Sense Fields | Mahāsaḷāyatanikasutta |
SN 1.1 | Crossing the Flood | Oghataraṇasutta |
SN 1.2 | Liberation | Nimokkhasutta |
SN 1.3 | Led On | Upanīyasutta |
SN 1.4 | Time Flies | Accentisutta |
SN 1.5 | Cut How Many? | Katichindasutta |
SN 1.6 | Awake | Jāgarasutta |
SN 1.7 | Not Comprehending | Appaṭividitasutta |
SN 1.8 | Very Confused | Susammuṭṭhasutta |
SN 1.9 | Fond of Conceit | Mānakāmasutta |
SN 1.10 | Wilderness | Araññasutta |
SN 1.11 | The Garden of Delight | Nandanasutta |
SN 1.12 | Delight | Nandatisutta |
SN 1.13 | Theres Nothing Like a Child | Natthiputtasamasutta |
SN 1.21 | A Sword | Sattisutta |
SN 1.31 | Virtuous | Sabbhisutta |
SN 1.32 | Stinginess | Maccharisutta |
SN 1.33 | Good | Sādhusutta |
SN 1.34 | There Are None | Nasantisutta |
SN 1.35 | Disdain | Ujjhānasaññisutta |
SN 1.36 | Faith | Saddhāsutta |
SN 1.41 | On Fire | Ādittasutta |
SN 1.71 | Incinerated | Chetvāsutta |
SN 2.1 | With Kassapa (1st) | Paṭhamakassapasutta |
SN 2.2 | With Kassapa (2nd) | Dutiyakassapasutta |
SN 2.3 | With Māgha | Māghasutta |
SN 2.4 | With Māghadha | Māgadhasutta |
SN 2.5 | With Dāmali | Dāmalisutta |
SN 2.6 | With Kāmada | Kāmadasutta |
SN 2.7 | With Pañcālacaṇḍa | Pañcālacaṇḍasutta |
SN 2.8 | With Tāyana | Tāyanasutta |
SN 2.9 | The Moon | Candimasutta |
SN 2.10 | The Sun | Sūriyasutta |
SN 2.11 | With Candimasa | Candimasasutta |
SN 2.21 | With Shiva | Sivasutta |
SN 2.26 | With Rohitassa | Rohitassasutta |
SN 2.29 | With Susīma | Susimasutta |
SN 3.1 | Young | Daharasutta |
SN 3.2 | A Person | Purisasutta |
SN 3.3 | Old Age and Death | Jarāmaraṇasutta |
SN 3.4 | Loved | Piyasutta |
SN 3.5 | Self-Protected | Attarakkhitasutta |
SN 3.6 | Few | Appakasutta |
SN 3.7 | Judgment | Aḍḍakaraṇasutta |
SN 3.8 | With Queen Mallikā | Mallikāsutta |
SN 3.9 | Sacrifice | Yaññasutta |
SN 3.10 | Shackles | Bandhanasutta |
SN 3.11 | Seven Matted-Hair Ascetics | Sattajaṭilasutta |
SN 3.12 | Five Kings | Pañcarājasutta |
SN 3.13 | A Bucket of Rice | Doṇapākasutta |
SN 3.14 | Battle (1st) | Paṭhamasaṅgāmasutta |
SN 3.16 | A Daughter | Mallikāsutta |
SN 3.17 | Diligence | Appamādasutta |
SN 3.18 | Good Friends | Kalyāṇamittasutta |
SN 3.19 | Childless (1st) | Paṭhamaaputtakasutta |
SN 3.20 | Childless (2nd) | Dutiyaaputtakasutta |
SN 3.21 | Persons | Puggalasutta |
SN 3.22 | Grandmother | Ayyikāsutta |
SN 3.23 | The World | Lokasutta |
SN 3.24 | Archery | Issattasutta |
SN 3.25 | The Simile of the Mountain | Pabbatūpamasutta |
SN 4.8 | Delighting | Nandatisutta |
SN 4.12 | Lion | Kinnusīhasutta |
SN 4.15 | A Mental Snare | Mānasasutta |
SN 4.16 | The Alms Bowls | Pattasutta |
SN 4.19 | A Farmer | Kassakasutta |
SN 5.1 | With Āḷavikā | Āḷavikāsutta |
SN 5.2 | With Somā | Somāsutta |
SN 5.3 | With Kisāgotamī | Kisāgotamīsutta |
SN 5.4 | With Vijayā | Vijayāsutta |
SN 5.5 | With Uppalavaṇṇā | Uppalavaṇṇāsutta |
SN 5.6 | With Cālā | Cālāsutta |
SN 5.7 | With Upacālā | Upacālāsutta |
SN 5.8 | With Sīsupacālā | Sīsupacālāsutta |
SN 5.9 | With Selā | Selāsutta |
SN 5.10 | With Vajirā | Vajirāsutta |
SN 6.3 | With Brahmadeva | Brahmadevasutta |
SN 6.4 | With Baka the Brahmā | Bakabrahmasutta |
SN 6.5 | A Certain Brahmā | Aññatarabrahmasutta |
SN 6.6 | The Negligent Brahmā | Brahmalokasutta |
SN 6.7 | About Kokālika | Kokālikasutta |
SN 6.8 | About Katamorakatissaka | Katamodakatissasutta |
SN 6.9 | With the Brahmā Tudu | Turūbrahmasutta |
SN 6.10 | With Kokālika | Kokālikasutta |
SN 6.14 | About Aruṇavatī | Aruṇavatīsutta |
SN 7.5 | Harmless | Ahiṁsakasutta |
SN 7.6 | With Bhāradvāja of the Matted Hair | Jaṭāsutta |
SN 7.7 | With Bhāradvāja the Pure | Suddhikasutta |
SN 7.12 | With Udaya | Udayasutta |
SN 7.13 | With Devahita | Devahitasutta |
SN 7.14 | A well-to-do brahmin | Mahāsālasutta |
SN 7.15 | Stuck-Up | Mānatthaddhasutta |
SN 7.16 | The Contraphile | Paccanīkasutta |
SN 7.19 | The Brahmin Who Provided for His Mother | Mātuposakasutta |
SN 7.20 | A Beggar | Bhikkhakasutta |
SN 7.21 | With Saṅgārava | Saṅgāravasutta |
SN 8.4 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 8.5 | Well-Spoken Words | Subhāsitasutta |
SN 8.6 | With Sāriputta | Sāriputtasutta |
SN 8.7 | The Invitation to Admonish | Pavāraṇāsutta |
SN 8.8 | Over a Thousand | Parosahassasutta |
SN 8.12 | With Vaṅgīsa | Vaṅgīsasutta |
SN 10.5 | With Sānu | Sānusutta |
SN 10.6 | With Piyaṅkara | Piyaṅkarasutta |
SN 10.7 | With Punabbasu | Punabbasusutta |
SN 11.1 | With Suvīra | Suvīrasutta |
SN 11.2 | With Susīma | Susīmasutta |
SN 11.3 | The Banners Crest | Dhajaggasutta |
SN 11.4 | With Vepacitti | Vepacittisutta |
SN 11.5 | Victory by Good Speech | Subhāsitajayasutta |
SN 11.6 | Bird Nests | Kulāvakasutta |
SN 11.7 | Not Betray | Nadubbhiyasutta |
SN 11.8 | Verocana, Lord of Titans | Verocanaasurindasutta |
SN 11.9 | Seers in the Wilderness | Araññāyatanaisisutta |
SN 11.10 | Seers by the Ocean | Samuddakasutta |
SN 11.11 | Vows | Vatapadasutta |
SN 11.12 | Sakkas Names | Sakkanāmasutta |
SN 11.15 | Delightful | Rāmaṇeyyakasutta |
SN 11.17 | Homage to the Buddha | Buddhavandanāsutta |
SN 11.18 | Who Sakka Worships | Gahaṭṭhavandanāsutta |
SN 11.19 | Who Sakka Worships | Satthāravandanāsutta |
SN 11.20 | Who Sakka Worships | Saṁghavandanāsutta |
SN 11.21 | Incinerated | Chetvāsutta |
SN 11.22 | Ugly | Dubbaṇṇiyasutta |
SN 11.23 | The Sambari Sorcery | Sambarimāyāsutta |
SN 11.24 | Transgression | Accayasutta |
SN 11.25 | Dont Be Angry | Akkodhasutta |
SN 12.1 | Dependent Origination | Paṭiccasamuppādasutta |
SN 12.2 | Analysis | Vibhaṅgasutta |
SN 12.3 | Practice | Paṭipadāsutta |
SN 12.4 | About Vipassī | Vipassīsutta |
SN 12.11 | Fuel | Āhārasutta |
SN 12.12 | Phagguna of the Top-Knot | Moḷiyaphaggunasutta |
SN 12.13 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.14 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.15 | Kaccānagotta | Kaccānagottasutta |
SN 12.16 | A Dhamma Speaker | Dhammakathikasutta |
SN 12.18 | With Timbaruka | Timbarukasutta |
SN 12.19 | The Astute and the Foolish | Bālapaṇḍitasutta |
SN 12.20 | Conditions | Paccayasutta |
SN 12.21 | The Ten Powers | Dasabalasutta |
SN 12.22 | The Ten Powers (2nd) | Dutiyadasabalasutta |
SN 12.23 | Vital Conditions | Upanisasutta |
SN 12.25 | With Bhūmija | Bhūmijasutta |
SN 12.26 | With Upavāna | Upavāṇasutta |
SN 12.27 | Conditions | Paccayasutta |
SN 12.28 | A Mendicant | Bhikkhusutta |
SN 12.29 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.30 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.31 | What Has Come to Be | Bhūtasutta |
SN 12.32 | With Kaḷāra the Aristocrat | Kaḷārasutta |
SN 12.33 | Grounds for Knowledge | Ñāṇavatthusutta |
SN 12.34 | Grounds for Knowledge (2nd) | Dutiyañāṇavatthusutta |
SN 12.35 | Ignorance is a Condition | Avijjāpaccayasutta |
SN 12.36 | Ignorance is a Condition (2nd) | Dutiyaavijjāpaccayasutta |
SN 12.37 | Not Yours | Natumhasutta |
SN 12.38 | Intention | Cetanāsutta |
SN 12.39 | Intention (2nd) | Dutiyacetanāsutta |
SN 12.40 | Intention (3rd) | Tatiyacetanāsutta |
SN 12.41 | Dangers and Threats | Pañcaverabhayasutta |
SN 12.42 | Dangers and Threats (2nd) | Dutiyapañcaverabhayasutta |
SN 12.43 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 12.44 | The World | Lokasutta |
SN 12.46 | A Certain Brahmin | Aññatarabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 12.47 | Jānussoṇi | Jāṇussoṇisutta |
SN 12.48 | A Cosmologist | Lokāyatikasutta |
SN 12.49 | A Noble Disciple | Ariyasāvakasutta |
SN 12.50 | A Noble Disciple (2nd) | Dutiyaariyasāvakasutta |
SN 12.51 | An Inquiry | Parivīmaṁsanasutta |
SN 12.52 | Grasping | Upādānasutta |
SN 12.53 | Fetters | Saṁyojanasutta |
SN 12.54 | Fetters (2nd) | Dutiyasaṁyojanasutta |
SN 12.55 | A Great Tree | Mahārukkhasutta |
SN 12.56 | A Great Tree (2nd) | Dutiyamahārukkhasutta |
SN 12.57 | A Sapling | Taruṇarukkhasutta |
SN 12.58 | Name and Form | Nāmarūpasutta |
SN 12.59 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 12.61 | Unlearned | Assutavāsutta |
SN 12.62 | Unlearned (2nd) | Dutiyaassutavāsutta |
SN 12.63 | A Childs Flesh | Puttamaṁsasutta |
SN 12.64 | If There Is Desire | Atthirāgasutta |
SN 12.65 | The City | Nagarasutta |
SN 12.69 | Surge | Upayantisutta |
SN 12.71 | Old Age and Death | Jarāmaraṇasutta |
SN 12.72-81 | A Set of Ten on Rebirth, Etc. | Jātisuttādidasaka |
SN 12.82 | The Teacher | Satthusutta |
SN 13.1 | A Fingernail | Nakhasikhāsutta |
SN 13.2 | A Lotus Pond | Pokkharaṇīsutta |
SN 13.3 | Where the Waters Flow Together | Sambhejjaudakasutta |
SN 13.4 | Where the Waters Flow Together (2nd) | Dutiyasambhejjaudakasutta |
SN 13.5 | The Earth | Pathavīsutta |
SN 13.6 | The Earth (2nd) | Dutiyapathavīsutta |
SN 13.7 | The Ocean | Samuddasutta |
SN 13.8 | The Ocean (2nd) | Dutiyasamuddasutta |
SN 13.9 | A Mountain | Pabbatasutta |
SN 13.10 | A Mountain (2nd) | Dutiyapabbatasutta |
SN 13.11 | A Mountain (3rd) | Tatiyapabbatasutta |
SN 14.1 | Diversity of Elements | Dhātunānattasutta |
SN 14.2 | Diversity of Contacts | Phassanānattasutta |
SN 14.3 | Not Diversity of Contacts | Nophassanānattasutta |
SN 14.4 | Diversity of Feelings | Vedanānānattasutta |
SN 14.5 | Diversity of Feelings (2nd) | Dutiyavedanānānattasutta |
SN 14.6 | External Diversity of Elements | Bāhiradhātunānattasutta |
SN 14.7 | Diversity of Perceptions | Saññānānattasutta |
SN 14.8 | No Diversity of Searches | Nopariyesanānānattasutta |
SN 14.9 | Diversity of Gains | Bāhiraphassanānattasutta |
SN 14.10 | No Diversity of Gains | Dutiyabāhiraphassanānattasutta |
SN 14.11 | Seven Elements | Sattadhātusutta |
SN 14.12 | With a Cause | Sanidānasutta |
SN 14.14 | Bad Convictions | Hīnādhimuttikasutta |
SN 14.16 | With Verses | Sagāthāsutta |
SN 14.17 | Faithless | Assaddhasaṁsandanasutta |
SN 14.18 | Beginning With the Faithless | Assaddhamūlakasutta |
SN 14.19 | Beginning With the Shameless | Ahirikamūlakasutta |
SN 14.20 | Beginning With Imprudence | Anottappamūlakasutta |
SN 14.21 | Beginning With the Unlearned | Appassutamūlakasutta |
SN 14.22 | Beginning With the Lazy | Kusītamūlakasutta |
SN 14.23 | Lacking Immersion | Asamāhitasutta |
SN 14.24 | Unethical | Dussīlasutta |
SN 14.25 | The Five Precepts | Pañcasikkhāpadasutta |
SN 14.26 | Seven Ways of Performing Deeds | Sattakammapathasutta |
SN 14.27 | Ten Ways of Performing Deeds | Dasakammapathasutta |
SN 14.28 | The Eightfold Path | Aṭṭhaṅgikasutta |
SN 14.29 | Ten Factored Path | Dasaṅgasutta |
SN 14.30 | Four Elements | Catudhātusutta |
SN 14.31 | Before Awakening | Pubbesambodhasutta |
SN 14.32 | In Search of Gratification | Acariṁsutta |
SN 14.33 | If There Was No | Nocedaṁsutta |
SN 14.34 | Exclusively Painful | Ekantadukkhasutta |
SN 14.35 | Taking Pleasure | Abhinandasutta |
SN 14.36 | Arising | Uppādasutta |
SN 14.37 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 14.38 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 14.39 | Ascetics and Brahmins (3rd) | Tatiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 15.1 | Grass and Sticks | Tiṇakaṭṭhasutta |
SN 15.2 | The Earth | Pathavīsutta |
SN 15.3 | Tears | Assusutta |
SN 15.4 | Mothers Milk | Khīrasutta |
SN 15.5 | A Mountain | Pabbatasutta |
SN 15.6 | A Mustard Seed | Sāsapasutta |
SN 15.7 | Disciples | Sāvakasutta |
SN 15.9 | A Stick | Daṇḍasutta |
SN 15.11 | In a Sorry State | Duggatasutta |
SN 15.12 | In a Good Way | Sukhitasutta |
SN 15.14 | Mother | Mātusutta |
SN 15.15 | Father | Pitusutta |
SN 15.16 | Brother | Bhātusutta |
SN 15.17 | Sister | Bhaginisutta |
SN 15.18 | Son | Puttasutta |
SN 15.19 | Daughter | Dhītusutta |
SN 16.1 | Content | Santuṭṭhasutta |
SN 16.3 | Like the Moon | Candūpamāsutta |
SN 16.4 | Visiting Families | Kulūpakasutta |
SN 16.9 | Absorptions and Insights | Jhānābhiññasutta |
SN 16.10 | The Nuns Quarters | Upassayasutta |
SN 16.13 | The Counterfeit of the True Teaching | Saddhammappatirūpakasutta |
SN 17.1 | Brutal | Dāruṇasutta |
SN 17.2 | A Hook | Baḷisasutta |
SN 17.3 | A Turtle | Kummasutta |
SN 17.4 | A Fleecy Sheep | Dīghalomikasutta |
SN 17.5 | A Dung Beetle | Mīḷhakasutta |
SN 17.6 | A Bolt of Lightning | Asanisutta |
SN 17.7 | A Poisoned Arrow | Diddhasutta |
SN 17.8 | A Jackal | Siṅgālasutta |
SN 17.9 | Gale-force Winds | Verambhasutta |
SN 17.10 | With Verses | Sagāthakasutta |
SN 17.11 | A Golden Bowl | Suvaṇṇapātisutta |
SN 17.12 | A Silver Bowl | Rūpiyapātisutta |
SN 17.13-20 | A Gold Coin, Etc. | Suvaṇṇanikkhasuttādiaṭṭhaka |
SN 17.21 | A Female | Mātugāmasutta |
SN 17.22 | The Finest Lady in the Land | Kalyāṇīsutta |
SN 17.23 | An Only Son | Ekaputtakasutta |
SN 17.24 | An Only Daughter | Ekadhītusutta |
SN 17.25 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 17.26 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 17.27 | Ascetics and Brahmins (3rd) | Tatiyasamaṇabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 17.28 | Skin | Chavisutta |
SN 17.29 | A Rope | Rajjusutta |
SN 17.30 | A Mendicant With Defilements Ended | Bhikkhusutta |
SN 17.31 | Schism | Bhindisutta |
SN 17.32 | Skillful Root | Kusalamūlasutta |
SN 17.33 | Skillful Quality | Kusaladhammasutta |
SN 17.34 | Bright Quality | Sukkadhammasutta |
SN 17.37 | Mother | Mātusutta |
SN 17.38-43 | Father, Etc. | Pitusuttādichakka |
SN 18.1 | The Eye, Etc. | Cakkhusutta |
SN 18.2 | Sights, Etc. | Rūpasutta |
SN 18.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 18.4 | Contact | Samphassasutta |
SN 18.5 | Feeling | Vedanāsutta |
SN 18.6 | Perceptions | Saññāsutta |
SN 18.7 | Intention | Sañcetanāsutta |
SN 18.8 | Craving | Taṇhāsutta |
SN 18.9 | Elements | Dhātusutta |
SN 18.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 18.11 | The Eye, Etc. | Cakkhusutta |
SN 18.12-20 | The Nine Discourses on Sights, Etc. | Rūpādisuttanavaka |
SN 18.21 | Tendency | Anusayasutta |
SN 18.22 | Rid of Conceit | Apagatasutta |
SN 20.1 | A Roof Peak | Kūṭasutta |
SN 20.2 | A Fingernail | Nakhasikhasutta |
SN 20.3 | Families | Kulasutta |
SN 20.4 | Rice Pots | Okkhāsutta |
SN 20.5 | A Spear | Sattisutta |
SN 20.6 | The Archers | Dhanuggahasutta |
SN 20.7 | The Drum Peg | Āṇisutta |
SN 20.9 | A Bull Elephant | Nāgasutta |
SN 20.10 | A Cat | Biḷārasutta |
SN 20.11 | A Jackal | Siṅgālasutta |
SN 20.12 | A Jackal (2nd) | Dutiyasiṅgālasutta |
SN 21.1 | With Kolita | Kolitasutta |
SN 21.2 | With Upatissa | Upatissasutta |
SN 21.3 | A Mound of Salt | Ghaṭasutta |
SN 21.4 | A Junior Mendicant | Navasutta |
SN 21.5 | With Sujāta | Sujātasutta |
SN 21.6 | With Bhaddiya the Dwarf | Lakuṇḍakabhaddiyasutta |
SN 21.8 | With Nanda | Nandasutta |
SN 21.9 | With Tissa | Tissasutta |
SN 21.11 | With Mahākappina | Mahākappinasutta |
SN 21.12 | Companions | Sahāyakasutta |
SN 22.5 | Development of Immersion | Samādhisutta |
SN 22.6 | Retreat | Paṭisallāṇasutta |
SN 22.7 | Anxiety Because of Grasping | Upādāparitassanāsutta |
SN 22.8 | Anxiety Because of Grasping (2nd) | Dutiyaupādāparitassanāsutta |
SN 22.9 | Impermanence in the Three Times | Kālattayaaniccasutta |
SN 22.10 | Suffering in the Three Times | Kālattayadukkhasutta |
SN 22.11 | Not-Self in the Three Times | Kālattayaanattasutta |
SN 22.12 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.13 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.14 | Not-Self | Anattasutta |
SN 22.15 | That Which is Impermanent | Yadaniccasutta |
SN 22.16 | That Which is Suffering | Yaṁdukkhasutta |
SN 22.17 | That Which is Not-Self | Yadanattāsutta |
SN 22.18 | Impermanence With Its Cause | Sahetuaniccasutta |
SN 22.19 | Suffering With Its Cause | Sahetudukkhasutta |
SN 22.20 | Not-Self With Its Cause | Sahetuanattasutta |
SN 22.21 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 22.22 | The Burden | Bhārasutta |
SN 22.23 | Complete Understanding | Pariññasutta |
SN 22.24 | Directly Knowing | Abhijānasutta |
SN 22.25 | Desire and Greed | Chandarāgasutta |
SN 22.26 | Gratification | Assādasutta |
SN 22.27 | Gratification (2nd) | Dutiyaassādasutta |
SN 22.28 | Gratification (3rd) | Tatiyaassādasutta |
SN 22.29 | Taking Pleasure | Abhinandanasutta |
SN 22.30 | Arising | Uppādasutta |
SN 22.31 | The Root of Misery | Aghamūlasutta |
SN 22.32 | The Breakable | Pabhaṅgusutta |
SN 22.33 | Its Not Yours | Natumhākasutta |
SN 22.34 | Its Not Yours (2nd) | Dutiyanatumhākasutta |
SN 22.35 | A Mendicant | Aññatarabhikkhusutta |
SN 22.36 | A Mendicant (2nd) | Dutiyaaññatarabhikkhusutta |
SN 22.37 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 22.38 | With Ānanda (2nd) | Dutiyaānandasutta |
SN 22.39 | In Line With the Teachings | Anudhammasutta |
SN 22.40 | In Line with the Teachings (2nd) | Dutiyaanudhammasutta |
SN 22.41 | In Line with the Teachings (3rd) | Tatiyaanudhammasutta |
SN 22.42 | In Line with the Teachings (4th) | Catutthaanudhammasutta |
SN 22.43 | Be Your Own Island | Attadīpasutta |
SN 22.44 | Practice | Paṭipadāsutta |
SN 22.45 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.46 | Impermanence (2nd) | Dutiyaaniccasutta |
SN 22.47 | Ways of Regarding | Samanupassanāsutta |
SN 22.48 | Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 22.51 | The End of Relishing | Nandikkhayasutta |
SN 22.52 | The End of Relishing (2nd) | Dutiyanandikkhayasutta |
SN 22.53 | Involvement | Upayasutta |
SN 22.54 | A Seed | Bījasutta |
SN 22.55 | An Inspired Saying | Udānasutta |
SN 22.56 | Perspectives | Upādānaparipavattasutta |
SN 22.57 | Seven Cases | Sattaṭṭhānasutta |
SN 22.58 | The Fully Awakened Buddha | Sammāsambuddhasutta |
SN 22.61 | Burning | Ādittasutta |
SN 22.62 | The Scope of Language | Niruttipathasutta |
SN 22.63 | When You Grasp | Upādiyamānasutta |
SN 22.64 | Conceiving | Maññamānasutta |
SN 22.65 | When You Take Pleasure | Abhinandamānasutta |
SN 22.66 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.67 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.68 | Not-Self | Anattasutta |
SN 22.69 | Not Belonging to Self | Anattaniyasutta |
SN 22.70 | Definitely Arousing | Rajanīyasaṇṭhitasutta |
SN 22.71 | With Rādha | Rādhasutta |
SN 22.72 | With Surādha | Surādhasutta |
SN 22.73 | Gratification | Assādasutta |
SN 22.74 | Origin | Samudayasutta |
SN 22.75 | Origin (2nd) | Dutiyasamudayasutta |
SN 22.76 | The Perfected Ones | Arahantasutta |
SN 22.77 | The Perfected Ones (2nd) | Dutiyaarahantasutta |
SN 22.78 | The Lion | Sīhasutta |
SN 22.79 | Itchy | Khajjanīyasutta |
SN 22.82 | A Full Moon Night | Puṇṇamasutta |
SN 22.83 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 22.84 | With Tissa | Tissasutta |
SN 22.85 | With Yamaka | Yamakasutta |
SN 22.91 | Rāhula | Rāhulasutta |
SN 22.92 | Rāhula (2nd) | Dutiyarāhulasutta |
SN 22.93 | A River | Nadīsutta |
SN 22.94 | Flowers | Pupphasutta |
SN 22.96 | A Lump of Cow Dung | Gomayapiṇḍasutta |
SN 22.97 | A Fingernail | Nakhasikhāsutta |
SN 22.98 | Plain Version | Suddhikasutta |
SN 22.99 | A Leash | Gaddulabaddhasutta |
SN 22.100 | A Leash (2nd) | Dutiyagaddulabaddhasutta |
SN 22.101 | The Adze | Vāsijaṭasutta |
SN 22.102 | The Perception of Impermanence | Aniccasaññāsutta |
SN 22.103 | Sides | Antasutta |
SN 22.104 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.105 | Substantial Reality | Sakkāyasutta |
SN 22.106 | Should Be Completely Understood | Pariññeyyasutta |
SN 22.107 | Ascetics (1st) | Samaṇasutta |
SN 22.108 | Ascetics (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇasutta |
SN 22.109 | A Stream-Enterer | Sotāpannasutta |
SN 22.110 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 22.111 | Giving Up Desire | Chandappahānasutta |
SN 22.112 | Giving Up Desire (2nd) | Dutiyachandappahānasutta |
SN 22.113 | Ignorance | Avijjāsutta |
SN 22.114 | Knowledge | Vijjāsutta |
SN 22.115 | A Dhamma speaker | Dhammakathikasutta |
SN 22.116 | A Dhamma speaker (2nd) | Dutiyadhammakathikasutta |
SN 22.117 | Shackles | Bandhanasutta |
SN 22.118 | Questioning | Paripucchitasutta |
SN 22.119 | Questioning (2nd) | Dutiyaparipucchitasutta |
SN 22.120 | Things Prone To Being Fettered | Saṁyojaniyasutta |
SN 22.121 | Things Prone To Being Grasped | Upādāniyasutta |
SN 22.124 | With Kappa | Kappasutta |
SN 22.125 | With Kappa (2nd) | Dutiyakappasutta |
SN 22.126 | Liable To Originate | Samudayadhammasutta |
SN 22.136 | Burning Chaff | Kukkuḷasutta |
SN 22.137 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 22.138 | Impermanence (2nd) | Dutiyaaniccasutta |
SN 22.139 | Impermanence (3rd) | Tatiyaaniccasutta |
SN 22.140 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 22.141 | Suffering (2nd) | Dutiyadukkhasutta |
SN 22.142 | Suffering (3rd) | Tatiyadukkhasutta |
SN 22.143 | Not-Self | Anattasutta |
SN 22.144 | Not-Self (2nd) | Dutiyaanattasutta |
SN 22.145 | Not-Self (3rd) | Tatiyaanattasutta |
SN 22.146 | Full of Disillusionment | Nibbidābahulasutta |
SN 22.147 | Observing Impermanence | Aniccānupassīsutta |
SN 22.148 | Observing Suffering | Dukkhānupassīsutta |
SN 22.149 | Observing Not-Self | Anattānupassīsutta |
SN 22.150 | In Oneself | Ajjhattasutta |
SN 22.151 | This Is Mine | Etaṁmamasutta |
SN 22.152 | This Is My Self | Soattāsutta |
SN 22.153 | It Might Not Be Mine | Nocamesiyāsutta |
SN 22.154 | Wrong View | Micchādiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.155 | Substantialist View | Sakkāyadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.156 | View of Self | Attānudiṭṭhisutta |
SN 22.157 | Insistence | Abhinivesasutta |
SN 22.158 | Insistence (2nd) | Dutiyaabhinivesasutta |
SN 22.159 | With Ānanda | Ānandasutta |
SN 23.1 | About Māra | Mārasutta |
SN 23.2 | Sentient Beings | Sattasutta |
SN 23.3 | The Conduit To Rebirth | Bhavanettisutta |
SN 23.4 | Should Be Completely Understood | Pariññeyyasutta |
SN 23.5 | Ascetics and Brahmins | Samaṇasutta |
SN 23.6 | Ascetics and Brahmins (2nd) | Dutiyasamaṇasutta |
SN 23.7 | A Stream-Enterer | Sotāpannasutta |
SN 23.8 | A Perfected One | Arahantasutta |
SN 23.9 | Desire and Greed | Chandarāgasutta |
SN 23.10 | Desire and Greed (2nd) | Dutiyachandarāgasutta |
SN 23.11 | About Māra | Mārasutta |
SN 23.12 | Susceptible to Māra | Māradhammasutta |
SN 23.13 | Impermanence | Aniccasutta |
SN 23.14 | Liable to Impermanence | Aniccadhammasutta |
SN 23.15 | Suffering | Dukkhasutta |
SN 23.16 | Liable to Suffering | Dukkhadhammasutta |
SN 23.17 | Not-Self | Anattasutta |
SN 23.18 | Naturally Not-Self | Anattadhammasutta |
SN 23.19 | Liable To End | Khayadhammasutta |
SN 23.20 | Liable To Vanish | Vayadhammasutta |
SN 23.21 | Liable To Originate | Samudayadhammasutta |
SN 23.22 | Liable To Cease | Nirodhadhammasutta |
SN 23.23-33 | Eleven Discourses on Māra, Etc. | Mārādisuttaekādasaka |
SN 23.34 | Liable To Cease | Nirodhadhammasutta |
SN 23.35 | When Venerable Rādha was seated to one side, the Buddha sai | |
SN 23.46 | Liable To Cease | Nirodhadhammasutta |
SN 24.1 | Winds | Vātasutta |
SN 24.2 | This Is Mine | Etaṁmamasutta |
SN 24.3 | This Is My Self | Soattāsutta |
SN 24.4 | It Might Not Be Mine | Nocamesiyāsutta |
SN 24.5 | Theres No Meaning in Giving | Natthidinnasutta |
SN 24.6 | Acting | Karotosutta |
SN 24.7 | Cause | Hetusutta |
SN 24.8 | The Extensive View | Mahādiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.9 | The Cosmos is Eternal | Sassatadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.10 | The Cosmos Is Not Eternal | Asassatadiṭṭhisutta |
SN 24.11 | The Cosmos is Finite | Antavāsutta |
SN 24.12 | The Cosmos is Infinite | Anantavāsutta |
SN 24.13 | The Soul and the Body Are Identical | Taṁjīvaṁtaṁsarīraṁsutta |
SN 24.14 | The Soul and the Body Are Different Things | Aññaṁjīvaṁaññaṁsarīraṁsutta |
SN 24.15 | A Realized One Still Exists | Hotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.16 | A Realized One No Longer Exists | Nahotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.17 | A Realized One Both Still Exists and No Longer Exists | Hoticanacahotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.18 | A Realized One Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists | Nevahotinanahotitathāgatosutta |
SN 24.19 | Winds | Vātasutta |
SN 24.36 | Neither Still Exists Nor No Longer Exists | Nevahotinanahotisutta |
SN 24.37 | The Self Has Form | Rūpīattāsutta |
SN 24.38 | The Self Is Formless | Arūpīattāsutta |
SN 24.39 | The Self Has Form and Is Formless | Rūpīcaarūpīcaattāsutta |
SN 24.45 | Winds | Navātasutta |
SN 24.70 | The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering | Adukkhamasukhīsutta |
SN 24.71 | Winds | Navātasutta |
SN 24.96 | The Self Is Neither Happy Nor Suffering | Adukkhamasukhīsutta |
SN 25.1 | The Eye | Cakkhusutta |
SN 25.2 | Sights | Rūpasutta |
SN 25.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 25.4 | Contact | Samphassasutta |
SN 25.5 | Feeling | Samphassajasutta |
SN 25.6 | Perception | Rūpasaññāsutta |
SN 25.7 | Intention | Rūpasañcetanāsutta |
SN 25.8 | Craving For Sights | Rūpataṇhāsutta |
SN 25.9 | Elements | Pathavīdhātusutta |
SN 25.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 26.1 | The Eye | Cakkhusutta |
SN 26.2 | Sights | Rūpasutta |
SN 26.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 26.4 | Contact | Samphassasutta |
SN 26.5 | Feeling | Samphassajasutta |
SN 26.6 | Perception | Saññāsutta |
SN 26.7 | Intention | Sañcetanāsutta |
SN 26.8 | Craving | Taṇhāsutta |
SN 26.9 | Elements | Dhātusutta |
SN 26.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 27.1 | The Eye | Cakkhusutta |
SN 27.2 | Sights | Rūpasutta |
SN 27.3 | Consciousness | Viññāṇasutta |
SN 27.4 | Contact | Samphassasutta |
SN 27.5 | Feeling | Samphassajasutta |
SN 27.6 | Perception | Saññāsutta |
SN 27.7 | Intention | Sañcetanāsutta |
SN 27.8 | Craving | Taṇhāsutta |
SN 27.9 | Elements | Dhātusutta |
SN 27.10 | The Aggregates | Khandhasutta |
SN 28.1 | Born of Seclusion | Vivekajasutta |
SN 28.2 | Without Placing the Mind | Avitakkasutta |
SN 28.3 | Rapture | Pītisutta |
SN 28.4 | Equanimity | Upekkhāsutta |
SN 28.5 | The Dimension of Infinite Space | Ākāsānañcāyatanasutta |
SN 28.6 | The Dimension of Infinite Consciousness | Viññāṇañcāyatanasutta |
SN 28.7 | The Dimension of Nothingness | Ākiñcaññāyatanasutta |
SN 28.8 | The Dimension of Neither Perception Nor Non-Perception | Nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasutta |
SN 28.9 | The Attainment of Cessation | Nirodhasamāpattisutta |
SN 29.1 | Plain Version | Suddhikasutta |
SN 29.2 | Better | Paṇītatarasutta |
SN 29.3 | Sabbath | Uposathasutta |
SN 29.4 | Sabbath (2nd) | Dutiyauposathasutta |
SN 29.5 | Sabbath (3rd) | Tatiyauposathasutta |
SN 29.6 | Sabbath (4th) | Catutthauposathasutta |
SN 29.7 | Theyve Heard | Sutasutta |
SN 29.8 | Theyve Heard (2nd) | Dutiyasutasutta |
SN 29.9 | Theyve Heard (3rd) | Tatiyasutasutta |
SN 29.10 | Theyve Heard (4th) | Catutthasutasutta |
SN 29.21-50 | Thirty Discourses On How Giving Helps to Become Womb-Born, E | c. |
SN 30.1 | Plain Version | Suddhikasutta |
SN 30.2 | They Carry Off | Harantisutta |
SN 30.3 | Both Kinds of Deeds | Dvayakārīsutta |
SN 30.4-6 | Both Kinds of Deeds (2nd4th) | Dutiyādidvayakārīsuttattika |
SN 30.7-16 | Ten Discourses On How Giving Helps to Become Egg-Born | Aṇḍajadānūpakārasuttadasaka |
SN 30.17-46 | How Giving Helps to Become Womb-Born, Etc. | Jalābujadānūpakārasutta |
SN 31.1 | Plain Version | Suddhikasutta |
SN 31.2 | Good Conduct | Sucaritasutta |
SN 31.3 | A Giver of Fragrant Roots | Mūlagandhadātāsutta |
SN 31.4-12 | Nine Discourses On Givers of Fragrant Heartwood, Etc. | Sāragandhādidātāsuttanavaka |
SN 31.13-22 | Ten Discourses On How Giving Helps to Become a Fragrant Root | Fairy |
SN 31.23-112 | Ninety Discourses On How Giving Helps to Become a Fragrant H | artwood Fairy |
SN 32.1 | Plain Version | Suddhikasutta |
SN 32.2 | Good Conduct | Sucaritasutta |
SN 32.3-12 | Ten Discourses On How Giving Helps to Become a Cool Cloud Go | |
SN 32.13-52 | How Giving Helps to Become a Warm Cloud God, Etc. | Uṇhavalāhakadānūpakārasutta |
SN 32.53 | Gods of the Cool Clouds | Sītavalāhakasutta |
SN 32.54 | Gods of the Warm Clouds | Uṇhavalāhakasutta |
SN 32.55 | Gods of the Storm Clouds | Abbhavalāhakasutta |
SN 32.56 | Gods of the Windy Clouds | Vātavalāhakasutta |
SN 32.57 | Gods of the Rainy Clouds | Vassavalāhakasutta |
SN 33.1 | Not Knowing Form | Rūpaaññāṇasutta |
SN 33.2 | Not Knowing Feeling | Vedanāaññāṇasutta |
SN 33.3 | Not Knowing Perception | Saññāaññāṇasutta |
SN 33.4 | Not Knowing Choices | Saṅkhāraaññāṇasutta |
SN 33.5 | Not Knowing Consciousness | Viññāṇaaññāṇasutta |
SN 33.6-10 | Five Discourses on Not Seeing Form, Etc. | Rūpaadassanādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.11 | Vaccha, it is because of not comprehending form | |
SN 33.16 | Vaccha, it is because of not understanding form | |
SN 33.21-25 | Five Discourses on Not Penetrating Form, Etc. | Rūpaappaṭivedhādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.26-30 | Five Discourses on Not Distinguishing Form, Etc. | Rūpaasallakkhaṇādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.31-35 | Five Discourses on Not Detecting Form, Etc. | Rūpaanupalakkhaṇādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.36-40 | Five Discourses on Not Differentiating Form, Etc. | Rūpaappaccupalakkhaṇādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.41-45 | Five Discourses on Not Examining Form, Etc. | Rūpaasamapekkhaṇādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.46-50 | Five Discourses on Not Scrutinizing Form, Etc. | Rūpaappaccupekkhaṇādisuttapañcaka |
SN 33.51 | Then the wanderer Vacchagotta went up to the Buddha and exch | |
SN 33.55 | Not Directly Experiencing Consciousness | Viññāṇaappaccakkhakammasutta |
SN 34.1 | Entering Immersion | Samādhimūlakasamāpattisutta |
SN 34.2 | Remaining in Immersion | Samādhimūlakaṭhitisutta |
SN 34.3 | Emerging From Immersion | Samādhimūlakavuṭṭhānasutta |
SN 34.4 | Gladdening for Immersion | Samādhimūlakakallitasutta |
SN 34.5 | Supports For Immersion | Samādhimūlakaārammaṇasutta |
SN 34.6 | Meditation Subjects For Immersion | Samādhimūlakagocarasutta |
SN 34.7 | Projecting the Mind Purified by Immersion | Samādhimūlakaabhinīhārasutta |
SN 34.8 | Carefulness in Immersion | Samādhimūlakasakkaccakārīsutta |
SN 34.9 | Persistence in Immersion | Samādhimūlakasātaccakārīsutta |
SN 34.10 | Conducive to Immersion | Samādhimūlakasappāyakārīsutta |
SN 34.11 | Entering and Remaining | Samāpattimūlakaṭhitisutta |
SN 34.12 | Entering and Emerging | Samāpattimūlakavuṭṭhānasutta |
SN 34.13 | Entering and Gladdening | Samāpattimūlakakallitasutta |
SN 34.14 | Entering and Supports | Samāpattimūlakaārammaṇasutta |
SN 34.15 | Entering and Meditation Subjects | Samāpattimūlakagocarasutta |
SN 34.16 | Entering and Projecting | Samāpattimūlakaabhinīhārasutta |
SN 34.17 | Entering and Carefulness | Samāpattimūlakasakkaccasutta |
SN 34.18 | Entering and Persistence | Samāpattimūlakasātaccasutta |
SN 34.19 | Entering and Whats Conducive | Samāpattimūlakasappāyakārīsutta |
SN 34.20-27 | Eight on Remaining and Emergence, Etc. | Ṭhitimūlakavuṭṭhānasuttādiaṭṭhaka |
SN 34.28-34 | Seven on Emergence and Gladdening, Etc. | Vuṭṭhānamūlakakallitasuttādisattaka |
SN 34.35-40 | Six on Gladdening and Support, Etc. | Kallitamūlakaārammaṇasuttādichakka |
SN 34.41-45 | Five on Support and Subjects, Etc. | Ārammaṇamūlakagocarasuttādipañcaka |
SN 34.46-49 | Four on Subjects and Projection, Etc. | Gocaramūlakaabhinīhārasuttādicatukka |
SN 34.50-52 | Three on Projection and Carefulness | Abhinīhāramūlakasakkaccasuttāditika |
SN 34.53-54 | Two on Carefulness and Persistence | Sakkaccamūlakasātaccakārīsuttadukādi |
SN 34.55 | Persistence and Whats Conducive | Sātaccamūlakasappāyakārīsutta |
SN 35.1 | The Interior as Impermanent | Ajjhattāniccasutta |
SN 35.13 | Before My Awakening (Interior) | Paṭhamapubbesambodhasutta |
SN 35.23 | All | Sabbasutta |
SN 35.33 | Mendicants, all is liable to be reborn. And what is the all | |
SN 35.43 | Mendicants, all is impermanent. And what is the all that is | |
SN 35.53 | Giving Up Ignorance | Avijjāpahānasutta |
SN 35.63 | With Migajāla (1st) | Paṭhamamigajālasutta |
SN 35.74 | Sick (1st) | Paṭhamagilānasutta |
SN 35.84 | Liable to Wear Out | Palokadhammasutta |
SN 35.94 | Untamed, Unguarded | Adantaaguttasutta |
SN 35.104 | Sanctuary from the Yoke | Yogakkhemisutta |
SN 35.120 | Sāriputta and the Pupil | Sāriputtasaddhivihārikasutta |
SN 35.121 | Advice to Rāhula | Rāhulovādasutta |
SN 40.1 | A Question About the First Absorption | Paṭhamajhānapañhāsutta |
SN 42.1 | Vicious | Caṇḍasutta |
SN 43.1 | Mindfulness of the Body | Kāyagatāsatisutta |
SN 44.1 | With Khemā | Khemāsutta |
SN 45.1 | Ignorance | Avijjāsutta |
SN 45.3 | Sāriputta | Sāriputtasutta |
SN 45.4 | Regarding the Brahmin Jānussoṇi | Jāṇussoṇibrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 45.5 | Whats the Purpose | Kimatthiyasutta |
SN 45.6 | A Mendicant (1st) | Paṭhamaaññatarabhikkhusutta |
SN 45.7 | A Mendicant (2nd) | Dutiyaaññatarabhikkhusutta |
SN 45.8 | Analysis | Vibhaṅgasutta |
SN 45.9 | A Spike | Sūkasutta |
SN 45.10 | With Nandiya | Nandiyasutta |
SN 45.11 | Meditation (1st) | Paṭhamavihārasutta |
SN 45.12 | Meditation (2nd) | Dutiyavihārasutta |
SN 45.13 | A Trainee | Sekkhasutta |
SN 45.14 | Arising (1st) | Paṭhamauppādasutta |
SN 45.15 | Arising (2nd) | Dutiyauppādasutta |
SN 45.16 | Purified (1st) | Paṭhamaparisuddhasutta |
SN 45.17 | Purified (2nd) | Dutiyaparisuddhasutta |
SN 45.21 | The Wrong Way | Micchattasutta |
SN 45.22 | Unskillful Qualities | Akusaladhammasutta |
SN 45.23 | Practice (1st) | Paṭhamapaṭipadāsutta |
SN 45.24 | Practice (2nd) | Dutiyapaṭipadāsutta |
SN 45.25 | A True Person (1st) | Paṭhamaasappurisasutta |
SN 45.26 | A True Person (2nd) | Dutiyaasappurisasutta |
SN 45.27 | Pots | Kumbhasutta |
SN 45.28 | Immersion | Samādhisutta |
SN 45.29 | Feeling | Vedanāsutta |
SN 45.30 | With Uttiya | Uttiyasutta |
SN 45.31 | Practice (1st) | Paṭhamapaṭipattisutta |
SN 45.32 | Practice (2nd) | Dutiyapaṭipattisutta |
SN 45.33 | Missed Out | Viraddhasutta |
SN 45.34 | Going to the Far Shore | Pāraṅgamasutta |
SN 45.35 | The Ascetic Life (1st) | Paṭhamasāmaññasutta |
SN 45.36 | The Ascetic Life (2nd) | Dutiyasāmaññasutta |
SN 45.37 | The Brahmin Life (1st) | Paṭhamabrahmaññasutta |
SN 45.38 | The Brahmin Life (2nd) | Dutiyabrahmaññasutta |
SN 45.39 | The Spiritual Path (1st) | Paṭhamabrahmacariyasutta |
SN 45.40 | The Spiritual Path (2nd) | Dutiyabrahmacariyasutta |
SN 45.41 | The Fading Away of Greed | Rāgavirāgasutta |
SN 45.48 | Extinguishment by Not Grasping | Anupādāparinibbānasutta |
SN 45.49 | Good Friends (1st) | Kalyāṇamittasutta |
SN 45.63 | Good Friends (1st) | Kalyāṇamittasutta |
SN 45.70 | Good Friends (2nd) | Dutiyakalyāṇamittasutta |
SN 45.71-75 | Five Discourses on Accomplishment in Ethics, Etc. (2nd) | Dutiyasīlasampadādisuttapañcaka |
SN 45.77 | Good Friends | Kalyāṇamittasutta |
SN 45.91 | Slanting East | Paṭhamapācīnaninnasutta |
SN 45.139 | The Realized One | Tathāgatasutta |
SN 45.149 | Hard Work | Balasutta |
SN 45.161 | Searches | Esanāsutta |
SN 45.171 | Floods | Oghasutta |
SN 46.1 | The Himalaya | Himavantasutta |
SN 46.2 | The Body | Kāyasutta |
SN 46.4 | Clothes | Vatthasutta |
SN 46.5 | A Monk | Bhikkhusutta |
SN 46.41 | Discriminations | Vidhāsutta |
SN 46.51 | Nourishing | Āhārasutta |
SN 46.52 | Is There a Way? | Pariyāyasutta |
SN 46.53 | Fire | Aggisutta |
SN 46.55 | With Saṅgārava | Saṅgāravasutta |
SN 46.57 | A Skeleton | Aṭṭhikamahapphalasutta |
SN 46.130 | Higher Fetters | Uddhambhāgiyasutta |
SN 47.3 | A Monk | Bhikkhusutta |
SN 47.5 | A Heap of the Unskillful | Akusalarāsisutta |
SN 47.10 | The Nuns Quarters | Bhikkhunupassayasutta |
SN 47.11 | A Great Man | Mahāpurisasutta |
SN 47.13 | With Cunda | Cundasutta |
SN 47.15 | With Bāhiya | Bāhiyasutta |
SN 47.16 | With Uttiya | Uttiyasutta |
SN 47.24 | Plain Version | Suddhasutta |
SN 47.25 | A Certain Brahmin | Aññatarabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 47.31 | Not Learned From Anyone Else | Ananussutasutta |
SN 47.35 | Mindful | Satisutta |
SN 47.41 | Freedom From Death | Amatasutta |
SN 47.43 | The Path | Maggasutta |
SN 48.1 | Plain Version | Suddhikasutta |
SN 48.41 | Old Age | Jarādhammasutta |
SN 48.42 | The Brahmin Uṇṇābha | Uṇṇābhabrāhmaṇasutta |
SN 48.44 | At the Eastern Gate | Pubbakoṭṭhakasutta |
SN 48.45 | At the Eastern Monastery (1st) | Paṭhamapubbārāmasutta |
SN 48.59 | Arising (1st) | Paṭhamauppādasutta |
SN 48.61 | Fetters | Saṁyojanasutta |
SN 49.1-12 | Sloping East, Etc. | Gaṅgāpeyyālavagga |
SN 51.11 | Before | Pubbasutta |
SN 51.14 | With Moggallāna | Moggallānasutta |
SN 51.21 | The Path | Maggasutta |
SN 51.22 | The Iron Ball | Ayoguḷasutta |
SN 51.27 | With Ānanda (1st) | Paṭhamaānandasutta |
SN 52.1 | In Private (1st) | Paṭhamarahogatasutta |
SN 52.2 | In Private (2nd) | Dutiyarahogatasutta |
SN 52.3 | On the Bank of the Sutanu | Sutanusutta |
SN 52.7 | The Ending of Craving | Taṇhākkhayasutta |
SN 52.8 | The Frankincense-Tree Hut | Salaḷāgārasutta |
SN 52.10 | Gravely Ill | Bāḷhagilānasutta |
SN 52.11 | A Thousand Eons | Kappasahassasutta |
SN 53.1-12 | Absorptions, Etc. | Gaṅgāpeyyālavagga |
SN 54.1 | One Thing | Ekadhammasutta |
SN 54.6 | With Ariṭṭha | Ariṭṭhasutta |
SN 54.7 | About Mahākappina | Mahākappinasutta |
SN 54.13 | With Ānanda (1st) | Paṭhamaānandasutta |
SN 55.1 | A Wheel-Turning Monarch | Cakkavattirājasutta |
SN 55.4 | With Sāriputta (1st) | Paṭhamasāriputtasutta |
SN 55.6 | The Chamberlains | Thapatisutta |
SN 55.11 | A Saṅgha of a Thousand Nuns | Sahassabhikkhunisaṁghasutta |
SN 55.12 | The Brahmins | Brāhmaṇasutta |
SN 55.13 | With the Senior Monk Ānanda | Ānandattherasutta |
SN 55.18 | A Visit to the Gods (1st) | Paṭhamadevacārikasutta |
SN 55.19 | A Visit to the Gods (2nd) | Dutiyadevacārikasutta |
SN 55.26 | Anāthapiṇḍika (1st) | Paṭhamaanāthapiṇḍikasutta |
SN 55.27 | With Anāthapiṇḍika (2nd) | Dutiyaanāthapiṇḍikasutta |
SN 55.28 | Dangers and Threats (1st) | Paṭhamabhayaverūpasantasutta |
SN 55.29 | Dangers and Threats (2nd) | Dutiyabhayaverūpasantasutta |
SN 55.31 | Overflowing Merit (1st) | Paṭhamapuññābhisandasutta |
SN 55.34 | Footprints of the Gods (1st) | Paṭhamadevapadasutta |
SN 55.52 | One Who Completed the Rains | Vassaṁvutthasutta |
SN 56.1 | Immersion | Samādhisutta |
SN 56.23 | The Fully Awakened Buddha | Sammāsambuddhasutta |
SN 56.24 | The Perfected Ones | Arahantasutta |
AN 1.1 | So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sā | |
AN 2.1 | Faults | |
AN 2.36 | So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sā | |
AN 2.37 | So I have heard. At one time Venerable Mahākaccāna was sta | |
AN 3.1 | Perils | Bhayasutta |
AN 3.21 | With Saviṭṭha | Samiddhasutta |
AN 3.66 | With Sāḷha and His Friend | Sāḷhasutta |
AN 3.70 | Sabbath | Uposathasutta |
AN 3.71 | With Channa | Channasutta |
AN 3.127 | With Hatthaka | Hatthakasutta |
AN 4.21 | At Uruvelā (1st) | Paṭhamauruvelasutta |
AN 4.45 | With Rohitassa | Rohitassasutta |
AN 4.48 | With Visākha, Pañcālis Son | Visākhasutta |
AN 4.51 | Overflowing Merit | Paṭhamapuññābhisandasutta |
AN 4.67 | The Snake King | Ahirājasutta |
AN 4.101 | Clouds (1st) | Paṭhamavalāhakasutta |
AN 4.190 | Sabbath | Uposathasutta |
AN 4.197 | Queen Mallikā | Mallikādevīsutta |
AN 5.1 | In Brief | Saṁkhittasutta |
AN 5.31 | With Sumanā | Sumanasutta |
AN 5.41 | Getting Rich | Ādiyasutta |
AN 5.44 | Agreeable | Manāpadāyīsutta |
AN 5.49 | The King of Kosala | Kosalasutta |
AN 5.51 | Obstacles | Āvaraṇasutta |
AN 5.55 | Mother and Son | Mātāputtasutta |
AN 5.171 | Timidity | Sārajjasutta |
AN 6.1 | Worthy of Offerings (1st) | Paṭhamaāhuneyyasutta |
AN 6.17 | Sleep | Soppasutta |
AN 6.34 | With Mahāmoggallāna | Mahāmoggallānasutta |
AN 6.37 | A Gift With Six Factors | Chaḷaṅgadānasutta |
AN 6.43 | The Giant | Nāgasutta |
AN 6.49 | With Khema | Khemasutta |
AN 7.1 | Pleasing (1st) | Paṭhamapiyasutta |
AN 7.3 | Powers in Brief | Saṁkhittabalasutta |
AN 7.28 | Non-decline for a Mendicant Trainee | Paṭhamaparihānisutta |
AN 7.42 | Graduation (1st) | Paṭhamaniddasasutta |
AN 8.1 | The Benefits of Love | Mettāsutta |
AN 8.20 | Sabbath | Uposathasutta |
AN 8.41 | The Sabbath With Eight Factors, In Brief | Saṁkhittūposathasutta |
AN 8.43 | With Visākhā on the Sabbath | Visākhāsutta |
AN 8.45 | With Bojjhā on the Sabbath | Bojjhasutta |
AN 8.47 | With Visākhā on the Lovable Gods | Dutiyavisākhāsutta |
AN 8.49 | Winning in This Life (1st) | Paṭhamaidhalokikasutta |
AN 9.1 | Awakening | Sambodhisutta |
AN 9.4 | With Nandaka | Nandakasutta |
AN 9.11 | Sāriputtas Lions Roar | Sīhanādasutta |
AN 9.12 | With Something Left Over | Saupādisesasutta |
AN 9.20 | About Velāma | Velāmasutta |
AN 10.1 | Whats the Purpose? | Kimatthiyasutta |
AN 10.7 | Sāriputta | Sāriputtasutta |
AN 10.18 | A Protector (2nd) | Dutiyanāthasutta |
AN 10.27 | The Great Questions (1st) | Paṭhamamahāpañhāsutta |
AN 10.30 | Kosala (2nd) | Dutiyakosalasutta |
AN 10.50 | Arguments | Bhaṇḍanasutta |
AN 10.51 | Your Own Mind | Sacittasutta |
AN 10.60 | With Girimānanda | Girimānandasutta |
AN 10.69 | Topics of Discussion (1st) | Paṭhamakathāvatthusutta |
AN 10.70 | Topics of Discussion (2nd) | Dutiyakathāvatthusutta |
AN 10.71 | One Might Wish | Ākaṅkhasutta |
AN 10.75 | With Migasālā | Migasālāsutta |
AN 10.91 | Pleasure Seekers | Kāmabhogīsutta |
AN 10.93 | What Is Your View? | Kiṁdiṭṭhikasutta |
AN 10.94 | With Vajjiyamāhita | Vajjiyamāhitasutta |
AN 11.1 | Whats the Purpose? | Kimatthiyasutta |
AN 11.13 | With Nandiya | Nandiyasutta |
Ud 1.5 | The Brahmin | Brāhmaṇasutta |
Ud 1.8 | With Saṅgāmaji | Saṅgāmajisutta |
Ud 1.10 | With Bāhiya | Bāhiyasutta |
Ud 2.2 | Kings | Rājasutta |
Ud 2.3 | A Stick | Daṇḍasutta |
Ud 2.4 | Esteem | Sakkārasutta |
Ud 2.5 | A Lay Follower | Upāsakasutta |
Ud 2.6 | The Pregnant Woman | Gabbhinīsutta |
Ud 2.7 | An Only Son | Ekaputtakasutta |
Ud 2.9 | With Visākhā | Visākhāsutta |
Ud 3.1 | Born of the Fruits of deeds | Kammavipākajasutta |
Ud 3.2 | With Nanda | Nandasutta |
Ud 3.3 | With Yasoja | Yasojasutta |
Ud 3.4 | With Sāriputta | Sāriputtasutta |
Ud 3.5 | With Mahāmoggallāna | Mahāmoggallānasutta |
Ud 3.8 | One Who Eats Only Almsfood | Piṇḍapātikasutta |
Ud 3.9 | Professions | Sippasutta |
Ud 4.6 | The Alms-Gatherer | Piṇḍolasutta |
Ud 4.7 | With Sāriputta | Sāriputtasutta |
Ud 4.8 | With Sundarī | Sundarīsutta |
Ud 4.10 | The Peacefulness of Sāriputta | Sāriputtaupasamasutta |
Ud 5.1 | Who Is More Dear? | Piyatarasutta |
Ud 5.2 | Short-lived | Appāyukasutta |
Ud 5.4 | The Boys | Kumārakasutta |
Ud 5.5 | Sabbath | Uposathasutta |
Ud 5.6 | With Soṇa | Soṇasutta |
Ud 5.7 | With Revata the Doubter | Kaṅkhārevatasutta |
Ud 5.10 | With Cūḷapanthaka | Cūḷapanthakasutta |
Ud 6.2 | Seven Matted-Hair Ascetics | Sattajaṭilasutta |
Ud 6.3 | The Buddhas Reviewing | Paccavekkhaṇasutta |
Ud 6.4 | Followers of Various Other Religions (1st) | Paṭhamanānātitthiyasutta |
Ud 6.5 | Followers of Various Other Religions (2nd) | Dutiyanānātitthiyasutta |
Ud 6.6 | Followers of Various Other Religions (3rd) | Tatiyanānātitthiyasutta |
Ud 6.7 | With Subhūti | Subhūtisutta |
Ud 6.9 | Hastening By | Upātidhāvantisutta |
Ud 6.10 | Arising | Uppajjantisutta |
Ud 7.1 | Bhaddiya the Dwarf (1st) | Paṭhamalakuṇḍakabhaddiyasutta |
Ud 7.2 | Bhaddiya the Dwarf (2nd) | Dutiyalakuṇḍakabhaddiyasutta |
Ud 7.3 | Clinging (1st) | Paṭhamasattasutta |
Ud 7.4 | Clinging (2nd) | Dutiyasattasutta |
Ud 7.5 | Another Discourse with Bhaddiya the Dwarf | Aparalakuṇḍakabhaddiyasutta |
Ud 7.6 | The Ending of Craving | Taṇhāsaṅkhayasutta |
Ud 7.7 | The Ending of Proliferation | Papañcakhayasutta |
Ud 7.8 | Kaccāna | Kaccānasutta |
Ud 8.1 | About Extinguishment (1st) | Paṭhamanibbānapaṭisaṁyuttasutta |
Ud 8.2 | About Extinguishment (2nd) | Dutiyanibbānapaṭisaṁyuttasutta |
Ud 8.3 | About Extinguishment (3rd) | Tatiyanibbānapaṭisaṁyuttasutta |
Ud 8.4 | About Extinguishment (4th) | Catutthanibbānapaṭisaṁyuttasutta |
Ud 8.8 | With Visākhā | Visākhāsutta |
Ud 8.10 | Dabba (2nd) | Dutiyadabbasutta |
Snp 1.6 | Downfalls | Parābhavasutta |
Snp 1.7 | The Lowlife | Vasalasutta |
Snp 2.4 | Blessings | Maṅgalasutta |
Snp 2.7 | Brahmanical Traditions | Brāhmaṇadhammikasutta |
Snp 2.14 | With Dhammika | Dhammikasutta |
Snp 3.3 | Well-Spoken Words | Subhāsitasutta |
Snp 3.10 | With Kokālika | Kokālikasutta |
Snp 3.12 | 3.12 Contemplating Pairs | Dvayatānupassanāsutta |
Snp 5.1 | Introductory Verses | Vatthugāthā |
Thig 13.4 | Sundarī | Sundarītherīgāthā |
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