Become aware how precious it is to be alive and be able to practice. Notice the preciousness of that.
Then love that practice that youre doing, with all your heart.
Now love yourself as the one who is practicing.
Now let your love reach out to anyone who you know is practicing, and who you think will
benefit from your love. Let that person have your whole heart, care and concern, and warmth.
Think of all the people who are practicing any spiritual path and love them all, dearly. As if they
were yourself.
Think of all the many people who may not be practicing a spiritual path. But nevertheless, they
are trying to be good, good human beings. Embrace them as if they were yourself. Love them
with your whole heart.
Think of all the many people who are accepting the good with the bad, not trying to practice.
Embrace them as if they were yourself. Love them with your whole heart.
Think of all the many people who... where that what is bad in them is getting the upper hand.
Embrace them as if they were yourself. Love them with your whole heart.
Think of the whole of creation, surrounding us, upholding our existence, making it possible to
practice. Give it your whole-hearted love, to the whole of creation which surrounds us, in which
we are embedded. Embrace it as if it is yourself.
Come back to yourself, and the love for your practice. Love it, completely, devotedly,
faithfully... that what makes this life worthwhile. Embrace it as being yourself.
And with that love in your heart, let the love flow out, outward to beings everywhere. Let it flow,
finding all beings within you, yourself within all beings. No separation, no difference, just love.
May all beings live together in love.
Audio recording of Ayya Khema leading this meditation
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