Gradual Training

The Buddha's Step-by-Step Guide
for Awakening


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"Final knowledge is achieved by gradual training, by gradual practice, by gradual progress." MN 70
  The Gradual Training is free to download and you will find various eBook formats below. The reasons this book is available for free can be found here: $Dana. Basically, I'm attempting to "pay it forward" in appreciation of all the Streams Of Dependently Arising Processes Interacting that brought this book to fruition.

If you find the book useful, it would be very nice if you can contribute in some manner to a organization or individual that you feel is working to make the world a better place. We're all in this together; we must all do whatever we can to make this world better for all the beings who inhabit it. But you are under no obligation, the book is available for free. I hope you do find it useful.

-- Leigh Brasington

MOBI Paperback

eBook Formats

123 pages
PDF is the most portable format, but it has fixed layout pages, so it may not be suitable for devices with small screens. If you are going to print a copy on your own printer using 8.5" x 11" paper, this is the version to use. A 66 page, ~4000 entry Index is provided in a separate file.
121 pages
This PDF version is the one to use if you are going to print a copy on your own printer using A4 paper. A 62 page, ~4000 entry Index is provided in a separate file.

311 pages
This is a large print PDF version, styled for A4 paper. You might find it a bit easier to read on a laptop screen. This version also has the cleanest layout. A 72 page, ~4000 entry Index is provided in a separate file.
246 pages
This PDF version is for generating a paperback book But you might find it suitable for a small screen, or if you want larger type on a large screen, you can use "Fit-to-screen" in your PDF reader since this one is for A5 size paper. The Index is included in the PDF file.
EPUBThis is the most widely supported eBook format and can be read on a variety of devices, including computers, smartphones, tablets, eReaders (except old Kindles), plus Nook and Kobo apps. The best option for the iPad/iPhone is using this version with the iOS native Apple Books app - instructions for installing it are here. It also works on MacOS using the native Apple Books application. Note that the Windows Nook app does not display diacritics and the footnotes don't link - please use the Kindle app with the AZW3 version on Windows computers. Diacritics are displayed correctly in the Android Nook app.
If you want to use EPUB on a newer Kindle, this version will probably work better than the one above. And if the EPUB version above fails on any other e Book reader, give this version a try.
This is the format for use with Amazon's Kindle eReaders and Kindle apps if EPUB doesn't work for you. However, there are reported problems with using this on both the Android and iPad/iPhone Kindle apps. You can use the EPUB version with either the Nook app or the ReadEra app (no registration) on Android. For iPad/iPhone it's best to use the EPUB version with the iOS native Apple Books app - instructions for installing it are here. Many alternatives to Kindle are available if you have problems.
MOBIThis is another widely supported eBook format.
—— If your eReader is not a Kindle, choose EPUB and it will most likely work ——
If you have any problems with your Android eReader app, here's a list other Android eReader apps to try.
If you have any problems with your iPad/iPhone eReader app, here's a list other iOS eReader apps to try.

You can't download a paperback book obviously, but click the link just above to learn how you can obtain one.

There are no plans to ever produce an audiobook version of The Gradual Training. But the book was generated from transcripts of recording made during a day-long event I taught for the Sati Center in February, 2023. These recordings can be downloaded from the Sati Center website.

Leigh Brasington's Web Site