Kathmandu Vibes

The vibes yesterday and the day before were definitely heavier than usual. Kathmandu is a place where the subtle energies are not so subtle and almost anyone can pick up on this stuff. The programming day-before-yesterday was harder than usual. Something that I thought would only take a hour or so took all morning.

At the Sutpa yesterday morning, I could still strongly feel the weird energy. A bird dropped a dried flower next to me as I sat cross-legged in my favorite spot - at least I assume it was a bird. The pigeons were more numerous and active than usual. The programming went somewhat better yesterday, tho Tony discovered that one feature I'd worked hard to get in was not capable of doing what he really wanted of it. He blew up and started ranting that "we have to get you the money so that you can do this full time and properly!" He's a real perfectionist, and that's hard to satisfy on a budget of room and board for a month once every 3 years - I have to waste too much time earning a living. In the late afternoon, he and the landlord had a terrific fight [apparently the landlord is a very moody and angry man - and Tony has an Australian/Irish temper]. But last night after a subdued supper of delicious veggies and noodles, he said that now the program had all the features he wanted and we should start wrapping it up and getting it ready to sell. A very nice milestone!

Last night there was an earthquake. It woke me from a sound sleep (and every other guest, too - from the sounds of toilets flushing soon after). It wasn't strong - but it lasted long enough to make me think it was a big one far away, rather than a small one nearby. I went back to sleep remembering that the Tibetan consider earthquakes to be evil omens.

On my morning ramble to the Stupa, I watch them working on the new addition to the Khentse Monastery. There was a small cement mixer at ground level and buckets of fresh, wet cement were being toss up a human chain on the bamboo scaffolding to the roof. As I write this, I can see the roof top and watch the buckets continue to arrive at the rate of one every two seconds. At the Sutpa, there was a large contingent of monks and a dozen rolls of new prayer flags. I assume there will be a
ceremony later in the day - actually it may be happening right now - I hear lots of Tibetan horns blowing in the distance. On the first level of the Stupa, in the southwest corner, there were two red flowers and a playing card - face down. I knew the card would be the Queen of Spades. It was.

I wrote in my journal 18 years ago on my first visit to Kathmandu, "The fabric covering reality here is very thin and you can almost see the workings underneath."   I just wrote it again.

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