Someday the true story of Donald Trumps Russian connection will be told and it will read like a spy novel worthy of Tom Clancy
Its the story of a beauty pageant that led to the election of a President.
In November of 2013 Donald Trump held the Miss Universe Contest in Moscow.
At the time Trump was beyond broke
He was deeply in debt and after five bankruptcies, not a bank in America would lend him money.
For a week Mr. Trump and a bevy of the most beautiful women in the world partied with all the big wigs in Russia
politicos, oligarchs, rock stars, celebrities, even Vladimir Putin himself.
There has been much speculation about what went down in that week of booze, babes and big money, but whatever it was, it changed the course of history.
A few months later the Trump organization received a massive infusion of cash from Deutsche Bank
a German banking giant that has routinely paid millions in fines for illegally laundering money for the Russians.
Trump left Moscow with the financial backing he so desperately needed and Putin had his hooks in Trump.
In 2015 Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS and Putin began actively cultivating his asset.
The Mueller report States unequivocally that Russia conducted a systematic misinformation campaign designed to tarnish Trumps opponents and promote his candidacy.
Russias influence in the 2016 election was pervasive and it worked
With Putins help Donald J Trump became the 45th President of the United States and he wasted no time paying off the debt he owed to his pal Vladimir
Trump spoke glowingly of him every chance he got
every executive decision benefited Putin.
He ceded the middle east to Russia, withdrew from Syria and allowed Putin to fill the void.
He turned his back on Ukraine, the last bastion standing between Russia and a free Europe.
He disavowed NATO, the alliance that had held Russia at bay for over 70 years.
He pulled US troops out of Germany
something the Kremlin has always wanted.
At the Helsinki summit, Trump chose to publicly believe Putin over his own intelligence agencies.
He attacked Americas friends and embraced her enemies just as Vladimir wanted.
At home Trump became the divider in chief, driving deep divisions between all the different factions of American society.
To divide America from within
to drive a wedge between blacks and whites, rich and poor, left and right, has long been a part of Putins KGB playbook.
Russian hackers are inflaming racial tensions across the country, infiltrating radical groups and planting disinformation on social media.
We can only hope that the US Intelligence Services are prepared to address this threat because obviously Mr.Trump isnt.
-- David Clayton-Thomas
Their talk, however, was the talk of sordid buccaneers: it was reckless without hardihood, greedy without audacity, and cruel without courage; there was not an atom of foresight or of serious intention in the whole batch of them, and they did not seem aware these things are wanted for the work of the world. To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe.
-- Joseph Conrad. Heart of Darkness. 1899
Trump's policy of holding children hostage to win Cong'l funding of his Wall is despicable. Giving in to this demand may end today's suffering, but will only lead to worse things in the future. Compromise is the key to legislation, but concession to evil leads only to more evil. -- Ronald Klain
[Yes, of course, this is fake - but it captures exactly what's happening]
Trump seals his fate with Fox interview that will go down in history
It's a good thing Hitler did not win WWII. Otherwise we might be ruled today by a temperamental demagogue fueled by hatred and delusions of grandeur, requiring constant praise and adulation lest anyone incur his wrath. Major Kong
Everything you need to know about the inquiry into Russian hacking, alleged collusion and Donald Trump
Understanding Russias SpyWar Against Our Election
Data Patterns Reveal Trump Tower/Spectrum Health Ran a Stealth Data Machine With Russia
Muellers Indictment Ends Trumps Myth of the Russia Hoax
Russia almost certainly made Donald Trump president and heres how we know
Russian pol: US intel missed 'Russian intelligence' stealing 'the president of the United States'
Donald Trump Makes His Money The Old-fashioned WayHe Launders It
Tangled web connects Russian oligarch money to GOP campaigns
Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee - connects a lot of dots!
Constitutional Crisis, Ruskiegate, and the Worst First 100 Days in Presidential History
Intelligence Analyst Delivers Good News: Trumps Constitutional Crimes Are Being Handled
Why Politicians Cant Stand James Comey - The Daily Beast
ItS Time To Realize That Putin Is At War With America
Trump, Putin and the Pipelines to Nowhere
From Russia, With Oil Yonatan Zunger Medium
Trump 'compromising' claims: How and why did we get here?
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News
Why FBI Cant Tell All on Trump, Russia - WhoWhatWhy
Trump Aides and Russian Mobsters Pulled Strings in Putins Massive Ukraine Gas Scheme - Part 1
Imagine you are Vladimir Putin
The Recruitables: Why Trumps Team Was Easy Prey for Putin
Any serious #TrumpRussia investigation has enough intel to end Trumps admin and send people to jail
The Many Pieces of Evidence Suggesting Trump Obstructed Justice
Testifying under oath could absolutely end Trump's presidency
Mapping out the long path of Trump's money laundering and corruption
Democratic memo has a hidden bombshell: the critical information to show collusion
80 times Trump talked about Putin
Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier
The Untold Story of Robert Mueller's Time in Combat
Mueller has the documents on agreement between Trump and Russian interests during the 2016 campaign
House report shows Republicans are not ignoring Trump's cover-up, they're actively participating
Cambridge Analytica was built to destroy democracy ... by any means necessary
Cambridge Analytica report makes a liar out of everyone on the Trump campaign
Everyone's puppet: Before there was Trump, there was Bannon, and Cambridge Analytica and Russia
How Syria Fits Into the Trump-Russia Scandal
Mueller Finally Unmasked the Trump Campaigns Secret Russian Operative
Cooperating witness George Nader part of huge web of corruption, foreign funds and GOP politicians
What Mueller is NOT Saying, in so many Direct words ... - Nice roundup of stories
Part 1 Is Donald Trump a Traitor?
Part 2 A Key Trump-Russia Intermediary Has Been Missing for Months, as the Case for Collusion Grows Stronger
The many wild links between Micheal Cohen, Felix Sater, Trump, the Russian Mob, the NYPD and NY FBI
The Long Story on WHY Trump is Blocking Release of his Financial Records
Congress investigated links between Russian mafia, Trump golf courses
It Might Not Matter Whether or Not Michael Cohen Flips on Donald Trump
Thread: #Trump #Russia #MoneyLaundering #Mogilevich #RussianMafia
Why Mueller Has to Expose Trumps Crooked Business Empire
How Cohen's pay for play schemes may actually prove collusion with Russia
Kremlin Used NRA to Help Trump in 2016, Senate Report Says
Missing Files Motivated the Leak of Michael Cohens Financial Records
Trump Jr. met Gulf princes' emissary in 2016 who offered campaign help
Complete timeline of Trump-Kushner connection to Saudi Arabia & UAE isn't secretbut still shocking
DOJ investigation finds more connections between Russia and top NRA officials
Top Brexit Backer Passed Trump Transition Team Info to Russians
TrumpRussia investigation still centered on collusion, because there was a lot of collusion
Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties
Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations - informative list of the "players"
Steele Dossier said information didn't just go from Russia to Trump, it went from Trump to Russia
The Other Russia Collusion Scandal Is Breaking Wide Open
Senate review agrees with Intelligence Community Assessment that Russia helped Trump
Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik used International Republican Institute to promote Russia
Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart Or His Handler? A plausible theory of mind-boggling collusion.
Smoking gun? July 27, 2016: 'Russia, if you're listening....'
New indictments show Russian hacking effort was large, intense, sustainedand GOP supported
Lies, China And Putin: Solving The Mystery Of Wilbur Ross' Missing Fortune
U.S. indictments show technical evidence for Russian hacking accusations
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered
A Theory of Trump Kompromat
The Hidden History of Trumps First Trip to Moscow
Russia Stole U.S. Presidency, Pro-Kremlin Politician Claims on Live TV
Middling money launderer, got lucky in 2016 and became POTUS* - one author thinks he'll be gone soon
That Barrel that Russia has Trump over, is probably Not what you Think
Mueller's latest convict Sam Patten links many dots of Russian collusion and election conspiracy
The Urgent Question of Trump and Money Laundering
Trumps ties to the Russian mafia go back 3 decades
A Series Of Suspicious Money Transfers Followed The Trump Tower Meeting
The Plot to Subvert an Election: Unraveling the Russia Story So Far
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump
Russian oligarchs may have directly funded Donald Trump's 2016 campaign
Inside Trumps refusal to testify in the Mueller probe
Robert Mueller's Endgame May Be in Sight
The Trump Organization Planned To Give Vladimir Putin The $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow
Jerome Corsi Told Roger Stone WikiLeaks Had Dirt on Hillarys Health. Then the Attacks Started.
How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns
There was a Cohen-Flynn-Ukrainian Back-Channel that sought to get Russian Sanctions Lifted
Perjury Chart: Trump Associates Lies, False, or Misleading Statements on Russia to Federal Authorities
Documents Point to Illegal Campaign Coordination Between Trump and the NRA
Here's why the Russian spy's cooperation agreement is HUGELY problematic for Trump and the NRA
Here's What Robert Mueller Has Uncovered So Far, In His Own Words
What we now know about Trump and Russia 9 Dec '18
20 REASONS Why The RESISTANCE Just Had Our BEST WEEK EVER: Saturday's Good News 15 Dec '18
At least 16 Trump associates had contacts with Russians during campaign or transition
How a Republican strategist supercharged Russia's effort to depress Democratic votes
Russian election meddlers started an anti-masturbation hotline, report claims
A Complete Guide to All 17 (Known) Trump and Russia Investigations 17 Dec '18
Mueller Ready to Pounce on Trumpworld Concessions to Moscow
Mueller Exposes Putin's Hold Over Trump
Paul Manafort advised White House on how to attack and discredit investigation of President Trump
Was that Trump Tower Moscow Deal nearly Done, or was it really just a 'Bait and Switch'?
As more information leaks out, the 'nothing' Trump Tower meeting looks like it was really something
Cell signal puts Cohen outside Prague around time of purported Russian meeting
Explained: The Russian effort to help Donald Trump
Pan Am Flight 103: Robert Muellers 30-Year Search for Justice
Russian Ex-Spy Pressured Manafort Over Debts to an Oligarch
Trump and Russia: What to expect from Mueller in 2019
More Stealth Prosecutorial Activity Against Trump. Direct Evidence of Foreign Bribes?
Manafort's attorneys screw up 'redactions,' reveal details of campaign collusion
Trump's team had over 100 contacts with Russian-linked officials, report shows
Russia collusion case against Trump just got a lot stronger
F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration
Its Already Collusion
All signs point the same way: Vladimir Putin has compromising information on Donald Trump
Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset
Trump is a clear and present danger to national security: Ex-DOJ counterintelligence head
Trump is under suspicion as a Russian agent ... but he is definitely Russia's agent
Mike Pences Connections To Paul Manafort Place Him Squarely In Muellers Sights
Mueller Investigation Shines Light on Pro-Trump Super PACs Suspicious Activity
Trump Must Be a Russian Agent; the Alternative Is Too Awful
President Trump Directed His Attorney Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project
Moscow Skyscraper Talks Continued Through the Day I Won, Trump Is Said to Acknowledge
Existential Fear: the definitive reason Trump is so subservient to Putin and Russian Oligarchs
We Have Seen the Mueller Report And Its Spectacular A summary of what has appeared in Mueller's filings as of 27 Jan '19
Trump had another private conversation with Putin that went unreported for months
Trump and His Associates Had More Than 100 Contacts With Russians Before the Inauguration
Russian-American lobbyist received about $500K in 'suspicious' payments around Trump Tower meeting
In Closed Hearing, a Clue About the Heart of Muellers Russia Inquiry
Some New Clues that go to the Heart of the Mueller Investigation
Cigar bar joins Trump Tower as one of the most important meetings in Trump-Russia conspiracy
If there was collusion with Russia, heres where it might have occurred
Senate would like to talk with one of Trump's other friends in Moscow
Schiff fixates on whether Trump is compromised by a foreign government
The Evidence That Could Impeach Donald Trump
50 shades of Trump's debt to Putin
Just how much is confirmed from the Christopher Steele dossier?
Security reports reveal how Assange turned an embassy into a command post for election meddling
Russia Picked Donald Trump and Ran Him for President, Former Israeli Intelligence Officer Says
Ending the Trump administration may be the best thing this nation has ever done
Trumps Ukraine Mess Feels a Little Too Familiar
It's All About the Sanctions (per The Rachel Maddow Show)
The Scandal Has Spiraled Out of Trumps Control
Adam Schiff says House to make criminal referral on Blackwater founder Erik Prince
Giuliani's 'proof' that Biden was corrupt was paid for by an indicted oligarch who funded Manafort
Pelosi "fact sheet" on Trump impeachment
Opening Statement of Amb. William B. Taylor, Oct 22, 2019
GOP Senators admit reality: Quid pro Quo is real, Trump committed extortion
PM accused of cover-up over report on Russian meddling in UK politics
Donald Trump put Ukraine in an impossible position that forced them to lie or die
Fiona Hill deposition released: Trump's call was her 'worst fears and nightmares'
Bolton's mystery Ukraine meetings could point back to connections between Trump and Putin
The Conspiracy To Bribe Ukraine Is Deeper And Has Been Going On Longer Than We Know.
Opening Statement Gordon D. Sondland, November 20, 2019
Opening Statement Dr. Fiona Hill, November 21, 2019
Opening Statement David A. Holmes, November 21, 2019
GOP: an entire party of cheap dates for Russian money #MoscowMarsha
Dirty Devinranking Republican Nunes isn't investigating Ukraine scandal, he's a key part of it
All roads may lead to Putinbut those roads keep running through Vienna. And Giuliani
House Intelligence report on the impeachment inquiry is definitive, detailed, and utterly damning
The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report
Trump Deutsche Bank Loans Underwritten By Russian State-Owned Bank, Whistleblower Told FBI (Summary )
$500 million transfer to support loan to Trump made by Russians
Bribery. The crime is bribery. Say it
Transcripts of calls between Flynn, Russian diplomat show they discussed sanctions
Roger Stone Told Trump In Advance WikiLeaks Would Release Documents Harmful To Clinton Campaign
Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says
Trump doesnt understand that Putin is in the payback business
The 3 Weeks That Changed Everything
Trump Pushed CIA to Give Intelligence to Kremlin, While Taking No Action Against Russia Arming Taliban
Robert Mueller: Roger Stone remains a convicted felon, and rightly so
Senate Report Concludes Russia Used Paul Manafort, WikiLeaks To Boost Trump In 2016
Trumps 2016 campaign chair was a grave counterintelligence threat, had repeated contact with Russian intelligence, Senate panel finds
GOP-led Senate Intelligence report a stunning indictment of Trump campaign's collusion with Russia
Senate Intelligence Committee report confirms all charges about Trump's connections to Russia
Depth Of Russian Politician's Cultivation Of NRA Ties Revealed
Peter Strzok Has a Warning About Russiaand Trump
Chris Murphy: Massive Coverup Campaign Underway to Disguise the Octopus-like Russian Election Interference
U.S. intelligence agencies reportedly view Trump's debate tactics as a clear signal to Putin
Trump and Deutsche Bank: A Vast Criminal Enterprise
Trump Administration Intelligence Chiefs HID EVIDENCE Of Russian Interference In 2020 Election
It Wasnt a Hoax
Ukraine would not be on the brink of invasion were it not for Paul Manafort and Donald Trump
Reporter walks through Russia's scheme to target Ukraine along with Donald Trump's help
Charles McGonigal, has just been charged with taking money from the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska
The NY FBI Office - Russia story is far worse than the first take on it would seem - Timothy Snyder
Trump and Putin need each other more than ever. It's a matter of survival for both
He Confirmed Russia Meddled in 2016 to Help Trump. Now, Hes Speaking Out
Seth Abramson: The Impeachable Crime From Which The Cover-up Flows - in 51 tweets
Seth Abramson: The Domestic Conspiracy That Gave Trump The Election Is In Plain Sight
Seth Abramson: The Mayflower Hotel Meeting - in 50+ tweets
Seth Abramson: Instruction for Handling a Constitutional Crisis
Seth Abramson: Lots of Questions about all the Bribes
Seth Abramson: The Unbelievably Complex "Grand Bargain" - Trump, Russian, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE
Attorney and author Seth Abramson: Donald Trump sets new paradigm for treachery. Part 1 of 2
Author and attorney Seth Abramson on why Mueller will ultimately be victorious. Part 2 of 2
Seth Abramson: Compelling preliminary evidence that Trump gets intelligence and propaganda from Kremlin sources
Seth Abramson: Trump was trading US foreign policy on Russia for money
Seth Abramson: Proof Of Conspiracy
Seth Abramson tweet thread re: 'Mueller' report
Seth Abramson tweet thread: Mueller investigated rumored compromising tapes of Trump in Moscow
What Trump Really Told Kislyak After Comey Was Canned
What Russia Did For TrumpA Stream Of Stolen Documents Defined The Campaign
How Putin's proxies helped funnel millions into GOP campaigns
Hair Twitler has a good week with all those Russians in Palm Beach
Who the hell is @RVAwonk and how is she cracking the Kremlin's code?
Trumps Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers [PDF]
Trump Is Fulfilling Russias Dream of Splitting the Western Alliance
Buyers tied to Russia, former Soviet republics paid $109 million cash for Trump properties
A new book thats a tell-all on impeachment
"This was a real-life version of Mel Brookss The Producers . " from Michael Wolffs book Fire and Fury
"You Cant Make This S--- Up": My Year Inside Trump's Insane White House - Michael Wolff
Senate Judiciary Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS (312 pages)
Fusion GPS Transcript bombshells: FBI had source in Trump campaign, NYT story killed Steele's FBI connection
Thread On Fusion GPS from a securities fraud and human rights litigator in DC/NY
House Intelligence Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS (165 pages)
House transcript shows how Fusion works, how Steele works and that Trump is a crook
James Clapper On Russia: 'They Swung The Election To A President Trump Win' Youtube
Cambridge Analytica: Undercover Secrets of Trump's Data Firm Youtube
ACTIVE MEASURES [Theatrical Trailer] In Theaters August 31 Youtube
Lifting Russian Sanctions Key To Trump Deal Exposed By Michael Cohen | Rachel Maddow Youtube
Andrew McCabe: The full 60 Minutes interview CBS
Special Counsel's Office | Department of Justice
Trumpcare Raids Medicare To Enrich The Wealthy And Plant A Bomb
A short list of big failures, brought to you by Donald Trump
Following Trump off a cliff: Psychological analysis reveals 14 key traits that explain the presidents die-hard supporters
The year of the witch hunt in tweets
Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?
This should scare everyone. Mattis has inserted himself into the nuclear weapons chain of command and reassured Senators for @GOP and @DNC that he could manage @realDonaldTrump dangerous nuclear impulses. Mattis is leaving.
The Inevitability of Impeachment
Trump approved extra $129M to help House investigate Hillary. Now Pelosi has it.
Putin made Trump president. It's not the first time Russia has subverted another country's election
What if Trump's Conspiracy was Way Bigger than We Know?
The Mueller Report
The Mueller report says exactly what everyone predicted it would say for the last two years
Key quotes from U.S. Special Counsel Mueller's report
This thread contains images with passages from the Mueller Report
Mueller report provides intimate scenes from the Trump White House
Factbox: New revelations from the Mueller report
The Mueller reports collusion section is much worse than you think
14 Mueller Report Takeaways You Might Have Missed
60 Questions for Mueller from the Senate Judiciary Committee
4 Disturbing Details You May Have Missed in the Mueller Report
AG Bill Barr killed 7 Robert Mueller investigations 10 days after he submitted his report
Robert Mueller agrees to testify to Congress ... publicly
Timeline of events leading up to Donald Trump's indictment in Georgia
Heartbreaking Flight
Previous Trumpistan Entries
My WWIII page includes more details about the cyber aspects of the Russian meddling
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Leigh Brasington
/ Revised 24 Feb 25