Loving-Kindness Meditation - Sunshine

A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema

Please put the attention on the breath for just a few moments.

Imagine that your heart is filled with sunshine. Feel the warmth of it. The brightness. The satisfaction that it brings. The contentment. Let that sun in your heart fill you with joy and embrace you.

Now let the sun in your heart shine on the person nearest you in this room. Bringing with it the love and joy that your heart contains, filling him or her with these feelings as your gift.

And now let the sun from your heart expand so that it can shine on everyone here, bringing with it the best that your heart has to offer.   Warmth.   Love.   Peace.   Joy.

Let the sun in your heart shine on your parents, bringing them the warmth, the fulfillment, the joy and the peace that your heart contains.

Let the sun in your heart shine on those people who are nearest and dearest to you, giving them the best that your heart has to offer. Brightness. Warmth. Love. Fill them with those feelings. Embrace them with the sunshine from your heart.

Think of your friends. Let the sun from your heart shine on each one of them, filling their hearts with the warmth of sunshine, the feeling of joy, being embraced by the rays of the sun. Feeling loved and protected.

Think of other people you know, whoever they might be. Let the sun from your heart expand so that the rays can warm these people, bringing them joy and love.

Think of anyone whom you might have difficulties with. The sun shines indiscriminately on everyone. Let the sun from your heart shine on that person with the warmth and the joy and the love that the sun entails, because it makes everything grow.

Open your heart as wide as you can. Let the sun in your heart shine on as many people that you can imagine, bringing the warmth and the care from your heart to them. Filling them with joy, surrounding them with love.

Put your attention back on yourself. Feel the warmth of the sun in your heart. Feel the joy of sharing and the peacefulness of a loving heart. Fill yourself with that joy. Embrace yourself and surround yourself with peace, feeling safe and protected in that embrace.

May there be sunshine in everyone's heart.

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