Previous Changes to UDP ----------------------- The latest changes to UDP can be found at 12.04.07 Bug Fix: In certain circumstances, pressing the End key occasionally marked the rest of the line even when the Shift key was not depressed. This is now fixed. Edit > Save Record (F12) now repositions the caret correctly. 12.04.06 Bug Fix: For poorly formed, non-UDP files, UDP is now less likely to crash. 12.04.05 The RTF import function is even smarter about reading RTF files created by MS-Word. However if it fails to parse an RTF file correctly, try opening the original file in WordPad (aka write) and saving a new version, then trying to import that new version. 12.04.04 UDP can now import the LTibetanColorado font in RTF files, treating it identical to LTibetan. The RTF import function is a bit smarter now, but still has trouble reading RTF files created by MS-Word. If it fails to parse an RTF file, it now suggests opening the file in WordPad (aka write) and saving a new version, then trying that new version. 12.04.03 Bug Fix: If the file path given in Options > Email > Using command line is invalid, UDP no longer silently fails, but now gives an error message. 12.04.02 Minor clean up of blinking between "REVERT" and "Revert". 12.04.01 When Search > Select has been used to create a subset of a database, the Revert toolbar button is enabled (as before) and the text blinks between "REVERT" and "Revert" for a few seconds. Also the Sequence # menu item now contains the number of records in the subset and the background of the main window changes to a muted purple. In a Database, clicking directly on a Key Field Link or a Hypertext Link, when the current focus is on the Key field, now correctly activates the link. Go > Go Back now works correctly when going back to the source of a footnote in a Database. 12.03.02 Bug Fix: When searching for Tibetan characters with Subjoined Letters Ya and Ra, they sometimes would not be found. This has been corrected. 12.03.01 Sorting has now been extended to include the ability to sort lines of a Document or lines of a Database record. The "Sort What" radio buttons allow you to choose what to sort: for a Database, the choice is by keys or selected lines of the current record; for a Document, the choice is selected lines or all lines. 12.02.04 Tibetan sorting once again allows Ignore Case for non-Tibetan characters; however, the uppercase/lowercase conversion is language agnostic. This will work fine for most languages using all precomposed diacriticals. 12.02.03 Tibetan sorting has now be made greatly more accurate thanks to a new library containing a much more accurate Tibetan sorting routine. The Tibetan sorting library was made available by Åke Persson of Mimer SQL. Please see and The previous error prone Microsoft Tibetan Collating sequence is still available by setting the Windows keyboard to Tibetan (BO) and selecting Unicode in the Sort dialog. (Removed link code from 12.02.02) 12.02.02 Added a link to the help system for "Microsoft Tibetan Collating Sequence Errors" on the "Tools - Sort" dialog. 12.02.01 Sorting of a Database by the Key values is now implemented via the Tools > Sort dialog. However Tibetan sorting uses the Microsoft Collating Sequence which has known errors! See "Tools - Sort" in the Help system for more information. 12.01.02 The sort, when a file is initially out of sequence, is now much quicker. Options > Show Max Nbr of Listboxes will temporarily change the number of listboxes shown for a Database from the specified percent given in the Options > Proportion/Tabs dialog to the maximum that can be shown and still leave room for the key fields and 2 or 3 lines of the data field. The speedkey toggle for this function is Shift+F11. Bug Fix: When searching, no longer will an initial half a format character or initial half a Tibetan or Unicode character be confused as the start of the string being searched for (e.g. searching for "ii" will no longer find an initial italic "i"). 12.01.01 When a Database is open, the "New" toolbar button will now insert a new, empty record prior to the current record. When a Document is open, the "New" toolbar button continues to create an new, empty Document. Edit > Delete Current Record (Ctrl+Del) will no longer prompt you if the record being deleted has no data. Databases can now be saved as a single HTML page suitable for generating a Mobi (PRC) format ebook. You will need to import the new HTML page into the Mobipocket Creator which you can download from Then build the ebook -- see "Kindle Formatting - Formatting Tips", especially Step 3, at for more info on converting an HTML file into an ebook. Bug Fix: The paint artifacts, that sometimes would appear when a record was deleted, no longer appear. The Find and Find/Replace dialogs have been rearranged to a more standard layout. The TAB order is essentially unchanged. Several other dialogs have have had cosmetic fixes made to their layouts. 11.01.01 By default the Sanskrit/Pali Diacritical Keyboard generates all the diacriticals for both Sanskrit and Pali. However if you will only be typing Pali diacriticals, you can use the new "Keyboard - Ctrl+D Diacritical Keyboard" sub-menu to select "Pali Diacriticals Only" - this means Crtl+D followed by L, l, S or s will generate the subdot diacritical immediately without requiring an additional keystroke. You can still easily generate the Sanskrit diacriticals for these characters using the "Diacritical" menu. If you will be typing both Sanskrit and Pali diacriticals or only Sanskrit diacriticals, then choose the default sub-menu option "Sanskrit and Pali Diacriticals". The heights of the key field and the lines in the top listboxes are made 12% taller when the first diacritical is added to a database file that contains no Tibetan characters. 10.01.11 If the currently loaded file has diacritical characters, but no Tibetan characters, the heights of the key field and the lines in the top listboxes are now 12% taller so that the diacriticals can be more easily seen. More user friendly messages when importing Unicode tab delimited files. 10.01.10 The built-in diacritical keyboard (^D) now supports ^D+G and ^D+g to type the 'NG' (0x14A) and 'ng' (0x14B) characters. 10.01.09 When Finding or Selecting using IgnoreDiacriticals, the 'ng' characters at 0x14A & 0x14B match 'M' & 'm' respectively (and therefore match 'm subdot'). File > Open > Import Tab Delimited now detects if the text file is ANSI or Unicode and correctly imports both ANSI and Unicode tab delimited files. UDP is now smarter about finding itself to run a second copy when doing spell checking and UDP is installed in a path with a space in its name. 10.01.08 Bug Fix: Using Tools > Spelling Check > Tibetan Spell Check on a Document no longer causes UDP to crash. 10.01.07 If you set Options > Advanced > Save By Default In to something other than UDP format, now new Documents will also initially be saved in that format. 10.01.06 If you set Options > New Files Are > Tibetan, the initial keyboard will be Tibetan. Added internal support for the Sambhota Tibetan Keyboard. You can choose it by selecting Keyboard > Tibetan Kbd Layout > Sambhota Layout 10.01.05 Support has been added for the TCC Unicode fonts. For more information, see "Alternate Fonts - Tibetan Computer Company Unicode Fonts" in the Help system. 10.01.04 When saving an HTML file, UDP now only saves a corresponding *.udc file if there is already such an existing *.udc file. That is, if you start UDP from a command line with the name of a non-existing HTML file (and there is no corresponding *.udc file) or if you use File > NewDocument and initially use File > SaveAs to save the file as HTML, then no corresponding *.udc file is created. In either of these cases if you do desire a corresponding *.udc file, use File > SaveAs to save the file as an "Editable File", then File > SaveAs as an HTML file. 10.01.03 In a read only field, Shift+UpArrow & Shift+DownArrow now mark text as expected rather than scrolling the field vertically. 10.01.02 If a line is so long that it needs to be wrapped and there is no other suitable place but there is a / or \ then UDP will wrap after the last / or \ whose preceding character is not a '<' or a character less than '0'. 10.01.01 The File > SaveAs dialog is now initialized with the directory of the current file (or of the last file if there is no current file). For a new file when there has been no previous file opened, the dialog is initialized with UDP's current directory. An RTF file containing only CSX+ diacritical fonts is now imported correctly. Diacriticals are now by default exported to HTML as Unicode rather than as a CSX+ font. 09.01.05 Bug Fix: If you save a database to Unicode RTF format and the database contains a record with a key and an empty data field, UDP no longer crashes. 09.01.04 There is now limited support for converting HTML to UDP format. See "Tools - Convert Selected Data" in the Help system for more information. 09.01.03 Now when you use File > Save (or Ctrl+S) to save a Database file, you are no longer prompted "Do you want to write a new version now?" You can restore the old behavior by setting the "Always ask before actually saving a Database file" checkbox in the Options > Advanced dialog. 09.01.02 Added an easy way to insert HTML/XML tags into an HTML.XML text file. See Format - Insert HTML/XML Tag in the Help system for more information. 09.01.01 The Tibetan Unicode Radio button is now always enabled, even if you have a non-existent font selected in the dropdown. This prevents some confusion that had arisen. If you use Options > Size and one of the first 3 choices, and the height or width exceeds the available "full screen" amount, the size is set to the full screen amount. Example: on a 1024 x 600 netbook, Options > Size > 800X600 yields 800 X 570. 08.05.03 When writing RTF (to a file or to a clipboard) using the TibetanMachine font set and a Vista substitute character (0xE010 - 0xE014) is encountered, the original "XP" value for that character is written as the trailing character after the \u Unicode construct - e.g. 0xE010 is written as \u57360\'81 Notice that the trailing character is written as a double hex code page escape. 08.05.02 Bug Fix: TibetanMachineSkt4 character 129 (0x81) is now imported correctly from RTF files that use the latest version of the TibetanMachine* fonts. 08.05.01 BUG FIXES: A number of encoding errors were fixed in this version. They are described below: BUG FIX: Sometimes a rata+rata or yata+yata was written to a Unicode file, including Document files. UDP now checks for these and automatically corrects them to a single rata or yata and marks the file as needing to be written. A message will appear in the message area at the bottom of the window telling you that you should save the corrected file. If you read a file in that is auto corrected and you don't save it and then close it without making changes, you are asked if you want to save the file; it is because of the auto correction and you should save the file. BUG FIX: The Unicode Tibetan characters "ra with a full wa below" were being imported as "ra with wazur." This has been fixed. BUG FIX: 2 characters from TibetanMachineSkt2 and 6 characters from TibetanMachineSkt3 were not being displayed correctly (for all 8-bit fonts). These problems were introduced with version 08.02 & 08.03 and have been fixed. Added a "When running on Vista, use XP codepoints when exporting" checkbox to the Options - PechaMaker dialog. This should be checked if you are using Tibetan Computer Company fonts and PechaMaker version 2.0 or earlier on Vista. 08.04.02 Bug Fix: When saving a file as HTML, UDP no longer writes spurious characters at the end of the file. 08.04.01 The following ACIP stacks are now imported correctly: PTR'A plus stacks ending in VA, for example: SDHVA, NDVA, RshVA, GdHVA, RDVA, RDZVA, RDHVA, RSHVA, KTSVA, RshVA, RDHVA. Stacked achungs following a wazur are also now handled correctly as in RDZV'A, RBV'A, RSHV'A. 08.03.03 You can type W[subscribed] by entering Alt+0183 on the numeric keypad. Bug Fix: When the ACIP WW stack is created via the Format > CharaterSet dialog (^A) or typing Alt+0183, it now always converts to a consistent internal representation. The previous inconsistency is and was always corrected when a file was read again. The ACIP stack WV is now imported correctly. 08.03.02 UDP can now distinguish between a suffix vs. a stack for the ACIP characters GS, NGS, BS, MS, RD and LD like it has always been able to do for ND. The Format > CharaterSet dialog (^A) can now be used to generate arbitrary stacks that use the Unicode characters 0x0FAD, 0x0FBA, 0x0FBB and 0x0FBC (ACIP characters V, W[subscribed], ++Y and ++R). 08.03.01 ACIP character & is correctly converted to avagraha even when not followed by white space or hyphen. The ACIP stacks YA, YYA, Y++YA, N+G and N+GR will all now import correctly. Bug Fix: When a stack ending in ++YA is read from a Unicode file, it now always converts to a consistent internal representation. The Sanskrit.txt file has been corrected and updated. 08.02.02 The ACIP stacks RDDA, RWA, DWA and DW'now import correctly. The Sanskrit.txt file has been corrected and updated. 08.02.01 Achungs for rare Sanskrit stacks now work correctly. UDP is much smarter when importing ACIP ++Y and ++R stacks. You can type ++Y by entering Alt+0185 on the numeric keypad and ++R via Alt+0178; these are the special keystrokes to enter a ¹ and a ² which are mapped to ++Y and ++R respectively. When importing ACIP, the ansuvara /m/ now displays correctly with the Sanskrit vowels reverse-gigu /i/, double-drengbu /EE/ and double-naro /OO/. ACIP stacks NBA & NBHA, GB GBR GB' & GBY', SHB & SHBR now import correctly. 08.01.06 The Sanskrit.txt file has been corrected and updated. There is no change to UDP.exe itself. 08.01.05 Bug Fix: For rare Sanskrit stacks, Rata and Yata are now much more likely to be imported correctly. 08.01.04 Bug Fix: The Options > Advanced dialog is once again working properly. Sanskrit.txt has an additional 2 dozen entries of rare Sanskrit stacks. 08.01.03 There is now a second way to send email. This can be used to overcome problems in Win/Vista with it continually messing up the MAILTO protocol associated with non-Microsoft email programs such as Thunderbird. On the Options > Email dialog, there is a choice to use MAPI (the old method) or to use a command line (the new method). Documentation for creating an email command line is given in the Help system for "Options - Email". 08.01.02 BUG FIX: If the value given in the Go -> GoTo (Ctrl+G) dialog is greater than the number of lines in the file (or in the data field of the current Database record), UPD no longer crashes. 08.01.01 The first (and only the first) in a series of Edit > Undo (Ctrl+Z) will restore the selection and caret position at the time of the last File > Save (Ctrl+S), File > Save As, File > Send As Email, Edit > Delete (Del) of a block of text, Edit > Cut (Ctrl+X) or Edit > Paste (Ctrl+V). You can use Go > Back (Alt+LeftArrow or F4) to return the caret to its location at the time of the Undo, if necessary. (Note that the saved selection and caret position only apply to the data field for a Database file.) 07.05.09 The first (and only the first) in a series of Edit > Undo (Ctrl+Z) will restore the selection and caret position at the time of the last Edit > Delete (Del) of a block of text or Edit > Cut (Ctrl+X) or Edit > Paste (Ctrl+V). You can use Go > Back (Alt+LeftArrow or F4) to return the caret to its location at the time of the Undo, if necessary. 07.05.08 Tools > Spelling Check > English no longer moves the caret from its current location if no spelling errors are found. 07.05.07 File > Send As E-Mail has been restored for Windows/Vista. The problem was a missing mailto: protocol handler on the Windows/Vista test machine. This was fixed via the info at and UDP once again could create email messages with no problems. See "File - Send As E-Mail" in the Help system for more information. 07.05.06 07.05.05 07.05.04 07.05.03 All these releases are cleanup of legacy Tibetan Computer Company support. 07.05.02 On Windows/Vista, UDP can now correctly display all characters from the TibetanMachine font set and other Tibetan Computer Company font sets PROVIDED these fonts are version 5.00 or greater. [The Robillard font set will continue to remain unsupported on Vista.] UDP can now always correctly import RTF files based on 8-bit Tibetan Computer Company fonts (such as the TibetanMachine set) whether or not the RTF file was created on Vista and whether or not UDP is running on Vista. On Windows/Vista, you cannot save a Tibetan file as HTML using 8-bit Tibetan fonts other than the TibetanMachineWeb set. You must choose Options > HTML > Unicode Tibetan or TibetanMachineWeb. 07.05.01 Windows/Vista has a bug that currently prevents UDP from sending email. An error message to this effect is now displayed instead of UDP hanging. A fix for this problem is currently being sought. Windows/Vista does not correctly display some of the characters in the fonts from the Tibetan Computer Company (e.g. TibetanMachine, etc.) or the fonts in the Robillard set. Therefore UDP no longer supports these fonts under Windows/Vista; use Tibetan Unicode fonts instead. 07.04.04 BUG FIX: If you used Search > Find & Replace, and when asked to confirm the first Find, you chose "Yes to All" and only one instance was found, under some circumstances the replacement actually was failing to be made. This is now Fixed. 07.04.03 The Unicode-only keyboard helper program has been greatly improved: A caret is now displayed in the proper location in UDP even when the helper program's window is active. The helper window will now pass Ctrl+ and Function keys back to UDP for processing (except for F10; and F1 only sets the focus back to UDP, you will need to press F1 a second time to get the help to actually display). Several issues with passing the focus between the helper and UDP have been resolved. 07.04.02 The Options > Unicode dialog now lets you choose whether or not a BOM (Byte-Order-Marker) is prepended to Unicode output files. 07.04.01 UDP can now accept input from Unicode only keyboards such as Vista's Hindi, Nepali and even the Tibetan (PRC) keyboards. It uses an auxiliary program that actually accepts the input and passes it to UDP. There are still several problems associated with setting focus and the Ctrl+Keys don't always work. But this method is usable and is better than the question marks generated previously by these keyboards. UDP attempts to auto-detect if the selected Unicode keyboard produces only Unicode characters, but it cannot always tell. It knows about Vista's built-in Unicode only keyboards and about Tibetan and Dzongkha keyboards that have a locale identifier of 0451 or 0851. If you select a keyboard and it only types question marks, you can set Keyboard > Unicode Kbd Layout > Force Unicode Helper and see if that makes your keyboard work correctly. If you have problems with the new helper program, you can delete UnicKBD.exe from your installations folder and UDP will revert to its previous behavior. But please send an email us and let us know what problem you encountered so we can fix it - UnicKBD.exe will be reinstalled in the next release of UDP. Note: You will definitely want to use the built in Tibetan (PRC) keyboard rather than Vista's version - it integrates much more smoothly. 07.03.03 If you type a composite character on the built-in Tibetan (PRC) keyboard, a "ding" will sound to let you know that keystroke is not supported. You should *always* type the individual characters when using any version of the Tibetan (PRC) keyboard. 07.03.02 The Microsoft Himalaya font is now one of the default choices in the Options > Fonts > Tibetan Unicode Font combobox. Options > Fonts > Advanced now contains a control to adjust the placement of Microsoft Himalaya font characters upwards. UDP now supports a modified version of the Windows/Vista Tibetan (PRC) keyboard. The character generated by m,X can also be generated by Right-Alt+X (where X is any key on the keyboard). The characters generated by Ctrl+Alt+Shift-X are generated by Right-Alt+Shift+X. The characters on the M,X keyboard should not be used since they are composite characters; type the individual pieces using the normal keys (the 'M' key inputs 'M'). The following table may help you understand the differences: Tibetan (PRC) UDP TibetanPRC Function Normal Normal Normal Characters m followed by X Right-Alt+X Stacked Characters Shift Shift Special & Sanskrit Chars Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X Right-Alt+Shift+X Rare Characters M followed by X (not supported) (not needed) See "Layout of the Tibetan/Dzongkha Keyboards" in the Help system for more information. 07.03.01 (withdrawn: misbehaving Vista Tibetan (PRC) keyboard layout) 07.02.11 You can use the newer versions of "Arial Unicode MS" as the Tibetan Unicode font. The 11/18/2002 06:44 PM 23,275,812 ARIALUNI.TTF version works fine. You can adjust it relative to the Unicode font using Options > Fonts > Advanced > Arial Unicode Tibetan adjusts upwards. 07.02.10 Bug Fix: If you use Options > Advanced > Disable Tibetan, then the Keyboard > Rollover KDB Layout is no longer removed (and the Keyboard > Tibetan KDB Layout is removed). 07.02.09 The Options > Text Only and the Options > Unicode dialogs have been updated to provide clearer choices when running UDP under Wine (Unix/Linux) and CrossOver Mac (Mac/OS X). 07.02.08 Bug Fix: Unicode and Text Clipboard line endings now follow the value of Options > Line Ending for All Text Files. This means CR and LF is used as the default. This makes copying to Notepad work correctly again. 07.02.07 The alignment and lengths of text in several dialogs has been cleaned up. 07.02.06 UDP now generates a useful file name for File > Save As when it reads a file directly off the internet using File > Open or the command line. Bug Fix: File > 1 ... File > 5 now work correctly if the remembered file path is a URL. 07.02.05 'Artifacts' no longer appear along the righthand border of the screen if line wrapping is turned off and a horizontal scroll to the right is done. 07.02.04 UDP is smarter about generating a useful temp file extension when reading a file directly off the internet using File > Open or the command line. 07.02.03 Bug Fix: Exporting [U+0F04,U+0F05,U+0F05] & [U+0F04,U+0F05] characters to the TibetanMachineWeb fonts for HTML has been fixed. 07.02.02 Bug Fix: If the last file opened was via the internet, File > Open now works correctly on subsequent uses. The File > Open > More (or Help) dialog has been improved. You can immediately choose Help or import a file from the internet. The 'Files of type' field in the File > Open dialog will be honored when importing from the internet, but must be set prior to clicking the More (or Help) button. This improved dialog is a modal dialog separate from the File > Open dialog and must be closed before you can again interact with the File > Open dialog. UDP is smarter about determining the extension to use when a URL contains many special characters such as ? and @. 07.02.01 UDP can now read a file directly off the internet using File > Open or the command line. See "File - Open ... More - Open URL" in the Help system for more info. When you click the Help button on the File > Append or File > Merge dialogs, the correct help message is now displayed. File > Append and File > Merge also can directly append/merge files stored on the internet. 07.01.03 Bug Fix: If no Tibetan font is installed on your computer, the Help Database displays with proper line heights (better fix for bug in 07.01.02). You need to set "Options > Fonts > Tibetan Unicode size is" to "Tibetan size" if no Tibetan fonts are installed - which is now the default when UDP is run and no UDP.INI file exists (e.g. an initial install). 07.01.02 Bug Fix: If no Tibetan font is installed on your computer, Database files (including the Help Database) are now displayed with proper line heights. 07.01.01 Bug Fix: If you change the font between saves of an RTF file, the new font is now correctly reflected in the second save. The Format > Character Set dialog has a new icon. 06.03.03 Bug Fix: The internal ACIP import has been fixed so that line endings are now being imported correctly again according to the Options > ACIP dialog. 06.03.02 UDP now internally encodes stacked ra and stacked ya as separate characters which are only combined (in non-Unicode fonts) at display or export time. In Unicode fonts, these remain separate so that stacks like ra over ya can be distinguished from ra over ya-btags. See 06.03.01 for initial work. If you use the Dzongkha 102 keyboard layout, you can type ra over ya-btags by typing "bV"; you can type ra over ya by typing "b" and "Right-Alt+Shift+V". These will be displayed correctly in both Unicode and non-Unicode fonts. Furthermore, non-Unicode fonts will now display imported ra over ya-btags and ra over ya correctly. The keyboards other than the Dzongkha 102 cannot be used to type ra over ya-btags; however, the Format > Character Set (Ctrl+A) dialog can be used to generate this character combinations when using other keyboards. There is also support for constructs like ra over ra-btags and ra over ra. The UDPRBLRD.FEF file has been enhanced so there is more support for arbitrary stacks when using the Robillard fonts, including ra-btags & ya-btags and stacked ra and stacked ya. 06.03.01 UDP now internally encodes ra-btags and ya-btags as separate characters which are only combined (in non-Unicode fonts) at display or export time. In Unicode fonts, these remain separate so that stacks like ra over ya can be distinguished from ra over ya-btags. UDP is now smarter about chosing the correct vowel/achung representation when importing files. This enhances the changes made in 06.02.02. Bug Fix: The assigned keyboard no longer changes to the Dzongkha 102 layout if you import an RTF file. 06.02.02 BUG FIX: UDP now correctly handles importing stacked achungs. Bug Fix: UDP no long crashes if the first character in a file being imported is a Tibetan vowel. 06.02.01 The Unicode detection routine is now much smarter and should correctly detect a UTF-8 or a Windows UTF-16 file when opened with File > Open and File Type is set to Known Types. If the "Options > Advanced > Automatically repair Tsheg-Vowel errors" checkbox is checked (the default), when a tsheg followed by a Tibetan vowel (which is an illegal combination) is encontered when typing or when importing a non-TCC font encoded file, the vowel and tsheg are swapped so the vowel follows the character that was preceeding the tsheg. See "Options - Advanced" in the help system for more information. 06.01.11 UDP is now smarter about figuring out what kind of Unicode file it is dealing with when you use File > Open and select File Type = Unicode Text Files and the file does not start with a BOM (Byte Order Marker). Improved TCRC Bod-Yig.FUF for importing files using the TCRC Bod-Yig font. 06.01.10 The "Go - Go to Matching" menu item will also find the matching ". Place the caret after the double quote to find the next "; place the caret before the double quote to find the previous ". This is mostly useful when used in conjunction with the Shift key for marking everything within a pair of quotes. Added TCRC Bod-Yig.FUF for importing files using the TCRC Bod-Yig font. 06.01.09 The "Go - Go to Matching ( ) [ ] { }" menu item will now also find corresponding beginning/ending HTML tags if you place the caret after a < or a > in an HTML tag. You can place the caret before a < or a > and it will also work unless the < is preceeded by a >, in which case the tag associated with the preceeding > will be matched. See "Go - Go to Matching" in the help system for more information. 06.01.08 BUG FIX: UDP now can import the weird RTF generated by Microsoft Word for the following (given here as Wylie): spya, spya, spyi, spye, spyo, dwa. BUG FIX: UDP can now import the character at TibetanMachineSkt4 156 (0x9C) which is a special kerning case of (Wylie) o’i (e.g. as in po’i, bo’i, gro’i). Note: Only TibetanMachine of the TCC fonts contains the glyph at 156, so if you have set your font to a non-TibetanMachine TCC font, the correct glyph will not be displayed until you save and reopen the file. 06.01.07 BUG FIX: Unicode import from RTF files was sometimes failing to stack Tibetan characters. This has been fixed. 06.01.06 Support for importing the following Tibetan fonts has been added: TCRC Youtsoweb TCRC Youtso Monlam ouchan 1 Monlam ouchan 2 Monlam ouchan 3 Monlam ouchan 4 Monlam Tigmachoug 2 Monlam Tigmachoug 1 Monlam PeyTig Monlam Dutsa 1 Monlam yigchong They are all imported like the "TCRC Bod-Yig" font by using "TCRC Bod-Yig.FUF". 06.01.05 If a WordPerfect file is corrupted by not following a [240] flag with a pair of codes and a trailing [240] flag, UDP now inserts "[WP File corrupted here]" and continues importing the file (instead of terminating the import at the corrupted location). 06.01.04 The Options > Advanced Options dialog has a new checkbox that allows you to ignore vertical advances when importing WordPerfect files. Bug Fix: The File > Properties dialog no longer conflates the Copy Protection radio button group and the Protection Type radio button group. 06.01.03 UDP handles a wider range of WordPerfect files now. It can read larger WP files and can import WP files with "Page Delay codes" (altho such codes are ignored). UDP can now use batch mode to append files to a database. For example UDP -x UDB c:\mydir\mydatabase.udb c:\mydir\doc1.udc c:\mydir\doc2.udc This allows creating a Database of Documents in batch mode. 06.01.02 Bug Fix: The extra garbage that sometimes would appear at the end of an imported ACIP file no longer appears. A number of additional ACIP constructs are now correctly supported: NYTZA, RY, R++Y, NG+GA, BKVA, GNGA, tY'A, NT'A, shth'A, BDZA, BDZ'A, KR'A, TT'A, KshnA 06.01.01 Bug Fix: When converting from Wylie, if an error occurs due to invalid Wylie, an error message is inserted into the text (rather than simply discarding the invalid input). 05.07.14 Bug Limitation: The ANSI Spell Checking DLL crashes on Win/98 - badly - causing a total system crash. This version of UDP disables ANSI Spell Checking on Win/98/ME until (and if) the problem can be solved. 05.07.13 Bug Fix: The inserting of a tag (05.07.11) was not available on the Tools menu if Options > Disable Tibetan/Dzongkha was checked. This is fixed. 05.07.12 If you double click an item in a dialog (e.g. Spell Check dialog) and that closes the dialog, UDP no longer gets confused and thinks the second mouse up was from a click in the window under the dialog. 05.07.11 Tools > Insert BASE in HTML can be used to insert a tag after the tag in HTML files. You will be prompted to enter the url. 05.07.10 The internal interface to the spell checking DLL has been made more efficient; the spell checking dialog is now modal to prevent accidentally changing the current selection in the file being spell checked. 05.07.09 If a misspelled word begins with an uppercase letter, the editable suggestion will now also begin with an uppercase letter. The FreeImage.dll is now unloaded when you close a file, thereby freeing up the memory it was using. This changes.txt file has been split; the changes prior to 2005/01/01 can be found in the chgsold.txt in your installation folder. 05.07.08 Bug Fix: When you move your cursor anywhere over a "Left Aligned" image that has been shrunk, The cursor turns into a pointing finger so that you know that the image can be clicked image to view the image full size. 05.07.07 If you place the caret After a ( ) [ ] { or } and press Ctrl+] UDP will find the matching 'encloser'. If you press Shift+Ctrl+] UDP will mark all the enclosed text. The Go > Go to Matching ( ) [ ] { } menu item is the same as pressing Ctrl+] To simulate Shift+Ctrl+] hold down the Shift key while activating this menu item. Bug Fix: "Left Aligned" images that have been shrunk can now be clicked anywhere on the image to view the image full size. Bug Fix: Pressing the End key with the cursor not on the UDP window no longer marks to the end of the line (unless of course the Shift key is also depressed). This bug was introduced in 05.07.06 - and is now fixed. 05.07.06 "Left Aligned" images are now shrunk to be no wider than 3/4 the width of the window. This fixes the problem with the text to the right of a large image being distorted when the width of the image was only slightly less than the width of the window. Bug Fixes: Several minor glitches in scrolling and in displaying images have been fixed. BUG FIX: FreeImage.DLL has been updated so that UDP no longer crashes if you insert or view a GIF on Win/98/ME. You need to download and install dated 2005/10/07. 05.07.05 Bug Fix: If there were multiple large images on a single line, UDP would fail to change the cursor to the pointing finger on all except the first of these large images. This has been fixed. 05.07.04 BUG FIX: Sometimes, UDP would not print a Document. This has been fixed. Bug Fix: The accelerator for Format > Insert Image has been changed from Shift+Ctrl+G (which never worked) to Shift+Ctrl+I. You can generate a "left aligned" image that wraps the text on the right of the image until the text passes the bottom of the image or a Hard Return is found. Use Format > Aligned Image (Shift+Ctrl+L) to insert images you wish to have left aligned. This works the same as Format > Insert Image except a Hanging Indent is inserted immediately prior to the image. If the caret is not at the beginning of a line, a Hard Return is also inserted immediately prior to the Hanging Indent. See "Format - Aligned Image" for more info. 05.07.03 Bug Fix: If you make an image a hypertext link, the cursor turns into the usual pointing finger when you move you mouse over the image. If an image is not displayed full size because it is taller than 3/4 the height or wider than the width of the field or document; you can click that image and whatever program you have installed as the default for that type of image will be called upon to display the image. Recommended image program is IrfanView which you can download for free from 05.07.02 BUG FIX: A bug which made reading certain RTF files not work is now fixed. Bug Fix: If you save a file as a Rich Text File and you have no Tibetan in the file, no Tibetan font will be written in the RTF header. This means when you read the file back in, you will not get the taller Tibetan line spacing unless Options > New FIles Are is set to Tibetan and a font whose name contains "Unicode" is encountered in the RTF header. Bug Fix: If you change fonts using Options > Fonts, the line spacing now will be correct (rather than possibly leftover spacing from the previous fonts). 05.07.01 UDP now has limited support for inserting graphic images in a file. Use Format > Insert Image and choose the image to insert. Images larger than 3/4 the size of the data field will be shrunk to 3/4 the size of the data field. This feature requires installing See "Format - Insert Image" in the help system for more information. If you are typing near the end of a Document or Database field, the vertical scrollbar height is recomputed when necessary. This should eliminate any strangeness with scrolling when working near the end of a file/field. The system menu (that appears when you click the main window's icon) now has an Edit slideoff that duplicates the appropriate items of a command line (DOS box) system menu. This means Alt+Space;E;P is a shortcut for Edit > Paste. There is a new USMain.dic at This one is 4% smaller (and thus faster) because proper nouns ending in 's have been removed. This requires that the option Tools > Spelling Check > English Options > Accept apostrophe-s MUST be checked - which is done automatically upon install. If you don't want this checked, you should re-add the removed words by downloading and spell checking it with UDP. Bug Fix: If you use Options > Advanced > Disable Tibetan/Dzongkha to disable support for these, the Help system no longer hangs when you press F1. Bug Fix: A GDI leak has been plugged (resulting in lower memory usage). 05.06.04 Bug Fix: The first enhancement in 05.06.03 no longer adds 's to suggestions that don't begin with an uppercase letter. This prevents invalid suggestions like "their's" as a suggestion for "thier's" (the correct "theirs" will be one of the suggestion). 05.06.03 The Tools > Spelling Check > English dialog is now smart enough to add "'s" (if necessary) to the end of suggestions if the original word ends in "'s". The only exception is that "'s" is not added to suggestions that end in "s". Bug Fix: If Tools > Spelling Check > English > Google returns a word with a special character (such as an apostrophe), the special character is converted from "&#nn;" to the ANSI character (e.g. ' is convert to '). 05.06.02 If you use the Google button to get a spelling suggestion, the cursor turns into an hourglass while you wait. 05.06.01 The Tools > Spelling Check > English dialog now optionally has a Google button. Clicking this will cause UDP to request a spelling suggestion from Google. Of course you MUST be connected to the internet for this to work! You must download and install in order for the Google button to be displayed. You must also obtain a license key from Google by creating a Google Account - see the topic "Create a Google Account" at for details. See Tools > Spelling Check > English > Google in Help for more information. 05.05.11 Tools > Spelling Check > English can now optionally accept proper nouns that in in 's if the base word in found in the MAIN dictionary. In order to enable this option, use Tools > Spelling Check > English Options and check "Accept apostrophe-s as valid ending for all proper nouns". 05.05.10 Bug Fix: Tools > Spelling Check > English Options no longer crashes UDP if you have not installed the English dictionaries from 05.05.09 Tools > Spelling Check > English > Replace All has been implemented. 05.05.08 If you get the latest English dictionaries from the USCommon.dic will not be overwritten. The English Spelling Check Options dialog can now be displayed using Tools > Spelling Check > English Options. Tools > Spelling Check > English now handles the hyphens at 0x96, 0x97 & 0xAD. Shift+F7 is now a speedkey for Tools > Spelling Check > Tibetan. 05.05.07 Tools > Spelling Check > English now handles the quotes at 0x91 - 0x94 (the fancy quotes MS-Word likes to put in) correctly. 05.05.06 Tools > Spelling Check > English now handles 'single quoted' and "double quoted" strings correctly. 05.05.05 The English dictionaries have been updated. A number of improvements have been made to Tools > Spelling Check > English: - automatically ignores words beginning with "href=" and things line "b." and "c)" [single letter followed by a . or )] - is much smarter when checking abbreviations. However it's still not good at making suggestions for ones it can't find in the dictionary. if the abbreviation is correct, click Edit, add the missing period, click Add (any period back in your document will be detected and won't be doubled up). - Options > Ignore words in UPPERCASE now works correctly. - The weirdness with the caret (especially the bogus highlighting at the end of a line of text) after spell checking is fixed. - When a file's extension is HTM or HTML, Tools > Spelling Check > English automatically ignores all words in tags (other than in comments) - when it finds a < it skips to the next > 05.05.04 F7 is no longer File > Save; it is Spelling Check > English. If you still want F7 to File > Save, use Keyboard > Reassign Speedkeys to change it back. Tools > Tibetan Spelling Check menu item has been moved to Tools > Spelling Check > Tibetan. Spell checking for U.S. English has been added to UDP at Tools > Spelling Check > English with F7 as its speedkey. You must download and install to obtain the necessary dictionaries. Note: this is new code and probably still buggy - save your files before spell checking them!!! See "Tools - Spelling Check - English" in the Help system for more information. The Help file and this file have been spell checked (finally!). The name of HTML email file changed to HtmEmail.htm. This will only take effect after you use Notepad to edit your UDP.INI file and remove the line starting: MailFileName= from the [Datafiles] section. 05.05.03 Help system updated to reflect support for SSJ (aka Founder) font. 05.05.02 In Options > E-mail Options you can choose to send a file as Text only. This is particularly useful from FireFox with the ViewSourceWith Extension and UDP as the (or one of the) source viewer(s); this enables the Send Page fuctionality missing from FireFox when you choose to E-mail the source. (Note: unless a tag is used in the webpage you are sending, the relative URLs will not work correctly - but the text will all be present.) For details, see UDP uninstall will remove the SSJ.FUF (Founder font) file. 05.05.01 When you do a Search > Find (or Replace) and the screen needs to be scrolled more than one line to display what has been found, the line on which the search string is found is 1/4 of the way down the Data window. You can control the fraction used in the above change by setting the value DownScrnFraction in the [Search] section of the UDP,INI file equal to any value from 2 to 6 (inclusive) in order to have the found string appear at 1/2 to 1/6 of the way down the Data window. Default is 4, of course. When you scroll up or down using the PageUp or PageDown keys, the caret remains in the same relative position on the screen - tho perhaps moving left (for shorter lines) and up (at the end of the file/record). You can move the caret to the top, middle or bottom line of the screen (Documents) or Data Field (Databases) by using the new Go menu items: Go > Go Top, Go > Go Middle and Go > Go Bottom. The accelerators for these are Ctrl- Ctrl* and Ctrl+ on the numeric keypad. 05.04.05 The Shift+F10 key has been implemented as the standard context menu key for people who aren't using a mouse and don't have the so called Context Key. 05.04.04 When you save a file as HTML, if there are 2 Hard Returns in a row, UDP will now write

rather than

. Bug Fix: When you click on any line below the end of the current Document or current Record's Data, the caret is positioned at the end of the file or record rather than inside the last line. 05.04.03 BUG FIX: Importing RTF files from a directory other than the installation folder for UDP was resulting in a failure to convert non-ANSI fonts. This has been fixed. 05.04.02 Bug Fix: When Annotating a Protected file, the editing is turned on and off based on the beginning of a block of text rather than the end of such a block. 05.04.01 Bug Fix: The enabling/disabling of the Edit > Save Record menu item is fixed. In File > Properties, you can Allow Annotations for a Protected file. See Annotating Protected Files in the Help system for more info. 05.03.03 Protected files are now even more secure. 05.03.02 BUG FIX: Although the correct "key" was being created in version 05.03.01 if you saved a Protected with a key, UDP was still failing to allow the Protected file to be unlocked and saved as a unprotected file. This has been fixed. 05.03.01 BUG FIX: The fonts used for a Protected File no longer become scrambled if you use Options > Fonts to change fonts. You can now use File > SaveAs to create a Password Protected File. Use File > Properties beforehand to set the Protection Type to Password. You will then be prompted to enter the Password twice when you save the file as protected. When someone tries to open a Password Protected File, they will have to enter the password in a dialog before the file can be successfully opened. You can now use File > SaveAs to create a Protected File that can only be opened if it resides on a disk with a specific Serial Number. Use File > Properties beforehand to set the Protection Type to Disk Serial Number. You will then be prompted to enter the serial number of the target disk when you save the file as protected. The protected file can then only be opened if it reside on the disk (hard disk, floppy, CD) with the given serial number. If you set the File > Properties of a file to Password Protected, you can additionally create a "key" file that will allow you to "unprotect" the protected file if the "key" file resides in the same folder as the protected file. A "key" file has the same name as the protected file, but with the extension ".key". Note: creating a "key" file decreases the level of protection quite a bit; it is strongly suggested that you NOT generate "key" files for files that you will be distributing. Note that files created using any of the above 3 features CANNOT be read by UDP versions prior to 05.03.01. 05.02.10 If on the command line you enter a filename of the form file:///C:/folder/filename.ext UDP will automatically convert that name to the C:\folder\filename.ext format. This allows you to copy a local HTML address from your browser's Location field and paste it into a DOS box to run UDP. The File > Open dialog already correctly handles this type of format. Note that a file such as file:///C:/folder/index.html#name will also open correctly because the last # in a file:/// string is used as the string's end. The change made in version 05.02.08 has been enhanced so that all the ANSI Only options are applied, including using a Fixed Width font. 05.02.09 If you save a file and give its extension as one that you have indicated in the Options > Text Only dialog that you wish to treat as Text, yet you are saving it as a UDP Document, a warning dialog will appear and you can then change the type to Text if you so desire. If you use File > SaveAs on a file with extension HTM or HTML and the file is a Text file, the Save As Type will be "Text HTML (*.ht*)" and the dialog will filter on the *.ht* files. 05.02.08 If Options > Text > ANSI Only Extensions is an asterisk (*), then all File > New Documents are treated as Save As File Type = Text File by default. You can always use File > SaveAs to override this. 05.02.07 Improvment to the 2nd change in 05.02.06: Now if you start UDP with a non-existent htm or html file given on the command line, UDP will automatically save that file as an HTML file rather than as a TEXT file UNLESS that file contains " SaveAs to override this heuristic. 05.02.06 BUG FIX: UDP no longer inserts bogus blank lines after the first line of the header for an HTML file. If you start UDP with a non-existent htm or html file given on the command line, UDP will automatically save that file as an HTML file rather than as a TEXT file. 05.02.05 Support for converting Unicode RTF files to Multi-Byte Character Set files has been added to the UFarEast package in the form of the Uni2MBCS program. See "Converting Unicode RTF files to Multi-Byte Character Set files" in the Help system for more info. 05.02.04 For Documents, you can now have the page numbers printed at the bottom instead of the top. You can choose Centered or Left-then-Right or Right-then-Left, the latter two being useful for printing double-sided. See "File - Print Options" in the Help system for more info. 05.02.03 The speedkey for "Options - Show Margin Lines" is now L; the speedkey for "Options - At Startup" is now D. 05.02.02 BUG FIX: The wrong menu item was being removed from the Keyboard menu if you used Options > Advanced > Disable Tibetan/Dzongkha. This has been fixed. 05.02.01 For Tibetan keyboards, you can choose the underlying layout based on the keyboard layout for any input locale supported by Microsoft. The default is the layout of your default keyboard; you might find it more useful to use the American English layout since most Tibetan keyboards are based on this layout. To change to American English or some other layout, click "Keyboard - Set Base Tibetan Keyboard Layout". 05.01.06 BUG FIX: Initialization of the AV 'use' flags was broken. This is now fixed. 05.01.05 When creating a link for an Audio/Video file, you can tell UDP to play it using the builtin player. If you do so, you can also play only part of the Audio/Video file. See "Playing Sounds" & "Playing Videos" in the Help system. 05.01.04 BUG FIX: If a Hypertext Link was created with "HREF" rather than "href", the link was not being recognized. This has been fixed. Support for playing MP3 and WMA audio files (in addition to WAV files) has been added. See "Tools - Audio/Video Player" in the Help system for info. 05.01.03 BUG FIX: UDP no longer tries to open a non-existant file as a mapped file. If you enter the name of a file that doesn't exist, UDP treats it a File > New Document. This problem only occurred on Win/XP. 05.01.02 If the "Location" given for a Format > HypertextLink starts with ":UDP " (a colon, then uppercase UDP followed by a space), then the entire link will be run as if UDP was run from the command line. Example: :UDP c:\unicdocp\alltibsk.udc will display the file alltibsk.udc from c:\unicdocp in UDP. A new command line flag -[some string] has been added. When UDP is run with this flag, the text between the -[ and the ] is searched for in the file that follows on the command line. If the file is a Database, the key that starts with the string between -[ and ] is found; if the file is a Document, a Search > Find using Ignore Case is done. Examples: udp -[Kennsington Expert Mouse] changes.txt will find the above line. udp -[file - open] udp.hlo will display the "Find - Open" record in the UDP help file. These two features can be combined to create a Hypertext Link that opens a Database at the desired record. Example: :UDP -[file - open] c:\unicdocp\udp.hlo as the Location in Format > HypertextLink will create a link to the File - Open record in the Help file. Warning: Do NOT use the " character in any Location field. Also Tibetan, Diacritical & non-ANSI Unicode characters are NOT supported - only ANSI characters work in the current implementation. UDP now has the ability to import a non-ANSI text file; there must be a *.FUF file available to convert the text file to Unicode. The -t command line flag specifies the FUF filename. Example udp -t TIBETBT tibetbt.txt See "Text Files - Importing non-ANSI Text Files" in the Help system. When the -x automatic export flag is given, UDP runs minimized. Also the automatic export files are not saved in the INI file. UDP interprets X-Button1 and X-Button2 mouse clicks as Go > Back and Go > Forward. X-Buttons are generated by some mice/trackballs with more than two buttons (eg Kennsington Expert Mouse trackball in default configuration). Running UDP -? displays the command line options. See "Command Line Options" and "Exporting Automatically" in the Help system for details, however. 05.01.01 Search > Replace (Ctrl+H) has been sped up by the following changes: 1) painting only after every 256th replacement; 2) saving only one Undo buffer after "Yes to All" is chosen (for Documents); 3) smarter algorithm when replacement string is not longer than find string. BUG FIX: If you cancel a Search > Replace (Ctrl+H) before any replacements are made, the caret is returned to same selection as when you initiated the Search (rather than the beginning of the file or some random location). BUG FIX: In Search > Replace (Ctrl+H) cases where the replacement string was enough longer than the find string to cause a buffer expansion as the operation wrapped back to the beginning of the file, UDP would crash. This is now fixed. The Options > Fonts > Unicode Tibetan combobox now always contains entries for "Tibetan Machine Uni" and "TCRC Youtso Unicode" if these fonts are installed. Format > CharacterSets (Ctrl+A) now displays the 0F00-0FFF range when using "Tibetan Machine Uni" and "TCRC Youtso Unicode" with the correct vertical registration. 04.10.07 BUG FIX: UDP now correctly handles importing RTF files where a font is used both as a Multi-byte character set and as a Unicode character set. 04.10.06 Cleanup of FUF file for Multi-byte character sets. This includes both udp0410.exe and ufareast.exe. Additional info on Importing and Export has been added to the help files. See "Making New Files - by Importing" and "Types of Files that can be Created". 04.10.05 Added support for importing RTF files using Samw and Sama, Samb & Samc fonts. Any font resizing needed when calling PechaMaker is done more efficiently. 04.10.04 The interface to downloading the latest version of PechaMaker has been enhanced to be less intrusive. 04.10.03 BUG FIX: If you call PechaMaker using a different Tibetan font from the one currently being used in UDP, the sizes in PechaMaker are now always correct. BUG FIX: If you have a Unicode Tibetan font set and use File > Save As to write an 8-bit RTF file, UDP no longer writes garbage but now uses the 8-bit font chosen in Options > PechaMaker Options for the Tibetan font. BUG FIX: If you use small fonts in Windows, there were a few dialogs where some text was truncated. This has been fixed. 04.10.02 BUG FIX: If you tried to copy a single Format Marker (bold, small-font, etc) to the clipboard, you would receive a bogus "Unicode copy fails" message. That message no longer appears. The Options > PechaMaker Options dialog has been enhanced. See Options - PechaMaker Options in the Help system for more info. The RTF fix in 04.09.14 has been enhanced to handle 2048 fonts but with only half the previous memory usage. 04.10.01 Support for calling PechaMaker from has been added. Click Files > Pecha to pass the current file to PechaMaker. See File - Pecha for more info. 04.09.14 BUG FIX: The number of possible fonts in an RTF file has been increased from 128 to 1024. This fixes crashes due to RTF files generated by MS-Word having a totally ridiculous font header which includes all fonts on the system no matter how few are actually used in the RTF file. 04.09.13 Support for importing the following OEM codepages has been added: 437 (US) 850 (Europe) 10000 (Macintosh) The value used for non-US locales when importing RTF charset=255 is 850. 04.09.12 Support for importing the following codepages has been added: 874 (Thai) 1258 (Vietnamese) 1250 (Eastern European) 1251 (Cyrillic) 1253 (Greek) 1254 (Turkish) 1255 (Hebrew) 1256 (Arabic) 1257 (Baltic) 04.09.11 BUG FIX: Importing RTF files containing TibetanMachineSkt* fonts was broken. This has been fixed. BUG FIX: UDP no longer hangs if you give it an invalid command line flag. Support for importing Korean Hangul data has been added. This requires downloading and installing "ufareast.exe" dated 2004/12/12 or later. 04.09.10 Support for importing Japanese Shift-Jis data has been added. This requires downloading and installing "ufareast.exe" dated 2004/12/09 or later. BUG FIX: UDP would crash if you attempted to use File > Open > Import Text on a Multi-byte characterset text file as the first operation. This is fixed. 04.09.09 BUG FIX: Better fix for the Options > Fonts dialog bug fixed in 04.09.08. Documentation for adding Uniscribe (USP10.DLL) version 1.0471.4030.0 or later has been added. This makes Unicode Tibetan display correctly on Win/XP - SP2. See "Uniscribe Support" in the Help system. 04.09.08 BUG FIX: The Options > Fonts dialog will not longer mistakenly initially set the Tibetan font selection to a disabled radio button. BUG FIX: The handling of TABs in Wylie and ACIP conversions has been fixed. 04.09.07 BUG FIX: If a font was given twice in an RTF header, UDP could become confused about the charset for the font. This has been fixed. BUG FIX: If an RTF file with a multi-byte Tibetan font contained non-Tibetan multi-byte characters followed immediately by Tibetan characters expressed in RTF-Unicode notation, UDP was not recognizing the change to Tibetan and imported the Tibetan as garbage. This has been fixed. 04.09.06 BUG FIX: Reading RTF files and clipboard data has been broken since version 04.08.01 if the RTF data contained a center, bold, strikeout, underline or italic block of text - garbage character(s) would be written at the beginning and after the end of the block. This has been fixed. BUG FIX: Occasionally UDP would crash when pasting Unicode Text into a Database. This has been fixed. BUG FIX: In-line Tibetan Unicode email was broken on some email clients because of the long lines generated. This has been fixed with an ugly hack. BUG FIX: The "_top" no longer shows in the status line of UDP for hypertext links that have the target="_top" attribute. In Options > Html Options, the new "Use non-standard tag" can help with line wrapping at tshegs in both HTML and Tibetan email. 04.09.05 The Format > HypertextLink (Shift+Ctrl+L) dialog now provides the option to automatically add to links the "frame buster" attribute >>target="_top"<<. This can be limited to *.htm and *.html files only if desired. 04.09.04 BUG FIX: Edit > Copy Entire Record was failing the RTF format creation if the RTF copy used Unicode Tibetan fonts. This has been fixed. BUG FIX: When exporting Tibetan to WordPerfect 6 format, Tibetan non-breaking spaces are converted into normal Tibetan spaces which WP6 requires. 04.09.03 "Edit - Copy Special" can be configured using "Options - Copy Options" as to whether or not to create CF_UNICODETEXT (as well as CF_TEXT and CF_RTF). See the note in the help system at "Options - Copy Options" for more info. 04.09.02 When UDP copys to the clipboard, it now includes CF_UNICODETEXT as well as RTF, CF_TEXT and UDP's own format. This means you can copy data to Unicode programs like BabelPad. 04.09.01 When pasting from the clipboard, UDP uses CF_UNICODETEXT rather than CF_TEXT if CF_UNICODETEXT is an available format. This means you can paste correctly from Unicode programs like BabelPad. A new file compression program (7-Zip at has been used to create the installer package resulting in a 15% saving in size. 04.08.09 When importing a file that has Tibetan characters defined by a Multi-Byte Character Set with code page 936 or 950 (such as TIBETBT or SetA) and a character is encountered that is not in the FUF file for that font, the character will be converted using 936.FUF or 950.FUF as appropriate. 04.08.08 Far East support has been added to UDP for importing Multi-Byte Character Set files such as those based on TIBETBT or Chinese GB2312 or BIG5 fonts. Download and run the ufareast.exe self installing package. File > Open > Import Text Files now works correctly for text files that are composed of all characters from a single font for which there is a FUF file. See "Text Files - Importing from Multi-Byte Character Sets" and "File - Open - Import Text Files" in the Help system for more information. The file FIFILTER.TXT can be used to remove fonts from the dropdown box in the dialog that appears after See File > Open > Import Text Files is selected. However, FIFILTER.TXT is overwritten by each install - plan accordingly if you modify this file. 04.08.05 - 04.08.07 BUG FIX: UDP no longer appends an extra line at the end of text files. BUG FIX: ATM font support has been improved. However, it is recommended that, given a choice, you always choose TTF fonts over ATM fonts when possible. 04.08.04 UDP now imports codepage 936 Chinese fonts (such as SimSun-18030) automatically if the 936.FUF file is present in the UDP install directory. 04.08.03 The text files FUFXREF*.TXT allow multiple fonts to use a single FUF file. There are entries for the Ededris-* fonts so they use the corresponding Dedris-* FUF file. Entries can be added to FUFXREF2.TXT so that "Set A" fonts use the CNSTSetA.FUF file. See "Importing via FUF Files" for more info. If UDP encounters an RTF file with a font using codepage 950 (Chinese Big5) and the 950.FUF file is present, UDP will ask you whether the font is a "Set A" font or a Chinese font and modify FUFXREF2.TXT accordingly. If 950.FUF is not present, UDP will silently modify FUFXREF2.TXT to use the CNSTSetA.FUF file for that font. 04.08.02 BUG FIX: Improved support for the "Set A" fonts and FUF files base on Charsets 936 and 950. 04.08.01 Added support for importing RTF files using the "P.R.C. National Standard for Tibetan (Extension A)" (aka "Set A") and TIBETBT fonts. 04.07.07 BUG FIX: The Dedris-*.fuf files were misnamed Dededris-*.fuf. This is fixed. 04.07.02 - 04.07.06 UDP can now import RTF files based on the Sambhota Ededris and Dededris font sets. It uses one *.FUF file per 8-bit font. UDP can import via FUF files not only 8-bit fonts, but also multibyte fonts from the following charsets: SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, HANGEUL_CHARSET, HANGUL_CHARSET, GB2312_CHARSET and CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET. See the Help topic "Importing via FUF Files" for more information. UDP now supports the zero-width space Unicode character (0x200B) even if the selected Unicode font does not. When reading in an RTF file that was given on the command line, UDP will now show its main window immediately so the progress bar at the bottom can be seen. 04.07.01 BUG FIX: The install is now smarter about finding the "Desktop" and "Start Menu\Programs" folders in which it creates the icons. It looks in the Registry rather than relying on constants. 04.06.10 BUG FIX: UDP now displays arbitrary stacks (stacks not supported by the TibetanMachine font set) correctly when the Tibetan font is a Unicode font. 04.06.09 Tibetan Machine Uni is now available from the University of Virginia and is the best choice for a Unicode Tibetan font. UDP is being optimized to use it. Download it from The installer now writes a log file call "Install.log" in the folder where UDP is installed. If you have problems with an install, please ZIP this file and email it along with you problem description. 04.06.08 BUG FIX: The automatic export functionality (-x flag) was broken in version 04.06.07. It has now been fixed: the "urtf" flag has been replaced by the "crtf" flag. 04.06.07 You can now control whether a command line automatic export to a RTF file is 8-bit or Unicode. If the current Tibetan font is Unicode, the RTF output will always be Unicode. If the current Tibetan font is not Unicode, you can use the ctrf flag (e.g. udp -x ctrf WpDzongkha.wp6) to force the RTF output to Unicode using the Unicode Tibetan font chosen in Options > Fonts See "Exporting Automatically or Command Line Export" in the Help system. 04.06.06 BUG FIX: The command line "udp -x utx SourceFile.ext" now once again works correctly in that it reads in SourceFile.ext and writes SourceFile.utx as a Unicode Text file. BUG FIX: When a file containing Tibetan is written to Unicode RTF, any Tibetan spaces or Tibetan non-breaking spaces are written using the Tibetan font. If a Unicode Tibetan font has been chosen, any Tibetan spaces or non-breaking Tibetan spaces are displayed at least 4 times wider than a non-Tibetan Uniocode space if Options > Advanced > Wide (Pecha) spaces have been chosen. The Options > Advanced dialog now has an option to disable Tibetan Unicode non-breaking spaces. If "Allow non-breaking spaces in Tibetan Unicode" is NOT checked, all Tibetan Unicode non-breaking spaces will be converted to normal spaces. This may be useful when exporting Tibetan to RTF or other formats to be read by programs that don't know to wrap at tshegs. 04.06.05 BUG FIX: The Format > Text Colors > Red now works properly if the red text spans multiple lines. 04.06.04 The Format menu in the Search > Find dialog has been enhanced: The Text Colors and the Hypertext Link marker are now available and the speedkeys have been made the same as on the main Format menu. 04.06.03 The operation of the font sizes combo boxes in the Options > Font dialog has been cleaned up. Now you can type in a font size or use the up and down arrows to select the font size or use the dropdown to select the font size. The font used in the dialog boxes is now smaller and more closely matches the one used by the Microsoft dialog boxes such as File > Open. Unused menu items are now deleted from the keyboard help screen. 04.06.02 The Options > Set Braille Font dialog has been expanded to an new Options > Braille Options dialog which contains all the options you will want to set to configure UDP so it supports Braille. 04.06.01 There is a new Format > Text Colors submenu that allows you to change the text color of the selected text. The 3 current choices are Red, Light Gray and Hidden. 04.05.06 BUG FIX: The "Options - Fonts - Advanced" dialog works correctly again. The vertical spacing of Unicode Tibetan font has been enhanced. 04.05.05 The Main Menu has a new Keyboard submenu that consists of all nine keyboard options that formerly were on the Options menu. The remaining items on the Options menu have been slightly rearranged. There is a new section in the Options menu for Braille options. This contains the previously existing "Braille Display" and two new Braille options: 1) "Set Braille Font" which leads to a dialog where you can choose the Braille font to use (this has been removed from the Options > Font > Advanced dialog); 2) "Use Braille Font" which a toggle that enables/disables the chosen Braille font. Of course "Options - Braille Display" must also be toggled on. 04.05.04 File > Save As has a File Type of "WordPerfect 6.x for DOS" which will write the current file so it can be imported into WordPerfect for DOS. Note that only ANSI, Tibetan and Sanskrit Diacritical characters are exported; any other characters are written as a upsidedown question mark character. 04.05.03 BUG FIX: Still more cleanup of non-breaking spaces - in Tibetan this time. File > Open has a File Type of "Braille Tibetan" which will read in a Text file and convert it to Tibetan. The file can have both Tibetan and ANSI characters but it is assumed to start with Tibetan and have all language changes marked by an apostrophe ('). File > Save As has a File Type of "Braille Tibetan" which will write the current file as a Text file with the Tibetan encoded as ASCII that represents Tibetan Braille. The file can have both Tibetan and ANSI characters and all language changes are marked by an apostrophe ('). 04.05.02 If you are in ACIP or Wylie keyboard mode and type the Backspace key, and the previous character is a marker (§), that marker will not be erased, but the character before the marker will be erased. This should make it easier to make corrections in ACIP/Wylie keyboard mode. The Braille Without Borders keyboard has been enhanced so that #a - #j generate the Tibetan numbers 1 - 0. The Braille Without Borders keyboard has been enhanced so that (- generates a Tibetan ( and -) generates a Tibetan ). Options > Display Braille now correctly displays Tibetan numbers with only a single # at the start of the number (eg #123 rather than #1#2#3). 04.05.01 When Options > Rollover Keyboard is enabled, the spacebar functions as the Control key if other keys are press with it (eg [spacebar]+f = ^A). If no other key are press with the spacebar, the spacebar generates a space character as usual. 04.04.10 In the UDP.INI file, you can adjust the width of a space character when the "Options - Braille Display" is enabled. Under the [Spacing] group find the BrailleSpaceAdj=100 entry. The 100 is 100% (i.e. no change); to double the width of a space character, change the 100 to 200, etc. Use Notepad to edit the UDP.INI file - not UDP itself! 04.04.09 BUG FIX: More cleanup of non-breaking spaces - in ANSI this time. 04.04.08 There are now 2 built in Rollover Keyboards: a European Braille layout and an American Braille layout. You can also load a Custom layout. See "Options - Rollover Keyboard Layout" in the Help system for more information. "Options - Copy Options - Text Copy Format" now has a "Keep Tibetan" checkbox for the ANSI radio selection that allows you to retain the ANSI encoded Tibetan characters from the primary Tibetan font. See Help for more info. "Edit - Paste Keystrokes" is a new, experimental menu choice that will take the characters in the clipboard and paste them in just as tho you had typed those characters on the keyboard. It is useful for importing existing Tibetan Braille files. 04.04.07 You can choose a Braille font in the dialog at "Options - Fonts - Advanced". You can enable/disable displaying in Braille with the "Options - Braille Display" menu item. See the Help system for these menu item for more info. 04.04.06 You can user "Options - Copy Options" to choose between ANSI text and ASCII Braille text. See the Help system for "Options - Copy Options". BUG FIX: The Tools > Insert Footnote menu item is no longer removed if you turn off support for Tibetan using Options > Advanced > Disable Tibetan. The useless Tools > Convert Selected Data submenu is now removed instead. BUG FIX: Non-breaking spaces are now displayed correctly when using Unicode Tibetan fonts. 04.04.05 The Braille Without Borders (BWB) Tibetan keyboard as been implemented as a new option under "Options - Tibetan Keyboard Layout". "Options - Rollover Keyboard" should be enabled for this to work properly. [Notes: If your current Tibetan keyboard is a Custom keyboard, you will need to reselect "Options - Tibetan Keyboard Layout - Custom". Not all Tibetan keyboard characters have been implemented so far.] BUG FIX: The dialog that asks if you want to convert to Tibetan line spacing now only appears when it should (rather than at times when the question can be irrelevant). 04.04.04 Experimental version 04.04.03 In the TCC Keyboard Layout #1, the < key generates a (stacked) latag, similar to the way M and V generate (stacked) ratag and yatag. 04.04.02 Rollover Keyboard support has been extended to all the fields that can accept Tibetan including: Documents, Database Keys, Database Data and the text fields in the Find and Find/Replace dialogs. A bug where the loading of rollover keyboard layout files was disabled after turning off Tibetan in Options > Advanced has been fixed. 04.04.01 Support for Rollover Keyboards has been added to UDP. See "Rollover Keyboards" "Options - Rollover Keyboard Layout" and "Options - Rollover Keyboard" in the Help system for more details. 04.03.01 BUG FIX: Due to some bug in the interface between Win/XP and the TCC fonts (TibetanMachine, etc), the character at 133 was not being displayed using the Uniocde TextOutW function. So TCC fonts are now written using the ANSI TextOut function which makes character 133 appear correctly. 04.02.01 When a Document is initially displayed or a Database Record is initially displayed, UDP calculates the line structure for the entire Document or Record which yields a more accurate thumb size for the vertical scrollbar. This calculation is done after the data is displayed and is interruptable with a mouse click or a keystroke; however, unless the Document or Record is huge and/or the CPU is slow, the time to do this calculation is not noticeable. 04.01.12 BUG FIX: The problem has been fixed where scrolling sometimes didn't work when using the vertical scroll bar on large documents. 04.01.11 BUG FIX: The Wylie import routine now correctly handles g.y. 04.01.10 UDP works well with the TCRC Youtso Unicode font from A bug where shad-space-space-shad was sometimes incorrectly imported as shad-space-wazur-shad has been fixed. 04.01.09 Find & Replace is smarter and does not unnecessarily scroll the screen if the replacement occurs on the visible part of a Document. Tools > Uppdercase and Tools > Lowercase also do not unnecessarily scroll the screen. 04.01.08 Minor BUG FIX in the Custom Unicode keyboard routine. 04.01.07 Custom Unicode keyboards MathKBD.txt, HindiKBD.txt and Devanagari.txt are provided in the installation package. The serve as samples of custom Unicode keyboards as well as fully functioning. You can pass multiple characters in a single keystroke in a custom Unicode keyboard - see the KbdTemplate.txt file for more information and the HindiKBD.txt and Devanagari.txt for working examples. In custom Unicode keyboard file, if you set a key value to 0 for a Normal or a Shift key, then the key is a dead key that beeps if you type it. If you open a New Document file and then close it with no characters currently in that file, UDP will abandon that empty file without asking if you want to save it. 04.01.06 If you load a Custom Unicode keyboard, you can now use the toolbar's combobox to switch to it, or to switch back to the system's installed Unicode keyboard. 04.01.05 BUG FIX: If you read a text-only file (as specified by the extensions in Options > TextOnly), the correct font size will be used instead of defaulting to 12. This fixes a regression introduced in 04.01.02. BUG FIX: A fatal error when reading a protected file whose size is "just wrong" has been fixed. This fixes the fatal error in reading the help file. 04.01.04 When you activate a Custom Unicode Keyboard and then click Help > Keyboard Map or press Ctrl+K, a dialog appears with the keyboard layout for the Custom Unicode Keyboard. 04.01.03 Support for Custom Unicode Keyboards has been added. See the topic Custom Unicode Keyboards in the Help system for more details. 04.01.02 BUG FIX: The default ANSI size is now correctly set to 12 instead of 0. This means that an RTF export upon initially installing will no longer be tiny. 04.01.01 Initial Release. This is the original version of UDP. The version number has the following meaning: the 00 is the last 2 digits of the year this version was released; the 1st 01 is the major version; the second 01 is the build number/minor version number.