akālika without involving time
anicca inconstancy, ever-changing, impermanent
anattā literally not-self; coreless, empty
arahant a fully awakened one, a fully liberated one
āsava intoxicant; also translated as outflow, influx, effluent, canker, taint
āsavakkhaye ñāṇa the knowledge of the destruction of the āsavas
attā self, ego, personality, in Buddhism a mere conventional expression, and not a designation for anything really existing, often synonymous with soul
avijjā ignorance
āyatana sphere of perception or sense in general
āyatanāni plural of āyatana often referring to the 6 senses (salāyatanā)
bhāva becoming
bhavataṇhā craving for becoming
brahma-vihāra one of four meditation practices of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity
bhikkhu a Buddhist monk
deva heavenly being
dhammā phenomena
Dhamma the teaching of the Buddha and also the way things truly are
dukkha bummer, unsatisfactoriness, stress, suffering
idappaccayatā this-that conditionality; literally: having its foundation in this
idappaccayatāpaṭiccasamuppādo this-that conditionality, dependent origination
jāti birth
jhāna literally: meditation; one of four (later eight) states of concentration
kamma (Pāli) / karma (Sanskrit) action, deed, doing
kāmataṇhā sensual craving
kāraṇa (Sanskrit) constituent, reason, cause
khandha one of the five aggregates: rūpa, vedanā, saññā, saṅkhārā & viññāṇa
maraṇa death
mettā loving-kindness, unconditional love
nāmarūpa name-and-form, sometimes translated as mind-and-body or mentality-and-materiality, especially in the context of dependent origination
nibbāna (Pāli) / nirvana (Sanskrit) literally not burning, i.e., not burning with the fires of greed, hate, or delusion; the goal of the holy life, the realization that brings an end to dukkha
nibbidā disenchantment
pāmojja gladness, worldly joy
paññā wisdom
papañca mental proliferation
passaddhi tranquility
paṭiccasamuppāda dependent origination
phassa contact, sense-contact
pīti glee, rapture
rūpa materiality, body
salāyatanā the six sense organs and the six sense objects (see also āyatana)
saṃsāra worldly existence, the indefinitely repeating cycles of birth, dukkha, and death
saddhā usually translated as faith but perhaps more accurately as confidence or trust
samādhi indistractability, concentration
samuppāda origin, arising, genesis, coming to be, production
saṃvega spiritual urgency
sandiṭṭhika visible here and now
saṅkhāra concoction, fabrication
saññā perception, conceptualization, naming, identifying
sati mindfulness, remembering to be here now
sukha happiness/joy
sukha & dukkha pleasure and pain
sutta discourse, teaching
Suttas the second division of the Pāli Canon, consisting of discourses given by the Buddha or his closest disciples
taṇhā craving (literally thirst)
Tathāgata one arrived at suchness, a fully awakened one
udāna exclamation, inspired utterance
upādāna clinging, also fuel
uppāda coming into existence, appearance, birth
upekkhā equanimity (literally gaze upon)
vedanā initial automatic mental response to sensory inputs as pleasant, unpleasant or neither-pleasant-nor-unpleasant; valence, feeling (but not emotion!)
vicāra examining
vimutti release, deliverance, emancipation, liberation
vipassanā insight, an understood experience
virāga dispassion, literally not-colored
viññāṇa consciousness; occasionally it means mind; literally divided knowing
yathābhūtañāṇadassana knowing and seeing things as they are, knowing and seeing what's actually happening