Loving-Kindness Meditation

Golden Light
Version 3

A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema

In order to start, please put the attention on the breath for just a few moments.

We値l imagine that we have a beautiful white lotus flower growing in our heart which slowly opens its petals until it痴 fully open and a golden stream of light comes out of the center of this beautiful flower and fills us from head to toe with warmth and light and surrounds us completely with a feeling of wellbeing and being protected.

Now we let the golden stream of light in through the center of our hearts reach out to the person sitting nearest us and filling him or her with the warmth and the light from our hearts, surrounding him or her with that golden stream of light, giving the gift of our heart.

And we think of our parents and we let the golden stream of light from the center of our heart reach out to their hearts filling them with love and light, embracing them with warmth and care and feeling the joy that it brings to them.

We値l think of our nearest and dearest people, those that we might live with, and we let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out and extend to their hearts giving them the greatest gift we have, the warmth and the light from our hearts, without expecting anything in return.

And we値l think about friends and relations, acquaintances, whoever comes to mind, and we let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to their hearts filling them with the warmth from our hearts, showing them our togetherness, our care and concern and feeling the joy that it brings them.

And we値l think of the people who we meet in our everyday lives, whoever we can think of, neighbors, people we work with, anyone who appears in our daily lives and is an important aspect of our lives. We let the golden stream of light from the center of our heart reach out to their hearts giving them the gift of our hearts, the warmth, the light, the purity, filling them and embracing them with that one stream of light, realizing our togetherness.

We値l think of anyone whom we find difficult or who finds us difficult, or anyone towards whom we feel quite indifferent. And we let the golden stream of light from the center of our heart reach out to that person filling him or her with warmth and light, with care and concern, and embracing that person with a golden stream of light as a pure gift from our hearts.

Now we open our hearts as wide as possible and we let the golden stream of light flow out of it like a river that goes over its banks, bringing with it the love and the warmth from our hearts, touching as many people as possible. First all those who are present here, and then all those who are present in the monastery, thinking also of those who are present here during the day, then going further a field letting this golden stream of light flow further to the people in the surrounding village, and further in other villages and towns and cities, letting this golden stream of light of love and care cover the whole country bringing love and light to as many hearts as possible. And going further and further to the surrounding country across the oceans to all the continents being a source of goodness and love for people everywhere.

We will put the attention back on ourselves and become aware of the joy and the happiness that arrives when we can love and give and we fill ourselves with a golden stream of light from head to toe and surround ourselves with it, feeling the buoyancy, the joy, and the wellbeing. And we let the golden stream of light go back inside the lotus flower which closes its petals and then we anchor the lotus flower in our heart so that we may become one with it.

May people everywhere have love in their heart.

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